Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1309: Whistling at halftime

That's right, this is Tang Rou's trap. The easiest way to induce violence, then exchange blood for blood! Relying on his own hand speed, he forcibly survived the opponent's outbreak period, and then broke out with all his strength!

Then Tang Rou perfectly complicates Ye Xiu's style of play, bursting out all the way! Didn't give each other a chance to breathe. As Tang Yin said, they are still young, they don't want Ye Xiu and the others, Ye Xiu and the others won't break out, they won because they need to prepare for the future team competition, and they can break out as much as they like, and they should break out with all their strength!

In the end, Tang Rou killed Lin Feng when she still had 41% of her health remaining. Because they know that they have won the ring match. Because Tang Rou is a player who is getting stronger and stronger in battle, and more importantly, after Tang Rou, there is their strongest sub-team! Tang Yin, the deputy team member who has never lost a home till now!

But now everyone is more curious, the captain of Howl has already played, so who is the defender of the Thunder game now?

Soon the answer was revealed. The people who came out made the noise of the scene a lot less, because the team guarding this round of Wu Howl was Liu Hao.

Although there is something wrong with Liu Hao's character, fans don't know that they have always known Liu Hao on the screen, and now Liu Hao is facing Happy, some of them were originally fans of Liu Hao and are now fans of Happy at the same time. Fans are confused.

Liu Hao also successfully entered the All-Star this season, and his popularity is still very good. In addition, this is City H, which was Liu Hao's home court a year ago, so many spectators were in a trance when they saw him, like a former teammate and today's opponent.

But it didn't take long. After all, transfers in the league are a very common thing. Today, everyone is teammates moving forward together. After a transfer period, each other becomes an obstacle to the other party's goal.

The emotions on the fans' side, but that's how professional games are, its cruelty is that it's really annoying to jump out and attack everyone from time to time. But it can't be changed...

Liu Hao marched forward very firmly, waving to the audience who applauded him as he walked. Generally speaking, as an away team, this kind of behavior attracts the hatred of the fans of the home team, but Liu Hao is very aware that this venue is not good to him and to him. For the fans at the scene, they all use unusual meanings, so his kind attitude now has won him applause from many audiences. And Liu Hao was undoubtedly the one who received the most applause from the audience among all Wu Howl team members.

However, unlike Liu Hao's seemingly relaxed mood now, deep down in his heart, he wasn't as free and easy as he appeared on the outside.

Now there are already two players on my side, and there are two players on the other side. One of them is one of the most troublesome. Although Liu Hao didn't want to admit it, the fact was that they still hadn't developed an effective method for Ye Xiu and Tang Yin. And these two are the guys he doesn't want to lose the most.

It's not that Liu Hao didn't have such a fantasy of defeating Tang Yin, but he still had a clear distinction between the fantasy and now. Even if he is in full state, his chance of winning against Tang Yin is limited, but now it has become something he must do, and he still has to defeat one more opponent with 41% HP, not to mention it is He, putting it on anyone on their team would be a bit of a dilemma.

And how could such a result be as heavy as his heart? But he was heavy, and he did a good job on the surface. It wasn't until he entered the competition room that his expression sank. He carefully insisted on the peripherals such as the keyboard and mouse he brought, and after confirming that there was no problem, he swiped the card to enter the game.

With the start of the third round of the ring match, Fan Howl's fans hope that their vice team can create a miracle, complete a one-vs-two, and then....... there is no such thing.

In the battle with Tang Rou, she won Tang Rou with 29% HP. Then he faced Tang Yin with 71 percent of his health, and then directly beat him, just like Tang Yin beat their captain Tang Hao in the All-Stars before. It's just that this time it was their sub-team that exploded.

As for the fans of Happy, who had the opposite attitude to that of the fans of Wind Howl, the slogan of 10 to 0 resounded throughout the venue. As long as Happy wins the teamfight in the next game, Happy will get another 10-0.

At this moment, the fans who accompanied Wu Howl on a special trip with the team. At this moment, it was obviously a lot of negativity. The two captains of their own were beaten up by the other's two captains, which was a big blow to them. Originally, they had expected Tang Hao, an all-star player, to come to a one-on-two fight against the sky to fight for them.

But in the end? In this game, their vice team was abruptly beaten by the opponent, and the long-range was not suppressed. Many skills that needed to be read a little bit were released, which made their fans a little lost.

Howling fans are silent, very silent.

Looking at the happy fans on the other side who were still cheering, their hearts were even more unpleasant. It perfectly embodies what is called no comparison, no harm!

The cheering flag made by Wu Howl fans, UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com, the whistling flag that flutters in the wind whether it is at home or away, has now fallen to the side. Apparently the fans responsible for wielding it are also in low spirits. Regardless of this, there is no way out, a team, captain and vice-captain have always been the core of the team. The two cores were blown up by the other side one after another. This blow to them can be imagined.

The individual competition has reached this level, but what about the team competition after that? What will happen? Wouldn't it really be 10-0 by Happy?

Even though all those present were whistling iron fans, at this moment, they couldn't help but doubt their own team.

Like their captain, Tang Hao, the absolute core of the team, was blown away by Ye Xiu. And their rookie player Zhao Yuzhe, who was full of expectations, was also defeated by the opponent's veteran Wei Chen. Lin Feng, who inherited the all-star role of Ghostly Suspicion in a different style, was also defeated by Tang Rou. In the end, even Liu Hao, who they thought was worth it, even the team picked up a big leak, was directly crushed by the opponent's deputy team. .

Everyone here was defeated by their opponents with a high advantage, and it is such a group of people who are going to fight against Happy with one of the four great tacticians, even if they believe in their own team. You know, their own team wants that explanation to defeat Happy.


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