Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1294: Referee, can you hear me?

"Hey, Shaotian, how is it? Do you still have the face to say that it is the rhythm of victory?" Seeing Huang Shaotian realizing his own situation, Tang Yin was very interesting to make up for it.

Huang Shaotian was very angry, but when he remembered that he had just shouted triumphantly in the past, the guy facing him was still irritated.

It was obvious that Tang Yin knew Shaotian's style of play very well, after all, the friendship he had developed over the years. Besides Ye Xiu, what Tang Yin knew the most was Huang Shaotian. Therefore, he concluded that there would be problems with the cooperation between Huang Shaotian and Zhou Zekai, so he was not in a hurry at all. No, Huang Shaowan here is the rhythm of victory, and the result is a direct error, even Zhou Zekai issued a "Huh", one can imagine how failed Shaotian's judgment was this time.

And now Huang Shaotian was a little more mad at himself, what a rhythm of victory, and now Huang Shaotian really wanted to go back in time and slapped himself at that time, it was too embarrassing.

"Everyone, don't move, now it's a personal grudge between Xiaoyin and I. Xiaoyin has the ability to fight one-on-one!" Huang Shaotian and Tang Rou shouted.

And Huang Shaotian's words made the big family stunned for a moment, everyone stopped and the guys in their hands seemed to look at each other, and then looked at Huang Shaotian.

Then Mucheng put the hand cannon back on her shoulder, Ye Xiu's Myriad Manifestations Umbrella was also put away, and Zhou Zekai's dual guns were also directly put into the holster inside the windbreaker. Yu Feng and Xiao Shiqin, who had finally rushed over, also looked at each other, one stuck the giant sword on the ground, and the other pulled the pistol to his waist to let the robot stop the fire. They all look like a good show.

This time it's the turn of all the fans and spectators watching the game.

What's the situation?

Isn't this an exciting team game? Why did anyone call it to stop directly? And really let the two people go head-to-head, this... this is not serious, isn't it?

However, the audience thought about it, this All-Star seems to be the most indecent one in history, and there were successive problems in the first day of the Rookie Challenge, and there were even cases where veterans challenged rookies. And when it comes to the All-Star Game, it's even more serious. You don't need pastors. You even play the suona during the game. Now you've just made a heads-up in the team competition... This... Are you serious?

However, the audience was speechless, and they had to admit that this year's All-Star was the most interesting and interesting ever.

And they also expressed their attitude with their actions. After a moment of silence, the audience was boiling. This time the All-Star did have all kinds of accidents, and it seemed very unserious. But it doesn't matter if it's not serious. Anyway, they have ten serious games every week. Now everyone is more interested in the games that are not in a hurry.

After all, the All-Star game is for entertainment, and everyone doesn't care that much about the game. The main thing is to be happy.

"Uh...if this side is dueling, what about that side? Let them duel?" Xiao Shiqin pointed at Wang Jiexi and Tang Hao who were still fighting.

But no one paid any attention to him, and everyone else spontaneously formed a circle, wrapping Happy Travel and Ye Yusheng in it, and all of them became the audience.

Xiao Shiqin looked left and right again. Seeing that everyone didn't care, he was too lazy to take care of it, and joined the crowd with Deng Deng Deng.

"Um... Shaotian, are you serious? If you really decide this way, then if you hang up, there will be two less people in your team." Tang Yin felt that as a good brother of Shaotian, he still Should be in a humanitarian reminder.

"Bah, bah! You are the one who is going to be killed!" Huang Shao said.

"Just by your rhythm? Seriously?" Tang Yin made up for it every day.

"Ah, ah, ah, die, die!" Huang Shaotian was hit by Tang Yin's blow. Successfully inflicted critical damage on his mind.

"Okay! As you wish!" Tang Yin controlled the character and took a step forward.

Huang Shaotian took a deep breath and adjusted his mind. After sending Tang Yin a killer emoji, when he mentioned the lightsaber Bing Yu in his hand, he was about to attack Tang Yin.

"Wait!" Tang Yin suddenly stopped Shaotian when Huang Shaotian was about to attack.

"What's the matter!" Huang Shaotian was furious, and the momentum he had managed to create was lost by the other party's understatement.

"Referee, can you hear me?" Tang Yin said while controlling his character and waved to the sky, signaling the chief referee to look over.

After a moment of silence, a system message appeared on their public channel: "Why?"

This information has appeared, and the audience at the scene collectively laughed. No way, this is a system message, and now it's actually sent out such a public life, no matter how you look at it, it's interesting.

At this time, the audience suddenly realized how special the All-Stars will be this time, and Tang Yin is definitely the main reason. Not to mention, there are so many All-Stars together, and they are not very lively. But this time, it was extremely lively. And what's the difference between this year and previous All-Stars? Isn't there just such a legendary rookie?

On the stage, Tang Yinzhi ignored the audience's thoughts. After all, he didn't know that someone was thinking of him now. He continued to say to the referee, "So what, can I apply to ban Shaotian's voice for a period of time?" Tang Yin said.

"Give me death!" Huang Shaotian slashed directly at Tang Yin, his subordinates didn't show any mercy. With a single slash, he cut his hand.

Tang Yin was not afraid, and directly shoveled a shovel, sliding in from below Jianguang. Just a few quick shots at Shaotian.

However, Huang Shaotian jumped up to avoid it, and then the silver light fell directly to Tang Yin.

Tang Yin didn't dodge either, and fired two guns in a row, one headshot and one fatal blow. One of the two bullets flew towards Huang Shaotian's head and the other towards Shaotian's heart. Obviously Tang Yin's attack will come first.

Huang Shaotian was worthy of being the top player in the league, even in the air, he still didn't panic. He forcibly stopped the silver light falling blade, and the sword edge turned, blocking Tang Yin's two attacks to the limit.

when! when!

But the fall of Huang Shaotian, who successfully blocked Tang Yin's two shots, continued, and the sword light in his hand swept away and pointed the way straight at Tang Yin, while the grenade launcher in Tang Yin's hand was opposite!


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