Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1299: Happy Battle Whistling

From the beginning of this season to the present, the results of each major team have been relatively stable. Even if there are some twists and turns, it has not reached the point where that team wants to directly change players, but even so, there are still some rumors of trading, and among them, the most popular The focus is on Team Whistling.

Team Wind Howl now has a total score of 112 points, ranking seventh in the mid-ranking. Although it is said that they have successfully entered the playoffs, the gap between this score and their expectations is a bit big. You must know their goals this season. But the championship, but they have encountered strong teams many times this season, but the final results are not very good, which makes them all have some self-doubts about themselves.

After all, for the current team's performance, they almost replaced Fang Rui and Lin Jingyan, which directly changed their core structure in the past. After all, Rogue Plus has always been their core combination before this, but now they directly Giving up, this kind of giving up naturally lost a lot of fans related to Fang Rui and Lin Jingyan.

After that, they successively paid for the introduction of Blue Rain's thief player Lin Feng, who would inherit the mystery, and also invited Liu Hao to directly become the team's vice-captain.

Although Liu Hao successfully won an All-Star seat this year, the presence of the other Lin Feng in the team is somewhat low. You must know that Guizhushensu was also an all-star account at the beginning, but now it is getting farther and farther from this goal.

However, Team Wind Howl had paid so much, but in the end they got to this level. Wind Howl inevitably recalled making adjustments to himself, so everyone speculated whether Wind Howl would find a way to bring Fang Rui back from Tyranny.

It's a pity that this kind of thinking is ultimately the wishful thinking of Fang Rui's fans in Wind Howl. After all, Fang Rui has experienced the price of concentration since he came to Tyranny, and now Tyranny's ranking is far above Wind Howl, what is the possible direction? The current team is back. Not to mention that Tang Hao's style itself doesn't match Fang Rui's. They will only have conflicts when they are together. The professional circle sees this very clearly.

With the arrival of January 10, Wind Howl did not conduct any transfer transactions in the last few days, and the original team of Wind Howl also arrived in H City the day before the game. After all, there is still a warm-up and a test field.

Although Liu Hao is now the vice-captain of Wind Howl, he still has a very good popularity in H City. After all, Excellent Era fans still have good feelings for the former Vice-Captain of Excellent Era, and they mocked him before the game. At the same time, Liu Hao also pointed out his regret for Excellent Era's current situation, and of course he didn't forget to send his blessings to the current Excellent Era.

And Liu Hao's remarks really moved Excellent Era's fans who didn't know the truth.

As for the next match against Happy, he didn't talk much about it, and this time Wind Howl's captain, Tang Hao, still didn't participate in the interview. The reason is not clear to everyone, but some rumors say that after the All-Star weekend, Tang Hao's mood was very low.

To be honest, everyone was really surprised by this news. After all, no one thought that a great **** would show that he would care so much about the performance of the All-Star.

"Team Tang? He's in good shape right now, it's just that he wants to focus all his attention on the game during this time. After all, we have just had a good momentum in the two rounds of Wind Howl, so of course we have to work hard to maintain it. And Happy The team has already told us with their victories and strength. They are not underdogs, so we have to prepare more actively!" Tang Hao said very calmly, but those who have a heart will find out that this period of time has a lot to do with Tang Hao. This is what Liu Hao almost answered. The meaning of the center remains the same.

Liu Hao and Guo Yang of Wind Howl are related to City H, but their involvement with a team like Happy is limited. After all, when Happy was still playing against Excellent Era in the Challenger League, they were already defeated by Excellent Era. It was used to call for Xiao Shiqin.

The two teams now have a point difference of about ten points in the standings, which also shows that it is not impossible for the Wind Howl to reverse the situation.

This game is Happy's home court, and the Xiaoshan Gymnasium is full now. After all, this is where Happy's achievements and performances are. You must know that there are three All-Stars on Happy's side this season. Tiny Herb had three All-Stars at its most. This shows how popular Happy is now.

And all of this is reflected in the attendance rate of Happy's games. Now Happy has completely lost the appearance of a grassroots team. After all, e-sports still relies on strength, and now Happy is a strong team recognized by everyone. .

Time flies and the game is about to start. The first one was still the singles match, and on Happy's home court, the number "eighteen" had already appeared.

And the reason is very simple, because this will be the 18th single-player winning streak won by their captain Ye Xiu. After all, according to Happy's practice, Ye Xiu was the first to appear in the singles competition. com So even if everyone doesn't know the list yet, everyone is already starting to fight for Ye Xiu.

It turned out that Happy's fans didn't have time to shout. Ye Xiu had already started from the contestant seat, waving to the whole stage and walking onto the stage, and the fans responded with more enthusiastic applause and cheers.

This is Ye Xiu, no matter where he is, he is a symbol of the city's glory. After Ye repaired it, Ye Xiu had left behind the mystery of the past, and once again showed his superb skills. All these made him once again the center of gravity of the glory of the audience.

And among these fans, there are many Honor players who are not too young, and have even withdrawn from the pit. But even so, after Ye repaired it out, it still aroused their passion back then. There are even many people who have once again boarded the Glory account that has not been boarded for an unknown time!

This is Ye Xiu, he represents not only him, but an era!

And the passion of that era, the emotion of that era, is hard to resonate with the new generation of players who are following Zhou Zekai, Sun Xiang, and even Tang Yin. But no matter how far away the times are, at this moment, passion is burning on this stage!

And Ye Xiu had already appeared, who would they send to deal with this legendary player?


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