Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1296: My pastor played well too

At this point, Zhou Zekai and Xiao Shiqin, who had just entered the stadium and hadn't done anything, were left in Team A.

And looking at the B team, although everyone's life is different, at least they are all there. As a result, there is no suspense in this game. After Wang Jiexi had beaten Tang Hao, he came to Xiao Shiqin's side. Xiao Shiqin knew this very well, just so that he could directly beat him up with Ye Xiu on the other side of Xiao Shiqin when the fight started.

"Uh... so what are we going to do next?" Xiao Shiqin looked at everyone and asked.

"Uh...what are we doing here?" Yu Feng asked Xiao Shiqin. After all, he was a spectator even after he played two games, and they were the first in this situation. met once.

"Would you like to have a heads-up match?" Tang Yin, who had just finished a heads-up match, coaxed.

"Forget it!" Xiao Shiqin was obviously not interested in a duel.

"That's right, forget it!" Yu Feng was also a little disinterested in the current duel.

"Can you guys have firepower?" Tang Yin said with contempt. I can't even play, I look down on you.

"Then let's end the game here." Wang Jiexi said, then he waved his broom and directly attacked Xiao Shiqin beside him, and Ye Xiu followed immediately, while the other Tang Yin Sanren were still beating Zhou Zekai. Under the numerical advantage of the B team duel, it can be said that there is no pressure to win.

In this regard, the All-Star Game is over, and countless people are still reminiscing about this special All-Star game. Although there is nothing to watch in the last five-on-two, there are countless highlights and details before that.

In terms of the quality of highlights and details, it is definitely the highest All-Star competition in history. After all, the only thing that is depressed is the TV broadcaster. After all, this final team battle has always been the most important event of the All-Star, but this time The team game took less than ten minutes from start to finish.

To be precise, it was only in the early five minutes, which was discovered later by the audience. After discovering this, everyone felt that it was a bit incredible. After all, the content and details of these five minutes were too much, too fulfilling.

The previous weekend activities were also completely over. Although the offensive felt substantial, at the end, I still felt that there was something new. After all, the three-day activities, the climax that I had been looking forward to for so long, ended so quickly. This is somewhat regrettable.

But now that the outcome has been decided, the players of teams a and b have already rushed to the seats, and of course they won't go straight off the court. Instead, I interacted and greeted everyone on the stage. After all, it was a performance game. Everyone didn't care much about the outcome of the game. Most of them felt that they had a good time today. This was also the reason why there would be a group of people watching Tang Yin and Huang Shaotian duel in the team match at the end.

But after all, most people can't represent everyone, and there are people who care about this game, like Zou Yuan, Liu Hao and so on. And the one who cares most is probably Tang Hao...

Even when he came out of the player's seat, his face was still a little pale.

In the 8th All-Star Challenge, he defeated Lin Jingyan with a very high-profile quality, and he became a god, and also achieved his status as a first-line god, but in today's All-Star Game, he was beaten by turns.

Even though he had been in the battle room for a while, the images of the previous game still reverberated in his mind. Watching the other players around him chatting leisurely with the players around him. Now Tang Hao couldn't relax no matter what.

To be honest, as a professional player, it is not unacceptable for him to lose something. But how ugly it is to lose, such an embarrassing situation, he can't accept it, and even now the audience's cheers seem to him to mock him.

Because the players did not step down immediately, reporters from the e-sports channel led various cameras and ran directly to the competition stage.

There's nothing they can do, this team battle is over too quickly. They can only add player interviews to make up time.

Fortunately, in the last match of the previous ring match, Zhang Xinjie's pastor pk took a lot of time, otherwise they really don't know what to do.

There was no prior communication with the players in this interview, but for the professional gods of these major teams, being interviewed by reporters is already a commonplace thing, and they have long been used to it. Today’s game is even more stress-free. So they have no resistance to this sudden interview. The reporter who came to the stage noticed at first sight that Zhang Xinjie and Wu Yuce, who were just getting together, seemed to be chatting about something, and went directly to interview.

"Good evening, two vice squads!" The reporter greeted first.

When they saw a reporter coming to them, they stopped chatting and looked at the reporter.

"Are the two captains discussing the game between the two of you now?" the reporter asked.

"That's right." Zhang Xinjie nodded to indicate that he was right.

"Can the two of you tell me what you think about that game?"

"Well...According to my calculations, if I hadn't been stopped by the referee, I should have won the game with a slight life advantage in the end." Zhang Xinjie said.

"That's just the calculation you imagined." Wu Yuce immediately replied and retorted, which shows that the two were indeed discussing the outcome of the previous game.

"My vision can generally be realized." Zhang Xinjie said.

"But the most important thing on the field is surprises," Wu Yuce said.

"I am Hu Jin these possibilities to a minimum. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Zhang Xinjie continued.

"It's hard to say things like accidents." Wu Yuce continued to insist on his point of view.

"How about we have a try tonight?" Zhang Xinjie suggested.

"Forget it, I'm not very interested in that kind of battle," Wu Yuce said. No way, after all, such a game is too boring, he is not Zhang Xinjie, he wants to study everything. Thinking about this kind of situation that he won't encounter in the future anyway, he won't waste time.

When Zhang Xinjie saw that the other party didn't want to, he no longer reluctantly, but he could still see that he was a little unwilling.

The reporter was unable to intervene, but the camera kept dangling between the two great gods. Let everyone experience the authentic post-match communication between the great gods after the game.

"By the way, Team Zhang, my pastor is playing well. When will we pk." This is Tang Yin's voice.

"Huh? Xiaoyin, you can also be a priest?" Zhang Xinjie was a little surprised. After all, Tang Yin was under his influence, specializing in the gunman class, and other professions were relatively general, but now he suddenly said that he would play priest. This somewhat surprised Zhang Xinjie.

"That's right, I'm good at damage. In the past, Lao Ye and I were the third in terms of damage, and Mucheng was the second, but that boss had too little blood, otherwise I could surpass her. "Tang Yin said proudly.

Everyone: "......"


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