Full-time Occupation

Chapter 80: 2 teams of true core

Relying on this, Huang Shaotian quickly got close with the cover of the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella Shield.

"Shaotian Xiaoyin!" But just when Huang Shaotian felt that his plan was about to succeed, the voice of his own captain Yu Wenzhou came from behind him. Now Soksar is still standing at a relatively long distance, and it is precisely because of this that he can observe the audience more clearly. And he soon discovered that the opportunity Huang Shaotian seized was actually a trap set up by the other party.

And Huang Shaotian had absolute 100% trust in his own captain, so after hearing his own captain's reminder, he directly controlled his character to move around. That's right, Huang Shaotian has no plans to stop. Now that both sides have reached this stage, it is better to continue to attack. As for the things that the captain of his own family makes him be careful about, it is nothing more than a blind battle with tired shields. If you move first to avoid Ye Xiu's attack range, will you be unable to dodge?

And the facts proved that Huang Shaotian really couldn't escape.

Because he had just evacuated half a step, an ice-blue grenade had already fallen at his feet.

"Damn it!" Huang Shaotian, who had just finished the displacement and ended up in the range of Tang Yin's grenade, said directly and depressedly. And Tang Yin used Huang Shaotian's idea that it was just Ye Xiudun's blind tactics, and threw a frozen grenade from the other side.

In fact, this was a major mistake of Team A. They mainly targeted Ye Xiu from the beginning, but in fact, the core of the opening was Tang Yin, who was the door to their battle formation. It was up to him to decide who to let in, and Ye Xiu was the bait, and the current confrontation with Zhou Zekai was nothing more than a trick.

And Ye Yu, who had just been frozen into an ice sculpture, was annoyed by the next moment, and was directly penetrated by a beam of light, directly knocking him out of the frozen state.

Laser Cannon!

It was this wave of accessories played by Mucheng, who had a very high level of cooperation with Tang Yin and Ye Xiu. This wave of three people's cooperation can be said to be very good, showing that the blind shield battle attracted the attention of the opponent, and then Tang Yin's grenade With a sneak attack, Mucheng will make up for the damage from a distance.

"You guys still want to play sneak attack, do you want to be so naive?" Ye Xiu said with a smile, knowing that Huang Shaotian was blown away by Mucheng.

"Just play the game, why are you talking so much nonsense?" Huang Shaotian yelled.

"No, Shaotian, is this right for you?" Tang Yin said in a speechless tone, Huang Shaotian told others not to speak during the competition, seriously?

"Why can't I say it? I type all the time in my competition, and I don't speak as much as you, Xiaoyin. Don't frame me here!" Huang Shaotian said.

Everyone was stunned when they heard Huang Shaotian's words. Although it was unreasonable, it did make sense. Huang Shaotian posted it because he sent a message. But today he hasn't sent a single message, as for spewing trash talk in words or something. Tang Yin was stunned before and didn't want to talk about it. When I think about it like this, what Shaotian said is not wrong. It is well-founded and convincing.

Although this sneak attack was unsuccessful, Shaotian was still very happy when Tang Yin had nothing to say. Just kidding, if you don't say a few words to you, you won't know how powerful Huang Shaotian is.

Huang Shaotian's sneak attack failed to succeed, and Zhou Zekai, who cooperated with his sneak attack from a distance on the other side, also lowered his firepower output to the other side when Huang Shaotian was close, and began to continue to line up with Tang Yin. After all, although everyone said that they were on the same team and had damage immunity when attacking teammates, some of their attacks passed through without piercing the body due to the modeling of the Glory entity.

And his intensive attacks are likely to affect Huang Shaotian's position when facing Ye Xiu's blind shield. But he couldn't stop the attack completely, otherwise Ye Xiu could observe Huang Shaotian's position.

Although it is said that Shaotian did not succeed in this attack in the end, in this short moment, there have been many details that need to be paid attention to, and this will make the guest Li Yibo, who is the commentator on the scene, busy. The speed is completely incomparable to the changes in the battle situation. It is precisely because of this that everyone has little effort to listen to his explanation.

Of course, for the right gods, Han Wenqing and Ye Xiu couldn't easily carry out such an exchange of blood. At this time, Tang Hao had also been killed, but was stopped by Wang Jiexi. And after Wang Jiexi and Tang Hao fought together, Tang Yin didn't need to restrain them any more, and directly used the Hundred Flowers style to include several fronts of their B team.

Because the battle lines are somewhat scattered, Tang Yin's Hundred Flowers style of play this time is not particularly dense. But there are also three or four grenades on each front. After all, Tang Yin is not an ammunition expert, and he can't fully cover the front when the front is large. This is a professional limitation. Not action can make up for it.

But this also allows the audience to see the situation in each position of the battlefield more clearly. And the battles in every battlefield are very exciting, and for a while the audience has a feeling of not knowing where to look. However, they also found that among the ten players on the court, there was one who seemed to be a bit more leisurely, but this person must not be ignored in this game. This person is Yu Wenzhou!

Because of the flaw in hand speed, in such a fierce battle, Yu Wenzhou wants to be perfect and everyone's rhythm. It belongs to him to play slow and fast.

In this game, he is definitely not a soy sauce in the a team. On the contrary, he is a crucial existence for the a pair. The reason is also very difficult, because his profession is Warlock, one of the professions with the most control skills in Glory. The interference he can make to his opponents is especially important in this kind of shopping without treatment. Because as long as his control succeeds once, they may directly disable that person.

And this is why the core of the opening is Tang Yin, so he has excellent control ability on his grenades and sniper rifles in Team B. The rest of the players, including the sixth man Yu Feng, are indeed the top players in the league, but their top player is the attacker, and they can only share by their means in terms of field control. Where can they be like Tang Yin and Yu Wenzhou, who can assist the overall situation.

And because of this, now Tang Yin has probably guessed some of the tactical ideas of Team A. They seem to want Yu Wenzhou to be an existence that can affect the entire battle situation.


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