Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1325: Honor the most violent pastor training program!

"It's done, that's it!" Chen Guo was still thinking about various things when she was suddenly awakened by Guan Rongfei's voice.

Chen Guo immediately put her gaze back on the screen, and saw that on Guan Rongfei's shared screen, a whole set of silver outfits, Yinwu, had appeared.

"What kind of preparation is this?" Before, she was distracted by her thoughts, but now Chen Guo really didn't know what this set of equipment was. At first, she thought that Guan Rongfei's research was the Myriad Manifestation Umbrella and the Phantom God. But when I saw this whole set of equipment, I realized that it was not the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella and the Phantom God Dual Spear.

"Don't get excited about Rongfei, isn't it just a set of equipment?" Tang Yin said.

"Huh? What's the preparation?" This was Tang Rou's voice, and after a while, Tang Rou's little head appeared in the frame of Tang Yin's video.

"It's just a set of priest equipment." Ye Xiu explained to Tang Rou.

"Happy New Year Xiao Tang! Huh? Is Xiao Tang in a good mood? She looks very good?" Chen Guo saw her best friend greeted her first, but found that Tang Rou looked better today.

Hearing Chen Guo's words, Tang Rou remembered his and Tang Yin's trip home, and now Tang Yin knows the taste. As a result, she can only wake up at noon every day, and she slept again in the afternoon and just woke up. Can she look bad? But how can this kind of thing be talked about with others, so Tang Rou said that her father asked her to go to the Spring Festival Gala and left. There was no comparison, although it was all right. But still can't run...

Seeing the voice of his daughter-in-law trying to run away, Tang Yin smiled and took another sip of water infused with wolfberry and red dates...

"Uh... what happened to Xiao Tang?" Ye Xiu also asked curiously.

"Uh... Where's Old Ye Mucheng?" Tang Yin asked with a strange expression looking at Ye Xiu's blank expression.

"I'm with my parents. Now she's the apple of my parents' palm. She circles around Mucheng every day, ignoring our two brothers." This is Ye Xiu's screen with another face that looks exactly like him. .

This scene surprised Guan Rongfei. Originally, he wanted these guys who were suddenly talking about everyday things to respect the fruits of his labor, but as a result, he saw two Ye Xiu, which scared him.

In the end, it was only after the explanations of Tang Yin and the others that they reacted. At the same time, they also sighed the same as when Chen Guo knew about this: the setting of twins is really unexpected...

"By the way, does this equipment have any special effects? All the three of you will get together on New Year's Eve." Chen Guo asked. After all, this equipment is to be put into use directly depending on the situation, and she has to prepare the materials for the response. In particular, the technologies that belonged to their team must be protected, which is why Guan Rongfei brought Chen Guo in.

"It's nothing, it's just high intelligence and high critical strike." Tang Yin said.

"That's it???" Guan Rongfei was obviously very dissatisfied with Tang Yin's simple evaluation of this equipment!

"High intelligence and high critical strike are indeed not new attributes." Ye Xiu also said.

"The point is, this equipment is the priest equipment with the highest intelligence and the highest crit in All Glory! You two, please clarify the point for me!" Guan Rongfei emphasized, that is, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu are not by his side now, otherwise Chen Guo believed that he would have a real PK with Tang Yin and Ye Xiu directly.

Wait, no, these two guys just knew what Guan Rongfei couldn't do with them, so they were so arrogant, right?

But none of these matters. Chen Guo curiously asked her question: "The highest intelligence? The highest critical strike?"

"That's right, Xiaoshou's cold equipment was made according to his own habits and preferences, but the results were not ideal. Therefore, Tang Yin said this kind of technology tree that directly matched Xiaoshou's coldness and piled it all up. Glory's most violent pastor. Boss, hurry up and contact An Wenyi and let him have a try." Guan Rongfei said excitedly.

That's right, just like what Guan Rongfei said, although Tang Yin also remembered that their treatment was the most violent treatment for Glory, but because now is different from the original book, there are sufficient materials, Tang Yin is like asking An Wenyi to follow his own Habits and skills, the attributes that the players themselves need, originally thought that this specially designed equipment should be more suitable for An Wenyi, but the fact is positive, An Wenyi is still Happy's shortcoming.

So Tang Yin put forward the idea of ​​An Wenyi's suit in the original work. And this plan was called by Tang Yin: Glory's most violent pastor training plan!

"It's New Year's Eve, how can people come to experiment..." Chen Guo said helplessly.

"Then his account is in the team?" Guan Rongfei asked again.

"No, didn't you say that you were done when we left? I just brought his account card. I'll just go to the experiment." Ye Xiu said, and he and Mucheng left when he and Mucheng left. Chen Guo had already said it, and of course she had absolute trust in Ye Xiu and Chen Guo. With a wave of her big hand, she let Xiaoshou Bingliang and Lord Grim take away.

I had to admit that after a few years of getting along, Chen Guo had already touched Ye Xiu's character to the core. Knowing that he would definitely go crazy if he didn't play Glory during the new year, so he simply asked him to take Lord Grim with him. Like others, they did not take away their own roles, but took away the vests of the same profession. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

On the other hand, Ye Xiu had already taken out his notebook and started to log in, swipe his card, and enter the game. After completing the transaction with the character used in Guan Rongfei's research, he directly replaced Xiaoshoubinglang with a whole new set of suits. Let Xiaoshou Bingliang become Xingxin's number one character with two complete equipment systems.

You must know that even Tang Yin's Dragon Touring suit has five pieces, but this one with cold hands is a total of thirteen pieces!

The first and most obvious is the head, shoulders, upper body, waist, lower body, shoes, six pieces of wearing equipment.

Then there are cloaks, necklaces, left finger rings, right finger rings, badges, pendants, and six pieces of decorative equipment.

The last is the weapon cross in the hands of the cold hands!

13 pieces of equipment, all silver.

Thinking of a character with such a full set of silver equipment, even if it is now the tenth season, few characters have such an equipment lineup. Even the core characters of each major team will have one or two pieces of powder on them. That is to say, they Happy have the foundation that Tang Yin has harmed the major guilds for so many years. It allowed Team Happy to achieve silver equipment and freedom of silver weapons. Otherwise, no one can come out.

"If you say that...Isn't that little cold hand the strongest priest?" Chen Guo asked with a trembling voice as she looked at Ye Xiu's cold little hand.


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