Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1297: The whole world is quiet

"Full-time professional Ouhuang(

Tang Yin's words made everyone stunned. Are you sure you are a priest?

"Um... Xiaoyin, is there a possibility that the role of the priest is to protect our output?" Zhang Xinjie said a little depressed, after all, for his obsessive-compulsive disorder, although I don't know how Tang Yin's style of play is It was like that, but it was definitely so non-mainstream that he couldn't accept it.

"That's right, that's how I understand it." Tang Yin nodded, indicating that heroes see the same thing.

"Then how did you get the team's third-highest output?" Zhang Xinjie asked, and the reporters and the audience also attracted the attention.

"It's very simple, I destroyed the opponent, or I succeeded in protecting our output." Tang Yin said lightly.

Everyone in Happy covered their faces, whether it was on stage or offstage. The others were speechless for a while.

You said that his statement was wrong, but there is really nothing better than letting the other party hang up directly and protecting the output of your own home? But the problem is that you have to have that power.

And let's take a look at Tang Yin's previous achievements, he is now at the peak of his debut. It seems that you really can't refute what this guy said...

Just when the reporter was silent for Tang Yin's speech, he saw Wang Jiexi who was also speechless beside Tang Yin.

Yes, and Wang Jiexi!

At this moment, the eyes of the reporters are shining. Is there anything better to change the subject than interviewing the great God Jahee, who also shined in this match?

Without saying anything, the reporter directly transferred the interviewee to Wang Jiexi, who was teaching Gao Yingjie a lesson.

"Don't give up on other people's opinions, you just need to express yourself in the way you are most comfortable, good at, and used to. That is the best you." Wang Jiexi said.

"But Captain, are you using the method you are most comfortable with, best at, and used to?" Gao Ying asked Tang Rou at this time.

When Wang Jiexi heard Gao Yingjie's words, he was silent for a bit regretfully, then continued to shake his head and said, "No, I am not. This is why I hope you can do this. You have to be more confident in yourself, let alone shake your own. Faith, because you are more suitable for Tiny Herb than me, believe in yourself!"

Gao Yingjie nodded very solemnly, and it was only now that the reporter had a chance to interject. It seemed that Tang Yin was still chatting with Zhang Xinjie about his pastor's playing skills and output techniques, otherwise he really didn't know what to do.

"Hello, two!" The reporter immediately greeted Tiny Herb's two All-Stars, and then said to Wang Jiexi.

"The team Wang's game today can be said to be amazing, and it opened up the situation in one fell swoop. I don't know what made the style of the year suddenly play today. Are you going to adjust your style of play again?" The reporter asked curiously road.

"Of course not, but being able to indulge yourself here is also a good opportunity to relax." Wang Jiexi laughed.

"It's not possible that if Wei Chen could have a magician, he would have achieved even better results?" the reporter asked.

Wang Jiexi smiled at this, shaking and shaking without saying much, his attitude was very obvious. Because magician Wang Jiexi didn't win anything for Tiny Herb, but after he changed his style of play, he won two consecutive championships for Tiny Herb. From this, it was obvious which play style was more suitable for Tiny Herb.

The reporter also realized that his statement was a little wise, so he turned to Gao Yingjie and asked, "What about Xiao Gao? Will you become a magician in the future?" This time the reporter was mainly joking.

"Maybe, in this arena." Now Gao Yingjie can deal with reporters very freely, and he does not completely deny this kind of question from reporters, but because he is talking about the All-Star arena, And what's not allowed in this arena?

After chatting with Wang Jiexi and his apprentice, the reporter looked at the direction of the next Ye Xiu. You must know that Ye Xiu is also extremely strong this season. The interviews in the past were few. Low key. It's like an interview is some kind of beast, you can avoid it if you can. Now such live interviews are very rare opportunities.

"God Ye Xiu!" The reporter shouted in front of Ye Xiu with a very flexible stride.

"Huh?" Ye Xiu looked at the reporter.

"This team competition can be said to be quite exciting, and it's not just that the pastor is not used directly. Is this an arrangement you made?" The reporter asked, this is also their guess in the audience, after all, it happened in the B team before. Ye Xiu was a tactician himself, so he must have a share in arranging tactics. As for Zhang Xinjie, who is also a tactician, is there a priest who would want to fight in the ring?

"That's what you said, that's okay, I'll even make a small suggestion." Ye Xiu replied.

"Hehehe..." The reporter laughed dryly. When Ye Xiu said, "That's alright," he thought there was something hidden in it that everyone didn't know about, but co-authoring it is your fault!

"Then why did God Ye Xiu have such an opinion?" the reporter asked.

"Of course it's to contribute a wonderful game to everyone!" Ye Xiu said with a serious expression. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Hearing Ye Xiu's shameless words, everyone in Team B looked over. After all, the original intention of this play was to end the game quickly, and everyone thought it was not bad, so they agreed. But in the final analysis, I want to be lazy, and there are so many noble goals.

"Indeed, this game is very exciting." The reporter said with a sigh.

"That's for sure. After all, everyone is excellent." Ye Xiu said.

"Then what do you think of yourself?" the reporter asked

"Me? Probably the most experienced player right now," Ye Xiu said.

When they heard Ye Xiu's words, the Tyranny fans who didn't like Ye Xiu immediately began to cheer. After all, shouldn't their Korean team be the richest in terms of experience? You guys even retired in the middle of it! Our Korean team played all the way down.

Sure enough, not only the audience, but even some players watched over, and the reporter immediately asked, "What about Captain Han Wenqing of Nabatu?"

"Old Han? He's even worse than me." Ye Xiu said very spontaneously.

For a while, there was another burst of boos throughout the whole process, and even many players looked at them with a "you keep blowing" look.

"Why? You are not all players of the same era, let alone Captain Han Wenqing..."

"Because Lao Han has never played a challenge match!" This time Ye Xiu interrupted the reporter's words.

Everyone: "......"

For a while, the whole world seemed to be quiet.


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