Full-time Occupation

Chapter 82: nitty gritty

Chapter 1311 The first thousand two white chapters Eighty-two small details (please subscribe, please recommend)


Several rounds of howitzers were fired, and Yu Wenzhou was helpless for a while. His hand speed has always been his flaw. In contrast, he is very outstanding in terms of vision and judgment. And the moment he saw Mucheng's attack, he knew that the opponent's attack would definitely arrive before his skill chant ended.

No choice but to cancel the chant. Dodge first. But just as he dodged, Ye Xiu had already relied on numerous displacement skills to bypass Huang Shaotian and appear in front of them.

So fast!

The speed of the short-distance walking of the loose people has been studied by the great gods present, and even Ye Xiu himself has used it more than once. Of course, they will study this troublesome method separately. Not to mention, for the past two days, they have been studying the technique that Ye Xiu used on the first day of the All-Star team to use two displacement skills in succession.

The technique of teleporting almost continuously is really amazing.

No, Lord Grim, who was fighting against Huang Shaotian just now, was in front of him in just a short retreat. With this displacement ability, the melee class in Glory can now have it. What's even more desperate is that this guy has such a strong displacement ability, and also has a good long-range method. This makes it more difficult for opponents he is targeting to escape.

But facing Lord Grim, who was about to get close, Yu Wenzhou suddenly stopped.


A huge dark purple and black flame suddenly exploded, only a short distance away from Ye Xiu. If it wasn't for the sudden stop of the other party, Ye Xiu subconsciously used the arc flash to retreat two actions, and he would have been hit.

"It's almost, it's very dangerous." Ye Xiu was a little surprised. If it wasn't for his subconscious cautiousness and more movement skills this time, no profession would be able to escape this attack.

"Isn't this still a miss?" Yu Wenzhou said with a wry smile, after all, it was still a flaw in hand speed. He glanced at Zhou Zekai who was on the line with Tang Yin, and watched Tang Yin's intensive attacks. Yu Wenzhou couldn't help sighing, "I really envy Xiaoyin for your speed."

"If you have a hand speed like ours, then we won't be able to play." Tang Yin said, Tang Yin's words are quite true. If you think about it, Yu Wenzhou has the hand speed of a normal professional player, let alone him. That situation, his brain hurts just thinking about it. Again, their hearts for playing tactics are really dirty. In particular, players with a single heart are playing with a lot of control skills such as Warlocks.

It was almost certain that Yu Wenzhou would suffer from being close to him, and now it was Lord Grim who was close to him. It seemed that his non-stop skill combo was killing his deadly spot.

"As you said, I'm not afraid even if I hit this skill." Ye Xiu said, Shadow Flame is not a burst skill, but a state attack skill. It will continue to lose blood for a period of time after being hit by an ability. This will be more annoying for legal professions. After all, every time he loses blood, it has the effect of interrupting the casting. But Ye Xiu's occupation was a loose person, and he didn't rely on his singing skills to do damage. The maximum amount of blood deduction is the limit.

However, Lord Grim subconsciously avoided it at the time. After all, Ye Xiu didn't know what skills the opponent would use before he avoided it. So it's okay to not open it during the safety period.

And this series of attacks came down to a moment full of small details and tricks.

But with this extra distance, Ye Xiu would no longer have the chance to pursue Yu Wenzhou, because Huang Shaotian, who had just been bypassed by him, had already caught up again. Even Ye Xiu couldn't leave Huang Shaotian alone and attack Yu Wenzhou. But beside Yu Wenzhou and Huang Shaotian face-to-face solo, this is simply courting death. Although that guy is not good at hand speed, the others, whether it is anti-judgment ability or control of timing, are superb. It's possible to play with autism in minutes.

In the end, Ye Xiu, who had just killed Yu Wenzhou's side, started to flash before he even hit the opponent.

And Zhou Zekai also flashed together, there is no way that this way of fighting would be too disadvantageous to him. Zhou Zekai's strength really does not say, the understanding of the sharpshooter and the application of skills are the ceiling in the true sense, and no one's understanding of the sharpshooter is above it when looking at the entire glory, even Tang Yin is the same!

But this is also the reason why he wants to retreat, because Tang Yin's understanding and skills of sharpshooters are indeed not better than him, but they are on a par with him! Under the same basic conditions, Tang Yin's other advantages are reflected, first of all, the advantage of more skills, because the glory skills are limited, no matter how fast you are. Because the skills need to be cooled, a perfect cycle cannot be completed, which leads to the limit of the player even with the fastest hand speed in the game. This is the limitation brought by the Glory profession.

But this limitation is not on Tang Yin and Ye Xiu. Ye Xiu is because of the Thousand Machine Umbrella, while Tang Yin is relying on Illusory God and Su Muqiu's dragon suit. And such a variety of skills can not only ensure their skill cycle, but also have some skills left, which gives Tang Yin and Ye Xiu the opportunity to completely explode their direct hand speed!

In terms of hand speed, Tang Yin's hand speed is even higher than Ye Xiu's!

The final result was Zhou Zekai, who was forced by Tang Yin to speed up from the very beginning. And with such a hand speed, his skills cannot complete the cycle at all. That is to say, he will have a burst, and then there will be a window period, but Tang Yin does not, and in this complex output, he has to be careful about Tang Yin's skills such as frozen grenades that have a sky-high winning rate. But on the contrary, Tang Yin can have no scruples. After all, as long as your chance is not 100%, it will not happen to him.

Under this situation, Zhou Zekai gradually began to be at the bottom. So seeing the failure of his own plan, he took the initiative to distance himself from Tang Yin. After all, his disadvantage is too great. After all, looking for the opponent's strengths to fight, this is not a wise choice no matter where.

But Zhou Zekai's retreat surprised the audience, because it was Zhou Zekai who was just suppressed from the front! Glory's first person, Zhou Zekai!

Of course, this doesn't mean that Tang Yin is really stronger than Zhou Zekai, it's just that the way they forcibly restrained each other just now has an advantage over Tang Yin. Tang Yin's are just advantages, not things that can determine victory. Otherwise, the battle between him and Ye Xiu wouldn't have been five-to-five?


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(End of this chapter)


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