Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1301: Go straight up!

As a result, this time Tang Hao thought it was a blow from Bi Zhong. He didn't expect Ye Xiu to still stand on the umbrella after blocking the sand toss.

You must know that there is no lower limit to the attack methods of a rogue character. If you want poison needles, skills like Mazhen have no sound, so Tang Hao felt that he could hit this attack, but he didn't expect Ye Xiu to block the needles until the needles were silent. It hit the umbrella surface and fell and still did not put away the umbrella surface.

Tang Hao obviously didn't understand Ye Xiu's purpose. Seeing that Ye Xiu had no intention of putting away his fan, he simply took this opportunity to get close.

Thinking of this, Tang Hao immediately controlled Tang San to sprint forward, with a brick in his hand ready to go, waiting to rush to Ye Xiu to give him a head-on.

But at this moment, Lord Grim held up the umbrella and didn't take it, and bumped directly at Tang Hao! It is the knight's skill charge!

After all, the shield itself is the equipment of the knight, so he can use the knight's skills directly, but because Ye Xiu doesn't have the knight's sword, his skill only has impact damage, and there is no follow-up attack of the knight's sword.

But in the face of such a lack of attack power, Tang Hao didn't dare to neglect at all. After all, although the shield didn't do much damage, he had a particularly annoying skill, shield strike. Ye Xiu also used the shield strike for the first time for many times. Their major teams had researched them, so they faced Ye Xiu's attack. Tang Hao could only move to dodge, and after pulling out the neutral block, he threw a brick at it.

But when the brick was thrown at Ye Xiu, Tang Hao clearly saw Lord Grim tilting his head slightly behind the umbrella shield, and the other party's gaze had long been fixed on him. And this means that the other party has long realized that he will respond like this!

When Tang Hao realized this, the bricks that Tang San had hit had already been thrown, and after seeing Ye Xiu blocking the bricks with his umbrella shield, he turned around and pulled out a sharp sword from the Qianji umbrella. It exploded in an instant, appearing directly in front of Tang Sanda.

When Tang Hao was about to hide, he realized that he had nowhere to hide!

forward? back? Left? right?

His surroundings were already shrouded in sword light, but what if he didn't move?

Mid sword!

The next moment Tang San hit him, and Ye Xiu slashed with blood.

Simple, one hit hit.

At the same time that Ye Xiu cut out this blood flower, Tang Hao's original flying mood was also cut down.

Direct attacks are easily blocked by the opponent, but what about yourself? There is no way to deal with the opponent's starting sword.

And just when Tang Hao's thoughts were complicated, Ye Xiu's attack would not stop so easily. The sword just hit him, and then the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella changed all kinds of mentality in Ye Xiu's hands. , and Ye Xiu also used all kinds of skills to deal with Tang Hao in an inhumane output!

It's really Ye Xiu's casual fight!

That's right, Ye Xiu's style of play, along with the passage of time, was finally called by the players. Although they really didn't know Ye Xiu's attack principle and style of play. But when they saw that Ye Xiu's opponents were hit by various low-level skills and they were powerless to fight back, that's it, Ye Xiu's casual fight had already begun.

The reason Ye Xiu's scatter shot is called quick hit is because of his attack speed and frequency. And so far, seventeen people have been defeated by this set of play. Among these people, there are rookies who have made progress in the first battle, rookies who are growing rapidly, players who have given up due to tactical needs, and some who let their main players give it a go.

However, it was the first time that a team core like Tang Hao directly confronted Ye Xiu.

But what about this result?

Fans and players who had expectations for Tang Hao at the beginning soon began to make mistakes. The reason is very simple, because Tang Hao's results are no different from others.

Originally Tang Hao's opening sentence: Victory belongs to Wind Howl, and it is very domineering.

But now it seems that victory belongs to Whistling? This is simply smacking yourself. No way, now Tang Hao's performance is really too weak. Ye Xiu was directly blown away!

This made Wind Howl's fans uneasy, after all, this is the regular season, not the All-Star. It doesn't matter if you are knocked out of the All-Star, after all, the exhibition game is also a bit washed out, but it is different now!

Many players are beginning to wonder, after all, this kind of performance does not look at Tang Hao's true level.

And Tang Hao himself thinks so too. He has always been very confident in his own strength, but the problem now is that he can't show his strength.

At first, Ye Xiu snatched the first move. Although Tang Hao would feel some frustration, a single point of setback would not affect his fighting spirit at all. Even if he was hit by Ye Xiu, his high spirits still did not dissipate. Xiu counterattacks when there are flaws and neutrality.

But... Then he discovered a serious problem... Ye Xiu didn't have time.

Just a few words explained Ye Xiu's understanding and skills of Glory.

Although Tang Hao is a little arrogant, no matter how confident he is, he will never think that he will not make any mistakes and flaws in the battle.

It doesn't even seem to him that anyone can do that, at least he hasn't met before today. But now, with such an opponent he encountered in the game, UU reading www.uukanshu.com did not leave him any flaws or vacancies.

This is impossible!

Tang Hao is confident in his eyes, but he still doesn't believe that anyone can do it without flaws. This result makes him still doubt his own observation ability, and even the display begins to shake his long-standing strong self-confidence. .

When that self-doubt started, he can't remember, it could be now, it could be at the All-Stars. But he knew he didn't want to lose!

But now he couldn't find a way to win.

Should I just wait like this?

Seeing that his character's blood volume was getting lower and lower, Tang Hao's mentality became more and more anxious.

No, if you have to wait like this, if the other party doesn't show any flaws, won't you be taken away by the other party's blood? You must know that even some newcomers haven't lost so much against Ye Xiu. Are you not as good as a rookie now?

"This is impossible!!" Tang Hao roared in the battle room. But now it's not an All-Star, no voice is turned on, and the recorder behind him has no one to hear his roar.

After a roar, Tang Hao burst into flames. After forcibly eating Ye Xiu's series of attacks, he forced his skills to be reinforced. That's right, Tang Hao chose to force it directly!


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