Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1307: some trembling hands

Sure enough, the grass in that direction swayed slightly. Although the swaying was very small, it still did not escape Lin Feng's eyes. And Lin Feng was also very decisive, and an assassin's arc flashed directly to the grass. As a result, the character has already arrived in the grass, but there is no wind formation.

"Are combat thieves so easy to deceive now?" Wei Chen said, raising his hand to activate the cutting technique, because this is an instant magic, so naturally there is no need to chant. A dark blade appeared directly above Lin Feng's position. But no damage was done.

"Are you escaping at full rank?" Wei Chen said with a bit of frustration seeing this situation.

Escape is a very useful skill for thieves. The effect is that there is a certain chance that the next attack his character receives will be invalid, and the percentage of invalid damage depends on the skill level. And this skill can achieve 100% damage-free at full level.

For professional players, of course, a skill like this must be fully tapped, so as to ensure that the skill effect can be hit. After all, not everyone can think of Tang Yin, only the probability is when Tang Yin needs it. One hundred percent, zero percent when not needed. In the hands of ordinary people, as long as it is not 100%, it is very likely to leave a hole for him.

Of course, there are many reasons for learning this skill. Fang Rui didn't learn this skill when he was still in the hands of fascination. The effect on him is naturally rather limited. You must know that it takes a lot of experience to get a skill point to full level. Adding so many skill points to other trap-type skills would be more useful to Fang Rui at that time.

The cutting technique didn't hit Lin Feng. Naturally, Lin Feng had to rely on the opponent's neutral attack to counterattack. After all, with the experience of the previous match, no one would underestimate the veteran substitute Happy.

"It's the troublesome skill." Wei Chen complained. Fortunately, the cutting technique was a low-level skill, and there was no rigidity. He very limitedly avoided Lin Feng's counterattack.

Since Wei Chen launched an attack here, he naturally had his equipment. After avoiding Lin Feng's attack, Wei Chen used a backhand strike with a soul technique. He hit Lin Feng who was wielding the hilt in his hand, and directly hit him with this blow. Sap interrupted.

This is the effect of Soul Strike. The soul attack directly hits the target's soul, leaving the target in a state of trance for an instant, and the performance in the game is that the operation is invalid. The effect is short-lived, but it is a powerful interrupting blow, which can interrupt not only the chant skills, but any action.

This was Wei Chen's style of play, a play structure that relied on prediction as the core. Just know the purpose of the other party if you interfere in the middle. Relying on the opponent's skill to interrupt, he fell into a stalemate, and Wei Chen didn't pursue him. Just turn around and run. There is no nostalgia at all, and the run is called a neat and tidy.

There is no way that his physical strength and mental agility are limited, let alone. He didn't want to win this game, he just wanted to grind out a little more blood from the opponent, and he was the best at restraining the flow.

Next, Wei Chen relied on his knowledge of the map to start an ambush battle with Lin Feng. It was similar to changing positions after hitting one spot. The main purpose was to make Lin Feng use the Corrosion Technique.

Devouring, Life Fall, Voodoo, Vampiric, Necromancy are long-term debuffs. Then all kinds of kite flying. What is the most incisive embodiment of wretchedness.

In the face of Wei Chen's almost shameless style of play, let's not talk about his opponents. Even if it was Happy's home court now, the court was still full of obscene comments on Wei Chen.

Now that Lin Feng felt powerless for a while, he originally thought that his former Wu Xiao also had a wretched master, and they did have some unique insights into Wei Chen's containment, but now he won the insights but he did not become a master. His counterattack capital.

In the end, he could only use the crudest method to sell blood to get close to Wei Chen. However, Lin Feng's profession was not the fastest thief. Although Wei Chen was already familiar with this map to the point of madness, he was still caught in the end. He catches up. But before he was killed in the end, Wei Chen still had 35% of the opponent's health rubbed off. It could be said that today was definitely a big victory for Wei Chen!

Wei Chen, who came back, greeted the applause from the audience with a proud look on his face, but Tang Yin and the others found Wei Chen's trembling hand...

Next was the second match of the Challenger Tournament, where Lin Feng, with 65% of his health, played against Happy's Tang Rou.

Tang Rou, the first-round fixture in the Yuanxingxin arena, after each major team thoroughly studied her style of play and let Tang Rou hit the rookie wall, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu challenged her, either in the ring. The second place in the competition, or directly in the group arena, and directly in the team battle. This also gave Tang Rou a time to adjust her state.

But Tang Rou didn't like it very much. After all, her character was so difficult. Since the other party can target her, UU reading www.uukanshu.com means that she has something to improve. And Tang Rou was never afraid to face adjustment, let alone failure. But Tang Yin and Ye Xiu still pulled her down.

It's not that she doesn't give her a chance to exercise, but she wants to refine her every game more. In this way, the steering analysis can be carried out better, so as to better solve Tang Rou's problems.

And this kind of effect is quite remarkable. Although Tang Rou's rookie wall still exists, its influence on Tang Rou is very limited. Tang Rou was indeed the most talented of Happy's rookies other than Tang Yin, and her growth rate was even higher than that of Blue Rain's Lu Hanwen.

And this one could be said to be Tang Rou's favorite battle, because both sides wanted to go straight to the front.

At the end of the All-Star statistics, Tang Rou was also in the top 30, very close to the All-Star! And this also explained Tang Rou's popularity from the side. With Tang Rou's appearance, the whole process was completely boiling. Even Wind Howl fans didn't hesitate to give their applause, this is Tang Rou's current popularity.

The roles of both sides were refreshed, and neither of them had any tactical positions to rush towards the middle of the map. This time the two sides met very quickly. After all, neither side has chosen a tactical position. And since the opponent had already appeared in front of her, Tang Rou would not hesitate. As always, the dragon breaks the army!


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