Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1298: winter transfer window

In the game of Glory, whether it is in online games or in the professional circle, the equipment on the character is the topic that everyone pays the most attention to. Among all kinds of equipment, the weapon advantage is the most popular, and it is also the most limited attention by everyone. of. Even many Glory players choose weapons when upgrading their equipment, and then choose armor and accessories.

And now the weapon spectrum that the alliance makes is to list the weapons of all the characters in the alliance one by one, and then make a comprehensive ranking based on the player's vote and the player's winning rate in the current season.

In the opinion of some industry insiders, this is the alliance wanting to get more questionnaires around the characters. But no matter what the purpose of the alliance, players are very enthusiastic about this kind of activity. It can be said that as soon as the list is launched, the number of votes is constantly updated.

And this season, the league has made some additions in terms of rules, that is, the weapon spectrum has now been changed to a monthly change. Until the end of the year, the overall ranking list of the whole month will be counted.

In the past few days, the ranking of the weapon spectrum has gradually become clear, and now the number one is Ye Xiu's Thousand Manifestations Umbrella, and the biggest threat to the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella is Tang Yin's Phantom God.

Two seventy-five top-equipped self-made weapons are definitely the ceiling of the current silver weapon. Even if the equipment of the seventy-fifth level of each major team is now abundant. Moreover, the weapon itself is the top priority of the research and development departments of each major team. In this competition, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's Thousand Manifestations Umbrella and Illusory God are still a clear distance from the third place.

The reason for this is also very simple, that is, the two weapons have a common feature, and this feature is also very eye-catching. After all, just like all boys like transforming mechas, how about a boy who can refuse a transformable weapon? What's more, the game of Glory itself is mostly male players.

In terms of weapons alone, even Zhou Zekai's Wildfire and Broken Frost were left behind by Tang Yin and Ye Xiu.

But thinking about this result can make many people depressed.

After all, this list is a foreshadowing for the future self-made peripherals, and it is also a player's mood direction for the future weapons peripherals, and in order to maximize the benefits, the first few weapons have always been the key production objects around.

But this is where they are depressed. After all, whether it is the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella or the Phantom God, it is not just a weapon model of an umbrella or a model of a double gun. After all, the two biggest features of the two of them are a change On, if you can't change the size of the weapon like a small burial, what's the selling point of this weapon? How can it be so popular?

This can no longer be accomplished by disassembling and dismantling. After all, in the game, you don't need to care about those scientific laws. Some parts change their shapes and sizes. But it is difficult to replicate in reality.

Even adding accessories to achieve their deformed puppies requires how finely designed and how replicated the production is. And how long will it take to make these first batches, and how will the price of the finer things be determined?

After all, the cost is high, so the price they buy will naturally be high, and when a weapon like theirs comes out, the price is definitely much higher than others, and such a near-monstrous pricing allows professionals who understand the surrounding market. Everyone thought it was crazy.

Thousands of Manifestations Umbrella and Illusory God are almost destined to be impossible to be completely complicated, but incomplete complexity will directly affect sales. This is so depressing.

This Ye Xiu was annoying himself, how could he bring out a newcomer to be so annoying! The most important thing is that the most famous people of these two people have not received any commercial sponsorship this season. Tang Yin is okay, after all, he is a rookie, and he also said that after his teammates have grown up, he will also receive some advertising sponsorship appropriately. But Ye Xiu was very annoying.

After all, when this guy was at Excellent Era, they couldn't get any sponsorship from him, but now he's finally willing to be interviewed, and his popularity has risen again. Now that such a popular weapon has been made, it turns out that the weapon is not complicated!

Now the people in the alliance have begun to suspect that this family is not specially designed to block them, right?

But complaining is complaining, what should be done around this weapon. So in the end, after negotiating with Happy, they decided to first come up with the three forms of the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella and the two mentalities of the Illusory God.

In this kind of matter, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu both directly gave Chen Guo full authority and complicated, and now Chen Guo is also a lot of the original Wu Xia Amon. After half a year of team operation and Tao Xuan's teaching, these She is also very handy in doing things, and Chen Guo is also very happy about it. After all, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu can concentrate on the competition.

In addition to this cooperation, Happy now has other cooperations, the biggest reason being the opening of the winter transfer window.

However, Happy is very clear about the transfer window's thinking, and it is very simple, that is: don't buy, don't sell.

However, although their attitude is clear, they cannot stop other teams from asking for prices. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

However, this is normal. After all, Team Happy's results are here, and the value of the players in the team will naturally rise. In addition, most of them are still grassroots who have just entered the league, so in many people, Happy's team members think they are children holding gold bricks. No matter how strong it is, it will be too late.

Qiao Yifan, Steamed Bun, Mo Fan, Tang Rou, Zhang Jiale, and even Ye Xiu all came to give their ideas. Of course, Tang Yin was the most popular. The reason was very simple, because he had skills comparable to Ye Xiu, Zhang Jiale, and Baozi Tang Rou and the others. age. This is definitely the most investment-worthy player in Happy right now. If it wasn't enough, Chen Guo blocked her back, no matter what the other party offered, it didn't mean to let go.

Soon it will be January 10. With the approaching of the eighteenth round, the winter transfer window has also opened for ten days. In the past ten days, some teams have traded with each other, but they only rely on the winter transfer window to make some small adjustments to the team.

The core play styles and core choices of some teams are still firmly grasped by the major teams. In the professional world, it was rare for Excellent Era to directly transfer Sun Xiang, the core rookie of the opposing team, during the winter transfer in Season 8.


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