Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1317: Is this guy really a rookie?

"Hit me hard!" As the captain, Tang Hao shouted at this time. But now Wind Howl is no longer just a problem. Their players are really good, but none of them are so strong that they can be crushed together by their own strength. Don't talk about them, they are now in glory. Any team that has always been there will not do.

The pastor was targeted by Tang Yin the whole time, except for the instant skill, he could not even give his teammates assistance in other situations. This also resulted in Liu Hao's lack of support and became the first character to fall. But there is one thing to say. Looking at the entire field, even if the battlefield game was definitely a losing game, Liu Hao's performance still had many bright spots, and there were even operations to save the situation.

"If you can focus more on the competition, you will be better." When Liu Hao was down, Ye Xiu nabbed him again on this topic that Liu Hao hated.

Is he not focused enough? How focused do you want me to be? Why is this guy still so annoying when he talks so much? Do you think others will deny my performance today because of your trash talk? It's ridiculous, even though they had a very bad fight this time, Liu Hao believed that based on his own performance, no one would be able to pick out his faults.

Wind Howl, who was out first, was completely passive, or in other words, they had no chance to take the initiative except for the encounter at the beginning, and the die-hard fans of Wind Howl watched their players advance in high spirits at the beginning of the game. As a result, it is now torn apart like a paper tiger, despised by the other party.

If this game is a fierce battle of equal strength, then even if you lose, it is still honorable to lose, and it will not be as disheartening as it is now. But the fact is that everyone in Wind Howl came on stage with confidence, but in the end, they were ruthlessly crushed by the opponent, and the complete fans could not see any hope of victory.

At the beginning of the team competition, the Howl's flag, which was still fluttering in the wind, drooped down sadly at this moment. At this moment, the flag-bearer of Howl was very fond of the whistling in the past, who also had a criminal combination. Even Wind Howl's results at that time were not necessarily better than the current Wind Howl, but at least that Wind Howl would not be disappointed by their fans.

The game does need to win, but everyone knows that victory does not represent the whole game.

In this round of competition, Team Wind Howl didn't even score a single point. The strong performance at the beginning of the season was completely gone. The current Wind Howl was like a team that could only make noises before the game, and its momentum was high. But when it really gets to the stadium, it's like a balloon, a team that breaks as soon as it is tied.

And what can fans expect from such a team? Seeing the result of their own team's defeat, the fans at this moment were obviously confused again. This is a team that has been in the playoffs all the time, and it actually makes their fans feel like they have lost their way...

Howling lost.

Lost quite badly.

Even though Team Wind Howl had been labelled as bullying and fearing hardship, their performance in the singles match was still very good, they scored three points against Blue Rain and four points against Tyranny, even if they faced Samsara, Wind Howl Also scored two points. It can be said that apart from the same reincarnation accident this season, the other two teams, Wind Howl, even had the upper hand in the individual competition.

But what happens when they hit the team game? As a team that lacks tactics, when it encounters an opponent that is slightly closer to its own strength, it is full of various flaws. After all, the team competition itself does not rely on the blood and spirit of a single person to win.

But at least they have achieved good results in the previous individual competitions, but what about this time?

0 to 10, this round, they whistled and lost completely. Amid the cheers of Happy's fans throughout the entire process, the current Howling crowd is like the flags in the hands of their fans, and they no longer have the fighting spirit when they play...

This is the first time that Wind Howl has lost so thoroughly this season, or in other words, Wind Howl hasn't scored zero points for a long time, and I can't imagine when the last time Wind Howl was so swept away. Woke up.

Fans can't remember it, and even more howling people can't think of it. After all, their time in the team is shorter than each other, and they are all transferred from other teams. How could they pay attention to the history of Team Wind Howl?

Even they, who were originally disgusted by the wretchedness of Wind Howl, didn't intend to care about the past and tradition of this team.

Since everyone in Happy is here, the treatment is completely opposite. Now they are receiving cheers from fans off the field. 10-0, this round they won another 10-0. And it was 10-0 from a strong team like Wind Howl. Such a 10-to-0 is more valuable and more meaningful.

And their regular performance from start to finish in this game made everyone even more astonished. First, Ye Xiu directly knocked out Captain Wind Howl, and then Tang Yin knocked out Liu Hao, Wind Howl's deputy. In the climax of the team game, while Tang Yin was consuming the priest by himself, a random shot knocked back the three Wind Howl team members who came to the rescue. After that, he suppressed the Wind Howl priest again and again and guided the team to attack the rhythm. These undoubtedly do not show Tang Yin's strength and talent.

While the fans of Wind Howl were suspicious of their own team, the fans of Happy's side became more and more confident in their own team. UU reading www. uukanshu.com even swelled with confidence.

After the press conference, even Liu Hao was not in the mood to continue to please those media. Among the various questions asked by reporters, he responded very officially to some very unnutritious scenes, and then they whistled. Forcibly ended their part of the press conference.

And when Happy came on stage, Ye Xiu and Tang Yin were once again surrounded by onlookers. Although Tang Yin, a rookie, has been very dazzling this season, he seems to be refreshing everyone's perception of him in every game. Some people even think that he is not even a rookie, but a rookie with Ye Xiu. , Wang Jiexi, Zhou Zekai, Huang Shaotian and other players are at the same level as gods.

No way, if everyone's influence on Tang Yin in the past was that they were very strong, and then it was the battle with Lei Ting. Under Tang Yin's command, Happy won the first blood in the team match of Lei Ting team, let everyone realize that this Rookies are not only strong. He is also very talented in tactics, and this time, Tang Yin's powerful ability to control the field is displayed. As the core of this battle, Tang Yin firmly held the initiative in his own hands.

And such a versatile player is appearing in front of everyone, and this person is a player who only debuted this season.

Is this guy really a rookie?


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