Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1308: Tang Rou's trap

Haolong Pojun was used as Tang Rou's starting style, and now everyone in the Glory circle knows about it. In most cases, Tang Rou started directly with the powerful dragon breaking the army, and the final move of the powerful dragon breaking army can be consistent with many starting moves, which can effectively eliminate the part-time job of the character running out of the ultimate move, and the powerful dragon breaking the army. As a battle mage, the army is a big move, and the powerful skill judgment is not limited by ordinary skills, at least not the traps of thieves.

But this time Tang Rou's attack was still nullified by the opponent. That's right, Lin Feng used escape again to nullify Tang Rou's attack, and then a sap hit the back of Tang Rou's head. But Tang Rou knew the reason when the dragon broke the army. A 180-degree round dance stick swept from the front to the back, her hand speed exploded, and she parried Lin Feng's blow to the limit.

And this parry caused Tang Rou to form a dark attribute dazzling pattern behind her. Seeing the other party's dazzling patterns, Lin Feng began to have a headache. No way, Battle Mage's dazzling mechanic is definitely the most annoying mechanic of Glory. No way, the generation mechanism of the dazzling pattern itself has no restrictions. Even if you directly want to parry like this, you can generate the dazzling pattern, and the dazzling pattern has a certain attribute and will not deliberately aim, even if you disperse the dazzling pattern in the air, the opponent will You can still get the blessing of the dazzling pattern, which is annoying.

The dark attribute dazzling pattern is dedicated to the output ability of true and false battle mages, because when the dark attribute dazzling pattern attacks the enemy, it can increase its own physical crit rate and cause the enemy to receive dark attribute magic damage.

You must know that crit has always been one of the most noble attributes in the game. A normal attack does twice as much damage as a normal attack.

Sure enough, after generating the dark attribute dazzling pattern, Tang Rou did not hesitate at all, and directly called the dark attribute dazzling pattern towards the opponent's face. There was no way, Lin Feng could only wave the knife to break it up. At this time, Tang Rou also successfully received the bonus. Seeing Tang Rou's spear began to emit purple magic waves. A spear attacked Lin Feng directly.

With another blow from Dragon Teeth, facing such a close-range battle, the advantages of the Battle Mage are reflected. Because at this time, neither side has the chance to release the big move with forward swing, and at this time, they can only rely on the previous small skills of level 20 to parry each other.

The bigger the two of them, the more Tang Rou dazzled, accompanied by several confrontations. Now Tang Rou's whole body is due to the amplification effect of the dazzling pattern.

That does not work!

Although Lin Feng is a combat thief, he is not stupid. The advantage of a combat thief is a period of time and a high outbreak. But the premise is that the opponent must suppress the opponent. But now he was suppressed and had no chance of breaking out at all.

I saw Lin Feng directly distanced Tang Rou with an arc flash, when Tang Rou chased after him with a series of stabs. He directly used the thief skill to sneak!

Stealth: Let the character move in complete stealth. The movement speed is 60% of the normal speed in the stealth state, and the movement speed is 85% of the normal speed when the level is full. Attacking or any action that consumes stamina will automatically cancel the stealth state. After transferring to master the trap mastery, the rogue can set any trap in stealth state without disabling the stealth state.

After sneaking, it is a one-shot flash, which is the displacement skill of thieves. Because it is a simple displacement skill similar to teleportation, it has no attack effect, so it will not cancel the stealth state.

Again a move away from the original position. As for his original position, Tang Rou had already smashed down with a powerful dragon. The most vivid interpretation of what is called the aesthetics of violence.

Now Lin Feng has also clearly recognized his current situation. Although he is a direct thief, it is obvious that he can't beat Tang Rou, who is faster than him.

But he was also very aware of Tang Rou's weaknesses. That is the restriction. As long as the restriction is in place, Tang Rou's attack rhythm can be easily disrupted, then that's his chance to counterattack!

With the help of his current stealth and rogue class transfer to master traps, Lin Feng began to place various traps around Tang Rou. Although he is a combat thief, he is also proficient in the most mainstream play styles of thieves.

Trap buckles, poison cloud traps, flame traps, shadow traps, sandstorm traps... There are all kinds of traps, but of course these traps are not around Tang Rou anyway. After all, Tang Rou can't see him, but she can see the traps. . Trap has a lot of stealth skills, but it is not easy to observe.

After placing the trap in the place he planned, Lin Feng's sneaking time was reasonable, and he deliberately revealed a flaw in a bush. Tang Rou was attracted to come over, but Tang Rou really came only to see the way Tang Rou came over and Lin Feng's whole person was bad.

Seeing Tang Rou jump directly into the air with the sloping giant tree that Wei Chen used as a pedal. The strong magical grudge stalked Tang Rou's spear, and Tang Rou stabbed the spear at Lin Feng's current approximate position. It is the battle of the battle mage that breaks mountains and rivers!

In the face of such a big move, Lin Feng could only avoid the edge. With the influx of a lot of fighting qi magic, Tang Rou's ground shattered magically, and various soil cones rose from the ground. Accompanied by the sound of explosions as a series of traps are destroyed.

That's right, when using a trap, there will be a release effect similar to that of a flash mine buried in the ground. And Tang Rou, who was sensitive to voices, could vaguely hear a few even if the other party was not by her side. UU reading www. uukanshu.com Tang Rou also knew that she couldn't listen to everything, so she simply started to fight and destroyed all the ground. Tang Rou's resoluteness directly made Lin Feng's stealth attempt in vain. Although it didn't destroy all of it, it also destroyed a lot.

But now that the trap has been destroyed, it is too late to regret it. Therefore, Lin Feng directly wiped away Tang Rou's neck with an arc flash, and used the great stiffness of Douba Mountains and Rivers to hit a wave of output.

In the end, Lin Feng came out of Blue Rain, and there is still the shadow of Blue Rain's opportunism in his style of play. Seizing the opportunity is a burst. It perfectly reflects the characteristics of his fighting thief.

But there's no reason why few combat thieves don't die. One of the reasons is very simple and clear, that is, his instant burst is not because he doesn't want to burst for longer, but because he can't burst for longer.

Just like Warlock, most of Warlock's control skills, and as a thief, most of his skills are also traps, skills that contain effects, and the main output skills are very limited, which leads to him having no output skills after finishing these skills. This is why combat thieves can only fight bursts. And Tang Rou was already clear about this when she was researching for the captain.

Therefore, when facing the opponent's instant explosion, Tang Rou directly exploded her hand speed and confronted the opponent. At the cost of evaporating 30% of his blood in an instant, he suppressed the opponent's direction!

But Lin Feng, who found that he had used up his explosive skills, but couldn't get out of the battle, found that the opponent's great rigidity was a trap!


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