Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1295: God TM annoying!

Facing Tang Yin's anti-tank artillery, Huang Shaotian relied on the immortal's guidance to directly cut the Qi in half in the air, the shells were cut in half, and flew to Huang Shaotian's back before they exploded without doing any damage to Huang Shaotian. But Huang Shaotian, who had finished beheading the immortal's guide, had a handsome man who never looked back at the explosion.

And this scene is very clear from Tang Yin's perspective, and Tang Yin's perspective is displayed separately in one area of ​​the big screen. And Huang Shaotian's handsome scene once again caused a burst of cheers.

Tang Yin, on the other hand, relied on the recoil of the anti-tank gun to back up, and then jumped back while throwing out two grenades. After landing, Huang Shaotian, who didn't hit Tang Yin, turned around to pursue, the sword light flashed, and the grenade exploded. A fire exploded between the two of them.

At this moment, all eyes were focused on this. On the other side, Wang Jiexi and Tang Hao even cared about the match. There was no way to compete with you and me. That kind of crushing game was really meaningless.

If you want to face off against Tang Yin and Huang Shaotian, everyone doesn't want to miss any details, and both of them have good lives, so they can play for a lot of time at a glance, but Tang Yin and both of them don't dare to give up just because of their high blood volume. Lang, after all, the other party's strength is very clear to each other. If the other party seizes the opportunity, they will break it one after another. It is not difficult to end this one-on-one duel.

Before the grenade exploded and the smoke was dissipated, Tang Yin had already started a strong attack. Between the two spears of the Phantom God, a barrage covered Huang Shaotian directly. In the face of Tang Yin's highly intensive barrage attack, Huang Shaotian could not Don't shy away from the edge. After all, he had already experienced Tang Yin's methods, and he naturally had a way to deal with this kind of attack. He directly opened the sword and shadow steps, and the seven fans appeared all at once.

Then, what Huang Shaotian had done once before appeared again, with seven figures slashing in three stages in different directions. But this time the seven figures are intertwined, and this person can identify the real sword shadow step, which is even more unpredictable.

The appearance of the seven figures also forced Tang Yin to increase his attack range, and the increase in the attack range inevitably increased the distance between the bullets, which gave Huang Shaotian a chance to get close.

Although in the end he only had his body left, but he had already successfully killed Tang Yin.

Facing Huang Shaotian who was close, Tang Yin threw a flash grenade, forcing the opponent to change his perspective. While Huang Shaotian was changing his perspective, he pressed a flash mine on the ground and used a self-destructing robot as cover.

As for the skill of flashing grenades, all professions are very annoying. After all, there is no hope that the screen will suddenly turn white, and sometimes it will affect the serious eyes to see things. (You can often test Escape from Tarkov, your opponent grabbed four powerful flashlights, and the bullets appeared in front of you with flash bullets.)

So the trouble is that Huang Shaotian can only temporarily avoid the edge in the face of Tang Yin's flash grenade, in case Tang Yin makes a sneak attack and retreats a step later.

However, after the flash grenade exploded, Huang Shaotian immediately turned around and killed him. Halfway through, he directly killed the robot that Tang Yin had just summoned and walked towards him to prepare to explode.

Then Huang Shaotian once again slashed Huashan with his sword force and slashed towards him. Tang Yin directly kicked Huang Shaotian's lightsaber from the side of the car with a roundabout kick, and then shot Huang Shaotian's shotgun with an ammunition expert!

Facing the powerful impact of the shotgun, even if Huang Shaotian blocked it in time, he was still directly shocked.

But now that Huang Shaotian is close, which means that the advantage is on his side, is it possible to let Tang Yin escape so easily? And even though both sides had good health, Tang Yin had nothing to attack, and with Ye Xiu's reply, his health was still higher than his, so Huang Shaotian couldn't let go of this opportunity.

Seeing that Huang Shaotian's sword body was slightly shaken back by a step, the sword energy condensed, covering the interpretation in an instant, the whole body sword energy transformed into a dragon head, and slashed towards Tang Yin with the sword momentum. This is the speed of movement and the attack power. The Raptor Breaking Sky Slash above the three-stage slash!

Facing the extremely fast, almost close-range Raptor Breaking the Air, Tang Yin jumped directly behind the Jia Fei Cannon. After his feet were slightly off the ground, the Phantom God Revolver had already turned into a hand cannon, sending him out for a while. The distance, Huang Shaotian's attack was extremely avoided.

"Damn! You are so slippery like this." Huang Shaotian scolded depressedly, but the next moment his screen turned white, and his character entered a state of dizziness.

Wait, no!

Does Xiaoyin have a flash grenade? Why did he get stunned by the flash?

This tm is!

But Huang Shaotian quickly came to his senses. After all, the only skill that had the same effect as the flash grenade was that one.

"It's the flash mine that Tang Yin put under his feet just now!" Someone said among the professional players onlookers, and when everyone turned their eyes, the one who spoke was Wang Jiexi!

It's no wonder that Huang Shaotian would burst out. After all, this kind of secretly burying a flash mine under his feet, Tang Yin used his own but decoy play for the first time, but everyone had nothing to do with it. After all, it is impossible for your melee profession not to go to the opponent's melee combat handle, and then the melee combat will definitely enter the attack range of the flash mine.

And if you don't play melee and long-range, you can look at Zhou Zekai, UU reading www. Under the mutual suppression of uukanshu.com's previous remote, Zhou Zekai couldn't hold back Tang Yin, who was extremely fast. Who else could hold him in the remote? This is also the reason why everyone annoyed Tang Yin, and Ye Xiu's loafers were unfamiliar with his lore profession and unsuitable for characters with so many skills. What annoys them the most is Tang Yin's inappropriate style of play.

Anyway, his mines are placed here, whether you come or not, it will not increase or decrease, God tm annoying!

"Why are you here?" Xiao Shiqin asked, looking at Wang Jiexi who suddenly appeared beside him.

"I'll come over after the fight." Wang Jiexi said.

Sure enough, Tang Hao's Tang San fight was gone now, and Xiao Shiqin turned his head and thought that Tang Hao was already watching the match between Tang Yin and Huang Shaotian from the computer of the person beside him, just like Sun Xiang.

No matter there is no suspense in this game now, after all, being controlled by Tang Yin, it is very difficult to break free, not to mention that Tang Yin's style of play is very repressive. Even if he got rid of the effect of Tang Yin's control skills, it was really unrealistic to want to take back the situation under Tang Yin's subordinates, who were able to use the spear technique with explosive hand speed. At this point, Huang Shaotian had nothing but his mouth, and his words were full of grief and unwillingness.

Although the subsequent captain Huang Shaotian still fought hard, even at the expense of changing blood, it was like killing Tang Yin to suppress him. And Huang Shaotian was indeed successful, but at that time, Tang Yin had already opened half of the gap in his health, and Ye Yusheng was finally scolded by Huang Shaotian.


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