Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1323: Boy, you want to marry our Mucheng!

"GuoGuo, why don't you go to our house for the New Year." Tang Rou said coquettishly, hugging Chen Guo's arm.

"Mmmm, or go to Ye Xiu's house with me to celebrate the New Year. Didn't Ye Xiu's father also say that he is very interested in our team?" And Chen Guo's other arm was held by Mu Cheng.

And now Chen Guo was struggling and didn't know what to say. Both sides were her best best friends, so she couldn't refuse either.

And the reason why this happened was mainly because everyone in Happy started to go home for the Chinese New Year one after another. Even a guy like Wei Chen who didn't know what the lower limit was, should go home obediently for the New Year at this time.

In fact, this time Ye Xiu planned not to join again, but the day after their match ended, his parents called. Uh... Of course, don't get me wrong, they didn't come to call Ye Xiu, they came to call Mucheng to their house for the Chinese New Year. As for Ye Xiu, the two elders said that the boy who doesn't belong to the family falls in love with that one. Then go, don't affect them to see their daughter-in-law.

Ye Xiu: "......"

After hearing what his parents said, Ye Xiu had only one thought. These are his parents, for real.

But after all, this was Mucheng's first time as a father-in-law and mother-in-law. Although Ye Xiu was no longer favored by his parents at the time, of course he still wanted to go with him. And Mucheng started close combat wherever the team's parents asked him to go to celebrate the New Year. Even though he had already met his parents, Mucheng was still a little worried when he went directly to Ye Xiu's house for Chinese New Year. Parents don't want themselves.

For this reason, she specially asked Tang Yin to thank her for her cooking skills. Fortunately, because Mucheng began to touch the kitchen after her brother died, she has some basic cooking skills. It also takes a few days of practice.

Tao Xuan, who had never tried Mucheng's cooking skills, looked at Ye Xiu with a very tasty expression. After all, he was also Mucheng's older brother. He had never tasted Mucheng's cooking, but Ye Xiu could. How much jealousy is this? Even more eyewitness Tang Yin's report is: "I can't hide the eyes of a person who wants to knife..."

And Ye Xiu saw that Mucheng was so nervous, Ye Xiu refused to let Mucheng face his parents.

But in this way, Chen Guo would be on the team alone. Mucheng and Tang Rou, two best friends, agreed, so they both wanted to abduct Chen Guo to his side.

And just when the two women were fighting over Chen Guo, Chen Guo's phone rang. It was really her relatives in the city who called. Originally, Chen Guo usually lived by herself, but she only went to her relatives' house when she was in the second and third year of junior high school. But this time her uncle invited her directly to the New Year.

But this was normal. Now Chen Guo was also a TV character. Coupled with the fact that her own team made headlines every three or five times, even if her relatives didn't know about Glory, they knew that Chen Guo had achieved a lot now. In addition, everyone is relatives, and their relationship is also very good, so I just invited Chen Guo to celebrate the New Year.

And since Chen Guo was invited by her family, Mucheng and Tang Rou didn't insist. After all, even if she was worried about Chen Guo's loneliness for the New Year alone, since she had her family to accompany her, of course it was the best.

As the matter on Chen Guo's side was over, the pressure came to Mucheng's side again.

She invited Chen Guo because she was worried that Chen Guo would celebrate the New Year alone, but she also wanted to strengthen herself. After all, this time was different from the last time. Mucheng remembered the oolong that was made when she met Ye Xiu's parents for the first time. So she really didn't know how to face Ye Xiu's parents again.

As for the various tickets for everyone going back to Happy, of course, they all have Blue Rain. After all, because of Tang Yin's negligence, everyone now knows that Huang Shaotian is another annoying nickname. Silver is still pretty embarrassing. So after securing all of Blue Rain's hotel accommodations this season, he also secured all Blue Rain's return air tickets. After all, these things are very simple for him, and it is a matter of a coin.

Now that everyone has their own place to go, everyone will go home one after another to celebrate the New Year. Tang Yin naturally followed his daughter-in-law home. After all, where is his home now, the two of them didn't buy a ticket, but went straight to the contestants for a self-drive tour, and they could also take a trip along the way to relax. It's definitely not because I didn't move Tang Rou's things thoroughly last time, so I wanted to continue moving this time.

Just like what Tang Yin said last year, he no longer wanted to return Tang Rou to her parents, so of course he had to kidnap everyone and everything. It's a pity because Tang Rou has just entered the league this season, so in order to adapt to the high-intensity competition in the league, she has to train a lot, and the training intensity is also very high, not to mention that every night, Tang Rou has to compete against Tang Yin. The result was that a tired Tang Rou would fall asleep without touching the bed, and Tang Yin had not yet made a home run, and this was also the purpose of Tang Yin's travel this year.

After all, she won her first home base at Tang Rou's house, and Tang Yin was worried that she would be destroyed by Tang Rou's father......

Tang Yin's plan turned out to be very smooth, but Mucheng's side became nervous after getting off the plane. Even greeting Ye Qiu who came to pick them up was a little more cautious. But fortunately, Ye Qiu was relatively familiar with her. Although Ye Qiu's sister-in-law on the left and sister-in-law on the right called him first, she was a little shy, but she was completely under her control. UU reading www.uukanshu. After all, after so many years of being a national goddess, Mucheng's bearing is also very good.

But these were completely exaggerated when she saw Ye Xiu's parents. All kinds of embarrassment and nervousness were intertwined. If Ye Xiu had not held her hand from beginning to end, giving him confidence and support, Mucheng would have a feeling. The urge to run away.

However, it turned out that Mucheng was completely over-hearted. Before she arrived at Ye Xiu's house, Ye Xiu's parents had already come out to greet her. They greeted the two sons to help Mucheng with her luggage, and then dragged Mucheng in with a confused face because she didn't respond. Ye Xiu next to Cheng didn't even look at it...

Ye Xiu: "..." Am I really your biological son?

After entering the house, Ye Xiu's feeling became more and more obvious. Seeing Mucheng sitting between Ye Xiu's parents, he was greeted by all kinds of humiliations. As soon as Ye Xiu came in, they were called to him.

"Don't worry, you will be our daughter from now on." This is Ye Xiu's mother.

"Don't worry, we will decide for you in the future!" This was Ye Xiu's father.

Suddenly, the two of them looked at Ye Xiu with a confused look and asked, "Boy, you want to marry our Mucheng!"

Ye Xiu: "......"

Ye Qiu: "......"


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