Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1318: And double???

The eighteen rounds of competition had ended, and in this round, the match between Happy and Wind Howl was definitely the biggest selling point of this round. In this regard, in the ten-to-zero number of times, Happy successfully led Samsara once.

As for the Samsara team, the home game against the Thunder in this round was also very exciting, but they still lost a point in the individual game, and finally won by a big score difference of 1 to 9. This is also a game that was broadcast on TV this round, and the broadcaster has no regrets, because the game between Samsara and Thunder is very exciting, especially the final team game, even if you look at this season, Also one of the best quality teamfights.

There is a huge disparity between the two teams in terms of players and roles. There are even reporters who have done statistics and directly add up the values ​​of the players and characters in the team battle lineup of the two teams using the simplest method to eliminate violence. Many people think that the Thunder is hitting the stone with an egg. But the fact is, the two sides fought hard for 33 minutes in this team battle. This is very young for a team that wants to reincarnate and have such a strong season. It is conceivable that the Thunder has hindered them from playing more.

You must know that these are still in Samsara's home field. If this is the Thunder's home field, and Xiao Shiqin has more time to prepare, what will be the result?

Although this Thunder was defeated, their momentum was even more surging! With this extremely cheap lineup alone, Samsara was forced into a protracted battle. Although it was very difficult for Samsara to win the game in the end, many people felt that if the Thunder were playing at home, the undefeated golden body of Samsara might be possible. about to be broken.

It's a pity that Samsara still won in the end, but the tactics used were exactly the tactics of Tang Yin's opponent Xiao Shiqin. The topic of opening the voice for a while was swiped on the hot search again.

Seriously, there is really nothing to be proud of when you win with such tactics. After all, this is equivalent to having nothing to do with the opponent, and in the end can only use such violence to destroy the delicate. It's just that Lei Ting, who opened this Pandora's box, has nothing to say about it. After all, this method is still the most useful method for them. As a result, I was sniped twice in succession... Seek the area of ​​Thunder's psychological shadow.

However, after this incident, the voices on the Internet of Voices for Open Voice finally agree, that is: the rules are killing the development of glory.

This is not alarmist, because when the original ingenious tactics were finally cracked by such brute force, who would still bother to think about delicate tactical research? After all, when research on this thing is meaningless, who would use it?

The most important thing is that several teams have used this style of play to win the game. It is such a blow and suppression for winning tactical commanding players and commanders. The most unacceptable thing is this. The purpose of violent play is to give them no time to type.

This is an obliteration of Glory's tactics. If it continues, won't future Glory competitions become a confrontation that relies solely on violence and hand speed? Until then, that glorious culture will be limited to that.

At this moment, the voices of opposition were unexpectedly unanimous, which made all parties pay more attention than before.

Thunder Clan, as the first immediate beneficiary of this rule, then became the victim twice in a row. But it is undeniable that they have reached a peak in terms of tactics. Even before this, Thunder was a team with tactics as the core, but they were not so defiant at that time. Look at Xiao Shiqin now, after going to the challenge for one round, the whole person is like Like gilded.

Even if he was defeated by Happy's rookie in the 16th round, he didn't mean to shake his confidence at all. But in the face of Samsara, Xiao Shiqin once again carried out a very sophisticated equipment for this team that was almost against the sky this season. He believed that they were capable of defeating any opponent.

And Xiao Shiqin's belief, even if he didn't say it himself, everyone could clearly feel it, and were moved by it. Because of this, Xiao Shiqin's popularity has skyrocketed this season. With a group of ordinary players who are almost unknown compared to other giants, they have achieved such a dazzling record, which is unique in history.

Even the grass-roots team Happy, who claimed to have just debuted, had four All-Star players among them. Two of them still make the entire alliance the existence of enchanting characters. So even though it was true that Happy was a grassroots team that just debuted, no one dared to see the opponent as a real but grassroots team.

Although Samsara was defeated in the arena this time, people's voice for the rules has once again reached an unprecedented level, and even many people are asking not to wait for the next season, and to change the rules this season.

But of course, the alliance can't just change it. It has already studied this issue before, and now because of the pressure of public opinion, there is no need to focus on it again.

With this, the events of the eighteenth round came to an end, and there were some changes in the standings. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com Samsara still led the field. When Happy defeated Wind Howl, the points went straight to fourth place. The fifth place was Tyranny. This round they played against Hundred Blossoms at home, but for some unknown reason, fans on both sides had a quarrel and even nearly caused a fight. Although it is said that it is the organizer's responsibility to stop the list in time.

That's why the Alliance issued a serious warning to Tyranny when they were still in the game, probably because the warning came out of nowhere, and everyone in Tyranny was a little annoyed. This led to a mistake in this round of battle, and finally lost to Baihua 2-8. And his score was fifth.

Fortunately, there were no hand injuries in the end, which is a misfortune.

As for the second and third, Blue Rain and Tiny Herb were still holding tightly in their hands, and they were also trying to catch up with Samsara.

On Blue Rain's side, at the beginning, everyone was worried about them because they were facing each other with relatively average teams. But looking at the results of the recent matches, Blue Rain was only in a slump for a while, and it has now been adjusted. . The adjusted Blue Rain's performance has obviously improved. They have already won the second place in a few rounds, and Tiny Herb continues their unbeaten in the ring competition. In an individual game, the opponent directly won 9-1.


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