Full-time Occupation

Chapter 81: The outbreak of 2 cores!

Chapter 1310 The first thousand two white chapters The outbreak of the two cores! (please subscribe, ask for recommendation)

In fact, Team A's tactical intentions were quite obvious, because they wanted to give Yu Wenzhou a chance, and the other four would have to take on more fighting responsibilities.

And don't forget the existence of Huang Shaotian, this is an opportunist with a demon sword, and his existence is also different from the general core attacker, because in the blue team's combat system, he seldom even acts as an attacker The position of the hand, which had always been given to Yu Feng before, now belongs to the youngest professional player, Lu Hanwen.

Don't look at the position of the attacker, who would rather give Lu Hanwen a rookie than Huang Shaotian, and think that Huang Shaotian's attack will not work. But for Shaotian, his initial attacking position was simply not enough to fully utilize his talents. Instead, his style of play required a certain amount of cover, so that he could wait for an opportunity.

He Shaotian did get such an opportunity just now. Although he didn't succeed in the end, it was just the beginning, but he was slightly bombed a few steps later, and it didn't affect Huang Shaotian's attack rhythm at all. Moreover, in the first match between the two sides, the team had already created an opportunity for him, and this alone was very rare. After all, in this team, they also have this more sturdy person who can provide Huang Shaotian with opportunities and Cover teammates.

Sun Xiang and Zhou Zekai!

The rookie partner Samsara just formed this season has only been working together for half a season. But it was such a combination, and by now it was the strongest opponent competing with Tang Yin and Ye Xiu for the best combination this season. Sun Xiang's One Autumn Leaf took the lead in charging into the battle, putting himself under siege the moment the two sides met, and it seemed that he was still as reckless as ever.

But in fact, with Zhou Zekai's strong external support, he also had a lot of bad times. If it weren't for Tang Yin still playing against Zhou Zekai now, if it were another player, he would not be able to withstand Zhou Zekai's high-frequency and wide-area attacks.

The current Zhou Zekai's characteristics of a sharpshooter, quick attack, quick start, and wide attack range are perfectly displayed. The coverage of the attack almost covers all major battlefields, and Tang Yin's grenade also means to block his sight. I have to admit that Zhou Zekai is really a very scary player.

This is Huang Shaotian's chance to attack again. Although they still failed in the end, the goal of their cooperation has been achieved. Yes, from the current situation, Team A has not played any advantage so far, but they want to The situation is almost complete.

That is, no one has time to pay attention to Yu Wenzhou's warlock now, and if a warlock is not suppressed, it will be a very terrifying situation.

Tang Yin is also a little helpless now, after all, he was dragged by Zhou Zekai, and he had to support his teammates with grenades. He really didn't have the energy to target Yu Wenzhou anymore.

But glory itself is not a part of one person, and it is even less possible to rely on someone alone.

"Old Ye!" Tang Yin called out to Ye Xiu beside him, then stopped the Hundred Flowers style of play in his hand and attacked Zhou Zekai directly.

Ye Xiu and Ye Xiu saw Tang Yin's intentions and clearly understood Tang Yin's intentions, so he put away the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella and cut it straight at Huang Shaotian.

And this was Yu Wenzhou, who was chanting his skills, and was interrupted by several cannonballs. The real body of the shot was still working with Han Wenqing to suppress Sun Xiang's Su Mucheng!

And this is Tang Yin's purpose, since he can't keep it, he won't keep it. To counterattack directly, Tang Yin directly fired the Barrett sniper rifle and the captain Zhou Zekai was a shot, and Zhou Zekai seemed to have telepathy with Tang Yin. When Tang Yin put away the Hundred Flowers style and attacked him alone, he was not there. Auxiliary teammates, the two took out the Barrett sniper rifle almost at the same time, and the powerful Barrett sniper rifle bullets collided in the air to offset. But the two men's next attack has arrived.

At this moment, the two of them showed what is called the sharpshooter ceiling, because everyone found that the distance between them was not less than three bodies, although it was only a few short breaths. But at which moment did they break through their limits. Two, to be precise, two half-body guns, this new record directly shocked the audience.

Since the beginning of this season, the question of who is the first person in Glory has always been the topic of most debate. Some people say that Zhou Zekai, after all, his record is here, the title of the first person of glory is officially given by the government. There is not only strength here, but also commercial value.

But of course players don't care about the player's commercial value. In their opinion, the most important thing for the first person in Glory is strength.

And above this point, Tang Yin entered everyone's field of vision. A rookie who just made his debut. However, he directly slapped each major team on the rookie wall, a series of one-on-twos, including Huang Shaotian, Wang Jiexi, Han Wenqing and other great players. Even if it is the first person to be honored now, hasn't he been defeated by the opponent at the time of the All-Star?

And when it is said that Tang Yin still has one person, it cannot be ignored. That was Ye Xiu who returned to the alliance with a brand new style of play. Since the beginning of this season, he has maintained his winning streak, and now he has won a full seventeen consecutive victories. This is a height that no player has ever reached. But that's how Ye Xiu still broke this record in every round. Not to mention that Ye Xiu himself is a ceiling player in Glory.

And now, two of the three most capable of competing for the title of Glory First Person have already faced each other, and their professions are still sharpshooters. At this moment, everyone is a little nervous. After all, on this all-star stage, will it be the first person to appear in the glory of the real sharpshooter?

It's a pity that the audience will be disappointed because they all focus on the wrong point. Because now the two of them have no intention of deciding the outcome, after all, this is a team competition. The solo show will only delay everyone's direct cooperation. Although it is an exhibition match, everyone is not particularly concerned about the result. They won't let water, after all, no one likes to lose!

And whether it was Tang Yin or Zhou Zekai, there was only one reason for the sudden outbreak, and that was to contain each other, and they knew each other very well, and they couldn't contain each other without all their strength!

Zhou Zekai was trying to contain Tang Yin and prevent Tang Yin's long-range sniping. After all, Tang Yin's sniping didn't have to use a sniper rifle, which was already their consensus. On the other hand, Tang Yin wanted to create output opportunities for his teammates, and he could no longer let Zhou Zekai influence everyone's performance. Especially Mucheng!


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(End of this chapter)


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