Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1300: Tang Hao, the first person to eat crabs

Ye Xiu's first appearance has already become public knowledge, and many experts in the industry have also discussed why Ye Xiu made the first appearance, and the result is that this is a kind of psychological warfare to gain a head start and improve morale.

Ye Xiu appeared in the first place like this every time, he wouldn't hide anything, and he was very good at making changes. As an opponent, how would you deal with such an opponent?

Is it to send the strongest player in the team directly, come to a **** for tat? But if this fails, the morale will only be severely hit, and sending weaker players to adopt tactics similar to Tian Ji's horse racing is equivalent to admitting that he has no opponents who can compete with the opponent, which is a good thing for morale in itself. By then, the effect may not be ideal.

It was precisely because of this that it was really uncomfortable for all the major teams to make Ye Xiu's first move. I, Happy, immediately started the game and waited for you to defeat him. Do you dare to come? And against such a background, Ye Xiu's winning streak is the best mockery.

Like some weaker teams, there really isn't much that can be done against Happy's style of play. Usually, just ask someone to take this game over, but the team will also have a morale battle in Happy. After all, if they can defeat Ye Xiu, it will not only greatly improve their morale, but also greatly improve their morale. Reduce the opponent's momentum. And not to mention his own reputation.

To be honest, Xingxin's style of play was essentially a double-edged sword, but Ye Xiu was the one wielding the double-edged sword in question, and the previous seventeen rounds of this sword were only wounded. The enemy, do not hurt yourself.

And now everyone was wondering how Wind Howl would treat Ye Xiu.

After all, under the leadership of Tang Hao, Wu Xiao had always been a team with high spirits. Even under the influence of Tang Hao, the description of this team has a good mood. They may not necessarily be willing to let this game go. But if there was no water, who would Wind Howl send? Let Tang Hao play directly? What about the two-point Thunder game after that?

Don't say that there is no other team that would make such an arrangement, even if Wu Xiao had such an arrangement, how would Tang Yin Hu Xiao, who has been ruling the ring competition since his debut, deal with it?

For a time, everyone paid attention to the whistling player seats, and also locked their eyes on the electronic screen. And along with the electronic screen, the name of the first player of Team Wind Howl slowly turned out, and a player on the player's seat also started to walk towards the stage. And this person is Tang Hao!

Since he really let Tang Hao play directly! The high-spirited Wu Howl honorably chose to be the first person to eat crabs. Directly let their captain, Tang Hao, the absolute core of the team, play in the starting lineup against Ye Xiu, who has won 17 consecutive victories.

And Whistling fans who came to H City with the team traveled thousands of miles, they shouted proudly after seeing such a brave and domineering appearance of their own captain. But this was Happy's home court after all, and they were quickly overwhelmed by the number of Happy fans.

After all, what about your captain? But it's just the guys who were beaten by our vice team in the All-Star team. What qualifications are there to be arrogant in our home court?

This is the seventh place for Happy fans. Although everyone knows that the All-Star game is an exhibition match, it is after all the mutual criticism between fans. At least I have the data, and you don't even have an example to give.

In the face of the suppression of Happy's fans, Wind Howl's fans were also helpless. After all, even though it was said that the All-Star was an exhibition match, it was still directly overwhelmed. For that alone, Happy fans were already invincible, and it was precisely because of this that their momentum was even stronger.

Fans of howling can only choose to ignore it first, hoping that their captain can fight for them and exchange these words directly!

Otherwise, although the fans of Wind Howl tried their best to ignore it, the taunts of the fans of Happy had no intention of ending. And now the most painful is actually not the fans of Howl, but Tang Hao!

After all, the former All-Stars couldn't ignore him even if the whole world didn't care, and now he's clenched his fists after being ridiculed like this by Happy fans.

He will use these hands to win everything back again, and use these hands to smash all the voices that ridicule him and doubt him, and disappear! And today, he wants to use these hands to make the Happy fans at the scene shut up!

"Victory belongs to Whistling!"

At the beginning of the individual competition, Tang Hao directly and boldly made this victory declaration on the public channel. After that, he directly killed Ye Xiu. No one used tactical positioning during the All-Star game, and Tang Hao won't use it this time either.

But this is really no problem, after all, this is Ye Xiuxuan's map, and Ye Xiuxuan's maps have always had a characteristic, that is, they are not very complicated. So it's better to start straight ahead.

Soon the characters of the two sides met at the center of the map. Ye Xiu's Lord Grim had more long-range attack methods. When the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella was deformed, he used the Gelin machine gun directly, shooting at Tang Hao like a storm. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

But in the face of Ye Xiu's intensive strafing, Tang Hao didn't mean to retreat at all. Instead, he controlled his character to dexterously walk through the rain of bullets. He is Tang Hao, and he is also the ceiling of the professional league. It is obviously impossible to suppress him with a single Gatling gun.

In an instant, Ye Xiu's Gatling gun was over, but Tang Hao used this time to forcibly narrow the distance between the two sides. But Ye Xiu has more skills. He jumped back and started, and then he fired three anti-tank guns in a row. Ye Xiu swung the muzzle one after another when he attacked, and fired three shots. cannonballs.

But such an anti-tank gun with an increased attack range still failed to stop Tang Hao's offensive. Seeing that Tang San shot through the gap between the two bombs with great precision. This is a battle at the level of a great god, and skills like these are trivial in their eyes.

After passing the cannonball of the anti-tank gun, Ye Xiu also entered Tang Hao's attack range. He started by throwing sand, and Ye Xiu directly opened the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella to block the opponent's attack.

Tang Hao didn't seem to have expected this response. After all, sand throwing only has a frontal attack and effect. Why should a shield be opened when it is obvious that it is enough to change the angle of view?

But how about his next attack's Ma needle has been thrown out. Hit the target, can cause paralysis effect.

The hemp needle shot almost at the moment Lord Grim opened his umbrella, and Ye Xiu didn't know there was a hemp needle, so he could hit directly when Ye Xiu blocked the sand throwing the umbrella, and it was unavoidable!


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