Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1321: Yang Cong's life-threatening blow

The undefeated golden body of Samsara was broken, which is definitely the headline of this round of voting. But in fact, not only the reincarnation, but Happy also had an accident in this round. In this round, they also ushered in their first defeat since the ninth round, and this incident also attracted a lot of attention.

Happy played 301 on the road this round, but they lost the game 4-6. Originally, in the eyes of Happy's supporters, Happy won four points in the individual match, although there was no chance of winning another one. It was ten to zero, but it was a big victory to say that. Although it would be a bit regrettable, everyone could accept it. As a result, who could think of Happy, who was also quite strong in teamfights, since they lost this round of teamfights.

You must know that starting from the ninth round, let alone Happy's defeat, they never even scored less than nine to one, and the rhythm of scoring points like this is even higher than Samsara. If the league only had the ninth round to the end In eight rounds, Happy is now the champion.

Although it was said that Happy's crazy score grab was partly due to the fact that he had not met a top-tier giant team, but there were also many such giants as Misty Rain, Void, Thunder, and Wind Howl. What's terrifying is that even if Happy faced these strong opponents, they still had outstanding results, with three wins in 10-0.

It can be said that Happy has a ten-round record that is even more terrifying than Samsara, which is why people recognize everyone in Happy so much. But no one regards them as an invincible team.

After all, Happy had a very obvious shortcoming, that is, their treatment showed that from the beginning of the league, everyone had found that Happy's treatment was not up to the standard. Even the local newspapers covered it.

As for Happy's weakness, of course other teams would make all kinds of pairings, but later they discovered that Happy had covered their weakness very well, and they had even reached the point of insanity.

Whether it was against Hundred Blossoms, Misty Rain, or the Void that they encountered later, Happy was particularly evident in the battle against these former teams.

It was Team Thunder's tactics against Xingxin, which was aimed at Xingxin's treatment. As a result, at the beginning, Xiao Shiqin's tactics had not even started, so Tang Yin suppressed him and didn't have time to type. plan. If voices had been allowed in the team at that time, Happy might have lost to the priest's rhythm in that match.

Although Happy's weakness is very obvious, after so many rounds, no team could take advantage of it. Until the nineteenth round, when facing 301, Happy's weakness was broken for the first time. .

And 301's method of breaking this weakness is also very simple and crude.

That is to directly let the captain of 301, and now the number one assassin of Glory, Yang Cong. With a life-threatening blow, he directly blew himself up, forcibly taking away An Wenyi and his character, Little Cold Hands.

Although Yang Cong has the title of No. 1 Assassin of Glory, his fans are very limited. After all, for an Assassin, most people like the kind of fun and domineering that kills with one blow. Glory's No. 1 Assassin has never used this skill, and some people even doubted whether Yang Cong's landscape killing didn't have this skill, and it was just used to scare people.

In this year's All-Star game, it was the first time Yang Cong showed his fangs after he took over as captain, and used a life-threatening blow to directly take away his opponent. Although it was just an exhibition match, Yang Cong at least let everyone know that he didn't know **** with one hit, but he didn't need it. As for why it was not used, no one asked this question at the time, but Tang Yin and Ye Xiu knew very well that it was not that it was not used, but that it could not be used!

After the All-Star game, the players also returned to their normal state of play. Originally, Tang Yin and the others thought that Yang Cong had also returned to his normal state, but this time, since Yang Cong suddenly used a sacrificial blow, they were all in Tang Yin. Without emergency response, he took An Wenyi away with a single blow.

Yang Cong's move was too sudden, and no treatment in the team match was the most deadly. Although Lord Grim was not unable to make a cameo appearance, what was the use of Ye Xiu's healing skills before level 20? This time, the Myriad Manifestations Umbrella he brought didn't have any healing skills, and his few small healing skills simply couldn't support the consumption of a five-person team battle.

Happy had no choice but to start the general attack directly, trying to rely on a powerful offensive to get match point, but 301 was clearly prepared. After Yang Cong succeeded, they immediately started to slow down the pace of the game and made the game abruptly. dragged into a war of attrition. He was not arrogant or impetuous throughout the whole process, so he surrounded himself with treatment, and did not give Tang Yin a chance to interrupt the treatment at all. In the end, Happy was dragged down abruptly.

And after that battle of attrition, it took a full thirty-five minutes, which directly broke the team battle time record of Samsara and Thunder. It's just that in the more than 30 minutes of the game, the most exciting moment was only the life-threatening blow that Yang Cong scenery killed...

At the subsequent press conference, Yang Cong was also besieged by reporters. After all, a person who never had to give his life a blow, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com suddenly used it in this battle today, what caused Yang Cong's style to change? Is it because of the success of the All-Star, or because of what inspired him?

To the reporter's question, Yang Cong also replied with a very natural smile: "I have it all. In fact, it is not that I don't like to use it, but I can't use it."

"What does this mean?" Although Tang Yin and the other professional gods knew the reason, the reporter obviously didn't know it.

"Because I am the captain of 301." Yang Cong replied lightly.

That's right, that's why Yang Cong couldn't take a life-threatening blow, and that's why Tang Yin and Ye Xiu didn't take precautions even if they knew that this guy would take a life-saving blow. Because Yang Cong is the captain, the soul, flag, and core of a team. Take responsibility for leading the team after anything. This kind of guidance can be called encouragement in words or motivation in action. But one thing is necessary, and that is the captain to be present.

But what about after the death blow? The opponent lost a player, and they directly lost their captain. How will this team play in the next game? That's why, even if he had the chance before, Yang Cong couldn't go, because he was the captain, and he wanted to stay on the court as much as possible!

Therefore, his life-threatening blow is not impossible to use, but cannot be used!


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