Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1297: Weapon spectrum

At this moment, everyone present was speechless, what kind of experience is playing a challenge match! But if we get to the bottom of it, this TMD is really an experience, after all, the Challenge itself is also an e-sports event organized by the league. In this respect, Han Wenqing was not as good as Ye Xiu, but who would want to have such an experience?

After all, no matter where it is, it will not be a good experience for any professional **** to be reduced to playing a challenge match. But this guy in front of him shamelessly turned it into a treasure, and said it himself, is it really okay for you to upgrade yourself like this?

And now it's booing again!

This time, it wasn't just Tyranny fans, even other audience members, some of the players in the audience, were sighing at Ye Xiu for a while. Everyone in Happy once again covered their faces...Why did they have such a team of captains and vice-teams...

However, Ye Qiu was very calm about the sighs of others. Instead, he spread his hands helplessly and said, "Look, they are jealous of me."

Jealous of your Clear Sky Hammer! At this moment, even the reporter himself felt like he was about to explode at any time, and the master who carried the camera had already started to tremble.

The reporter was helpless now, and at the end he could only laugh awkwardly, but now that Ye Xiu was doing this, he didn't know who he was going to interview next, so he just followed the positions of these great gods.

And his next interviewee is Han Wenqing, the captain of Team Tyranny! The absolute owner of the field here is also the one who "lost" to Ye Xiu in terms of experience because he never played the Challenger Tournament.

"Uh... well, does Team Korea have any different opinions on what Team Ye said before...?" The reporter did not avoid suspicion, after all, these two guys have been enemies for ten years.

"Just in terms of the results in the Challenger League, he is indeed qualified to be proud." Han Wenqing said.

And Han Wenqing's unexpected answer made everyone stunned, but it was normal for them to have such an accident. Just like Chen Guo, he always thought that the relationship between the two ten-year old enemies had something to do with each other. How bad. But in fact, although they fought to the death on the court, their relationship off the court was very good.

The reporter interviewed in person this time has the deepest feeling, do heroes cherish each other? Reporters do not know. But think about it carefully, just like what Han Wenqing said, Ye Xiu was indeed proud of his achievements in the Challenger Tournament, and that was the truth. In the end, Happy was just a grassroots team at the temporary home court. .

Except for Tang Yin, who was a great **** in the professional singles year, the rest of the team were either too old or had hand injuries. But even under such a configuration, he still won Excellent Era and stood out from the challenge. Isn't this something to be proud of?

If it is such an experience, it seems to be an exaggeration to say that it is a rich experience.

The reporter who thought about it suddenly realized that since Ye Xiu and Han Wenqing were so similar in some places, or resonated with each other, it felt very strange. Could it be because both of them are practical people?

Seek truth from facts?

When the word appeared in the mind of a reporter, the reporter was a shock. After all, it was understandable to say that Han Wenqing sought truth from facts. As for Ye Xiu, the reporter did not think that the quality of seeking truth from facts could be assigned to Ye Xiu.

This time, the All-Star Weekend was Tyranny's home field. In terms of effect, this All-Star was quite successful. Although the two All-Stars from Tyranny were a little surprised this time, they were generally quite good. After all, Zhang Xinjie, a priest, did give everyone a lot of surprises in the arena, and Han Wenqing even showed Tyranny's domineering in the team competition, which made the Tyranny fans present very proud.

However, if it was a normal All-Star weekend, everyone would buy some face for the host and let them win the MVP of this game, but this time because Han Wenqing came off too early, the final MVP was Wang Jiexi who performed the most gorgeous this time. Take down.

After all, the magician's style of play that he showed in the game was really amazing. He instantly overwhelmed the two great gods Tang Hao and Sun Xiang, and once suppressed Zhou Zekai, the current glory. Definitely the biggest highlight of this show.

But the more gorgeous Wang Jiexi's performance is, the more it can show how lonely Tang Hao is now. It is precisely because of this that this All-Star Game cannot be said to be a happy one, but Tang Yin absolutely doesn't care about it. After all, he had a great time playing this one. And the All-Star came to an end.

After a short rest, the major teams went back to their respective homes. However, no one heard the voices of the rest of the team, and now everyone knew Huang Shaotian's nickname. Huang Shaotian grabbed Tang Yin's brutal beating at the time, and finally, after Tang Yin promised that he would be in charge of the hotel they stayed in this season's games, Huang Shaotian bypassed Tang Yin.

When the major teams returned to their homes, the major media had already begun to report on the events of the three-day All-Stars. After all, there is too much news for the media to talk about in these three days. But the pros don't care. After all, the outcome of the All-Star game has nothing to do with the goal they are chasing.

After the major teams returned to their clubs, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com began various preparations for the eighteenth round.

And there are many highlights in the eighteenth round.

First of all, Tiny Herb played against Team Misty Rain at home, Blue Rain played against Void, Tyranny played against Hundred Blossoms at home, and Samsara played against Thunder at home.

Of course, Happy's home match against Wind Howl was naturally one of the matches everyone was looking forward to.

The broadcast side of such a lineup was also very entangled, and finally chose the game of Samsara at home against the Thunder.

After all, Thunder's teamfights have always been a point of interest, and Samsara is even more powerful this season. So everyone is looking forward to the outcome of the encounter between the two teams.

Although it was said that Thunder's winning streak was ended by Happy's Tang Yin in the 16th round, everyone obviously did not lose confidence in them. And what about the reincarnation of the four All-Stars with such a highly sophisticated tactical team? This alone has already gained enough attention.

While the players of each major team are preparing for the battle, the senior management of each major team is also collecting the opinions of each major team to see if they need to adjust the team in the future winter transfer period.

And the alliance has launched a new list during this time: the weapon spectrum.


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