Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1279: delicate situation

Chapter 1308 The delicate situation (please subscribe, please recommend)


But at this moment, Team B also suddenly dispersed. But they didn't just disperse in close combat like the previous A team. Instead, all five of them dispersed. Everyone's positions were very orderly, and they formed a perfect circle when Sun Xiang landed. Perfectly surrounded One Autumn Leaf in the middle.

The last moment, Sun Xiang was still in a supernatural state, but after Team B took the initiative to disperse, the state of mass was reversed in one direction. It was like falling into an abyss.


Douba mountains and rivers are wrapped in huge magic, and their fighting spirit fluctuates. The earth, which was directly shocked, lifted the skull of Mother Earth very filially. But even though his aura was quite sufficient, there was not a single figure within his skill range, and some only had the skill of Dou Po Shanhe and other skills.

You must know that just like team A does not lack melee occupations, team B does not seek long-range. The rangers on Happy's side, after Tang Yin fired a sniper rifle, had a burst of output against Sun Xiang who was stunned. And all this attack came too fast. Tang Yin turned around and shot him in the head even before he could recruit any skills on his side. Then came the indiscriminate bombardment by Mucheng and Wang Jiexi. He was not given a chance to dodge at all, even if he was in a dizzy state, he was already suppressed by the opponent's firepower.

In the face of Wang Jiexi and Mucheng's coordinated attacks, although their personal damage remains the same, the effects of relying on their skills are completely different. Compensating for the suppression caused by the neutral block can make the skill effects of both sides even greater, but it is he who is suppressed. Among these skills, Da Mo Guyan and Lord Grim had also already killed him. And Tang Yin, apart from the sniper rifle he started, did his best to block the support of Team A.

Tigers dance!

Facts have proved that Tang Yin's blocking is effective. Even if Huang Shaotian used the violent Slashing Slash directly, he couldn't kill Pair B, but Han Wenqing's ultimate move, Tiger Dance, had already landed on One Autumn Leaf. On the other hand, Ye Xiu had a lot of low-level skills. For high-level skills on weapons, the skill level is only one level, which results in limited output. So he simply went directly to the other side of Sun Xiang, the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella in his hand kept changing, and the intensive skills were hit like raindrops by him.

I have to admit that the one who understands you best is always your opponent. Although it was the first time that they had cooperated in a professional game, this wave of Han Wenqing and Ye Xiu was very precise. But a little damage is far from enough. You must know that there is Zhou Zekai on the opposite side, even if Tang Yin tries to stop Huang Shaotian and Tang Hao under the cover of Zhou Zekai, even if Tang Yin tries to use his full speed.

And the most troublesome thing was not Huang Shaotian who was about to get close, but Zhou Zekai, who was also bursting with speed and had already started to suppress Tang Yin.

As Sun Xiang's current teammate, the best partner. He started to erupt as soon as he found out that Sun Xiang was trapped, and relying on Tang Yin and Huang Shaotian's advantage, he directly suppressed Tang Yin's firepower.


Both Tang Yin and Zhou Zekai used this skill. Once the skill was activated, their attack rating and attack speed both increased by a level. However, this time, the two people's random shooting has different uses. Tang Yin will shoot the random shooting into three lines of fire, Huang Shaotian, Zhou Zekai, and Tang Hao, each one.

However, Zhou Zekai directly directed the indiscriminate fire in one direction, relying on his own advantages throughout the entire process to attack Sun Xiang's side.

In the face of Zhou Zekai's almost life-threatening rescue, if he wanted to avoid the opponent's attack, he could only leave Sun Xiang's One Autumn Leaf behind. But this player is obviously not what Team B wants. Han Wenqing's fierce tiger dance was still waving non-stop. Turning a blind eye to the attack of Cloud Piercer.

There is no other reason, because of trust!

He and Ye Xiuming had been fighting secretly for so many years, although everyone didn't forgive each other, but at this moment he trusted Ye Xiu very much. He believed that Ye Xiu could handle this level of attack. So he handed this attack to Ye Xiu, and he continued his output.


Seeing that Ye Xiu opened the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella directly, he turned his fan towards this barrage of barrage that Zhou Zekai was fighting against. Directly guarding between Han Wenqing and Zhou Zekai, blocking all of Zhou Zekai's attacks!

"The output is increasing, earning back the blood!" Ye Xiu said.

Although shield cover can resist a certain amount of damage, it is not 100% defense after all. As for how much damage it can block, it depends on the attributes and weight of the equipment. Calculate how much damage can be blocked.

As far as the weight of the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella is used to block the shield, in fact, the defense he can provide is very limited. Fortunately, the attributes of the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella are excellent now. Now the 75th level Umbrella has 68% defense enhancement and 40% damage absorption in shield form.

Although the shield form of the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella has no other attributes except for these two special attributes, these two effects are attributes used when resisting the opponent's attack. Even a sharpshooter with a peak of glory like One Shot Cloud Piercer's violence-dumping profession couldn't easily break Ye Xiu's defense.

But just because it's not that simple doesn't mean there's no harm. UU reading www. uukanshu. On the contrary, because of Zhou Zekai's high-frequency operations, the indiscriminate firing of bullets was also consuming Lord Grim's life, and this was an exchange, using Lord Grim's HP for One Autumn Leaf's HP.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the arena was a bit strange for a while. You must know that the two characters being attacked now have a constant relationship with Ye Xiu. But now the two characters are engaged in the most brutal life exchange in Alliance teamfights. And one of the executors was Han Wenqing, Ye Xiu's opponent for so many years, and Han Wenqing was still fighting One Autumn Leaf. This kind of picture is a little subtle for a while.

But the eternal pinnacle of Team A was not only Zhou Zekai, but also Huang Shaotian, an opportunist who could never be ignored. And now Tang Yin, who needs to divide the ballistic into three points, is his chance.

Three consecutive slashes, and the last slash went straight to Tang Yin. Of course, Tang Yin couldn't let himself be knocked into the air at this time. He could only stop shooting randomly. Very reluctantly, it was Huang Shaotian's sword-drawn slash.

And Huang Shaotian, who rescued Zhou Zekai, did not continue to entangle with Tang Yin. He resisted Tang Yin who wanted to stop him again with a few bullets, and took this opportunity to cut directly in front of Lord Grim.

Because he wanted to resist Zhou Zekai's attack, Ye Xiu had to completely cover his field of vision with an umbrella shield, otherwise he would most likely be shot in the head. And this is what Huang Shaotian can use!


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(End of this chapter)


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