Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1322: Who is Bai Shu?

This is what makes Yang Cong unique, because he is the captain, and he has more responsibilities and obligations on his shoulders than ordinary players. This made him, the assassin, destined not to be a lonely killer under the back light, because he represented not only himself, but also his entire team.

After hearing Yang Cong's words, the reporters present also knew the reason, and at this time they also discovered the problems they had been ignoring.

Both Yang Cong and Wang Jiexi debuted in the fourth season, and both became team captains. But for a long time, everyone has been praising Wang Jiexi for changing his style of play for Tiny Herb, and abandoning that would make him more noticeable. The magician's style of play that can enhance his popularity even more.

And he and Wang Jiexi agreed to make his debut. He is also an all-star player, and he also holds the position of leader of the first team. He even gave up his position at the very beginning. Dazzling skills.

Perhaps in terms of what they gave up, compared to Wang Jiexi, Yang Cong seemed to give up a lot. It is undeniable that both of them have the determination to give up themselves for the team. In terms of this determination, Yang Cong is no less than Wang Jiexi. But they are now realizing it.

As a result of this, the reporters today are a little moved for a while, but they are also a little curious.

"Then why in today's game, you suddenly decided to break the present and directly use the death blow?" A reporter asked everyone's question again.

"This should be the time of the All-Star Game. I was inspired! When I was in the All-Star Game, I suddenly realized that now I may be able to help my teammates in other ways. People are fighting." Yang Cong explained with a smile.

Hearing Yang Cong's explanation, the reporters present were obviously taken aback.

What does this mean? Could it be that Yang Cong is going to abdicate and let Xian pull? That's big news!

But it is also true that the players in the third and fourth seasons have now entered the later years of their careers. Currently active in the professional circle is also decreasing year by year, but you must know that so far, Yang Cong has not shown any signs of decline. He is still firmly in the position of the No. 1 Assassin and All-Star Player of Glory. When it was good, he began to give way, and Yang Cong was the first.

This also made everyone more curious. What did Yang Cong see when he was an All-Star? That's what made him think so.

Is it because he is about to retire? Or from the current young players, more things to look forward to?

However, these reporters did not continue to ask questions, because they were very clear, even if Yang Cong took the initiative to give the answer that he used his life-threatening blow this time, even now he is still answering everyone's questions with a smile on his face, but he Deep inside, what is it like? Did you feel sad about it? Cruel and helpless to the passing of time? Even the reporters who have always liked to do things, this time, each of them has the heart to tear the scar deep in the other's heart like this.

Yang Cong's title this time can be said to have penetrated a lot of things worthy of repayment.

The most important thing is that in the future, the core of the 301 team's play style will definitely usher in changes. This can be seen when Yang Cong chose to hide his assassins aside. This also means that from now on, Yang Cong can finally enjoy the game with a more free style of play, and even in the future, Yang Cong's fangs, which can kill with one hit, will set off an unusual wave in the league. storm.

No one can ignore the change of such a player, because he is so smart and the number one assassin of glory. In his career from his debut to the present, he has not voluntarily given up the core position between them, and now that he has made this decision, it means that he will play a real assassin's road from now on.

But at the same time, this also raises a question. Since Yang Cong chooses to abdicate and let the virtuous, who will be the core of the next 301? Who is Yang Congrang's sage?

For a while, reporters were curious about this question, but at the 301 press conference, Yang Cong and the others did not provide them with the answer. However, there are also some more clever reporters, who looked at the current list of players from 301 at the beginning, and watched the current 301 team appear.

When they exchanged transfers before, they got Li Yihui from Wei Chen. Although Li Yihui has never been an All-Star since he left Tiny Herb, it is undeniable that he has an All-Star level. In addition, there is a very limited swordsman player Gao Jie, whose strength has improved in recent years is obvious to all. So from this perspective, it is very likely that these two will become the core of 301xin.

But everyone here is still guessing who it is, or when he hits a combination of two, two days later, that is, Monday of the new week. In the column declared by the league's professional players, someone from UU reading www.uukanshu.com found that 301 quietly completed a contract, and this time it was not a transfer contract, but a free contract.

And this person who was signed by 301 quietly is called Bai Shu, a name that no one has ever heard of, and no one has even seen it before. As a result, this person joined quietly like this. In the 301 team.

Soon, a reporter saw this profile called Bai Shuren in the official list of professional players in the league. And the role he took over was the role Tide left over from the former 301 Knights player Xu Bin!

Who is this white man?

Countless players and fans want to know the answer to this sooner, but at this time, envy has entered a one-week off-season, and this year's advantageous Spring Festival came a particularly early year, on January 22nd. It's already the night of the breath, and compared to now, it's only a matter of a day or two. It can be said that the major teams have begun to enter a pleasant vacation period since this week.

Now it is the staff of the professional league, and it is still very hard to update this. During the transfer period, the personnel changes between the major teams. As for the professional players of the major teams, after the nineteenth round of the competition, they have already begun to discuss when to go home for the Chinese New Year!


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