Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1293: It's not what you're good at

Although Shaotian and Ye Xiu's friendship is very good, but he is limited to off-court. As long as he is on the court, the relationship between the two sides can only be killed and then quickened. Apart from this accident, they have no other emotions. In normal competitions, he would have been upset to see this guy bullying children and showing off his strength in the single-player competition, but he never met him in the ring competition. So now this team match is a very good opportunity.

"You shameless Lao Ye, you know that you are bullying children by yourself, and do you still have the self-consciousness of a great player? Let a rookie play in the ring, you are embarrassed." Huang Shaotian said over and over again, after all, he can handle Xiaoyin. It is said that he understands it very well, and Tucao Lao Ye Xiaoyin will never hate himself.

"Uh... Then what, Shaotian, I also think what you said is very reasonable, Lao Ye really has no lower limit. But you are not happy with him, why are you hitting me?" Tang Yin said depressedly.

That's right now Huang Shaotian is facing Tang Yingang, there is no way, whoever asked Tang Yin and Ye Xiu to be close, he can attack him directly after turning a corner. Before Tang Yin thought he was going to hit Ye Xiu, but he found out that Tang Yin was hitting Tang Yin. The opportunity was too good, so when he was about to attack Ye Xiu, he made a turn and directly changed the attack target.

And Zhou Zekai began to do his best to present Ye Xiu, relying on the long-range advantage of the sharpshooter, and barely restrained Ye Xiu in a long-range situation. But he was also being rushed by Mucheng everywhere. There is no way that the number of people on their side is small now, and Ye Xiu has a lot of displacement skills. It was really hard for him to focus on attacking Mucheng again, but although it was difficult, after all, he and Ye Xiu maintained their long-range advantage, so they could still cause some trouble for Mucheng and Tang Yin.

This talented Mucheng focused his firepower on him instead of disturbing Huang Shaotian and Tang Hao.

In the hail of bullets, the sword light flickered!

With Zhou Zekai's previous desperate assist, Huang Shaotian pulled his position in front of Tang Yin, and now the two sides only had one or two positions in the melee, which gave him a slight advantage at first, and this made Shaotian excited. .

"Hahahaha, well done Xiao Zhou, I can already feel the rhythm of victory." Huang Shaotian said happily while slashing with excitement. After all, as long as he kills Tang Yin, he can no longer call himself petty, then he can't complain unscrupulously, the scene is simply turning over a serf and singing!

If he is lucky, he can take the lead in dealing with Tang Yin, and they will have a chance to win this year. Huang Shaotian thought, he didn't think it was one of the three major delusions in his own life at all, thinking that he could fight back!

"The rhythm of victory?" Tang Yin smiled and said, "Why didn't I see it?"

He said that he threw out a frozen grenade, and then dragged the gun close to Shaotian, while the other hand had already fired a floating bullet.

In the face of Tang Yin's attack, Shaotian did not dodge, the scabbard flew the grenade while facing Tang Yin's gun butt, and the sharp sword in his hand stood diagonally in front of him, blocking the near-close-to-body floating bullet. .

And Tang Yin's offensive has not stopped. Although the sharpshooter is a long-range profession, he often fights against opportunistic ceilings like Shaotian, and Tang Yin also uses this profession to fight close-up. In this regard, he and Shaotian have a high win rate, so Tang Yin was only curious about Shaotian's courage to say that.

Not to mention, after Ye Yusheng blocked his floating bomb, he stabbed against the wind. Tang Yin went straight into a knee

This is Shaotian's slanting step to avoid the knee strike, and Jian Feng stabbed against the wind to counterattack.

With Huang Shaotian's operation, this blow directly drew a sword circle with the diameter of one person, which just covered Tang Yin, and there was a little bit of sword intent on the sword body, waving the two sleeves of white clouds far away.

"Huh" As a result, just when Shaotian was in high spirits, Zhou Zekai suddenly snorted.

"What are you doing?" Shaotian was a little surprised that this guy would actually take the initiative to speak? Miracle!

"Uh..." Zhou Zekai hesitated for a while and finally didn't say anything, while Tang Yin threw out a Gatling machine gun directly, and used the huge body of the Gatling machine gun to parry with Huang Shaotian's attack, it was the gun. Master's Skills!

After parrying Huang Shaotian's attack, the muzzle of the gun was aimed at him.

The muzzle of the Gatling machine gun directly blocked him, and it was unrealistic for Shaotian to avoid it now.

In addition, the attacks of the popular type have excellent stiffening effects. The next series of combos cannot be avoided. When Shaotian fell below, Zhou Zekai had to resist Mucheng's attack to support him. There was no way. At the end of the day, Zhou Zekai is currently facing Ye Xiu, relying on his long-range advantage to support others in front of Ye Xiu is already the limit, let alone be careful about Mucheng.

After all, he is a lot of people, even Nezha with three heads and six arms would be blinded in such a scene. In the end it didn't support...

At this time, Shaotian also understood what Zhou Zekai's "Huh" meant before, what problem he found, and the problem still lay with him. But he didn't notice it at all.

"Haha, just control the attack rhythm for this guy, I'd better do it, Huang Shao! This is not what you are good at." This is a whisper that Shaotian is very familiar with, and there is a very sharp voice with it. , accompanied by the sword glow of strong blood energy. And with such an indomitable momentum, it is the swordsman professional Berserker.

Hundreds of flowers are on the front, Berserkers are in disarray and come to the battle.

On the other side, several machines have also appeared, and they have begun to suppress the vitality of Ye Xiu and Mucheng. Thunder Xiao Shiqin, and the mechanic's spirits arrived.

And Huang Shaotian finally understood the problem. It was true that in the old Blue Rain competition, the person who was the toughest player and led the team to attack has always been pedantic. And his true core of Blue Rain was outside the battlefield, waiting for an opportunity to move.

In other words, Huang Shaotian is good at finding opportunities to deal the highest damage, not letting him lead the team to attack, because his rhythm is different from others.

So there must have been a problem with his style of play and rhythm before. The problem could be the attack, the timing, or even the position. Anyway, it always affected Zhou Zekai's support for him. It disrupted the rhythm of the attack that he had initiated, and was counterattacked by Tang Yin, and then Zhou Zekai was unable to provide support.

"This aspect is really not my strong point, but unfortunately we are now opponents." Huang Shaotian said to Feng.


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