Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1326: An Wenyi: I'm not a human anymore!

"The strongest? It's not that you can't say that. It mainly depends on what you are talking about. What defines the advantage of being the strongest. In terms of the amount of healing alone, Little Hands Cold is indeed the strongest in All Glory." Guan Rong Fei said very proudly. After all, although it is only one aspect, it is also the strongest. I have created the strongest one, who is not happy?

"Understood." Chen Guo nodded when she heard Guan Rongfei's explanation. Although she didn't want professional players like Tang Yin and the others, for the priest profession, those attributes were important to it, and those attributes would benefit the most. The basic understanding of the game, she has played Glory for so many years is still very clear.

Among them, intelligence is the first and foremost. Healing skills such as priests are directly linked to spells, and intelligence is always his first need. After all, the strength of the intelligence attribute directly affects the amount of treatment.

Then there is physical strength, because the higher the physical strength attribute, the more blood, and the stronger the survivability. Although the attribute of physical strength is not as important as the occupation, but because the survival of the priest is directly related to the survival of the team. Therefore, there are also some people whose physical strength is more important than intelligence.

In addition to these basic thinking attributes, the most important thing for priests is the release speed of skills, because most healing and augmentation skills require skill chanting. As long as the chanting is fast enough, it is equivalent to adding more skills. It can also reduce the risk of being interrupted during the game.

The crit is easy to understand, the crit of the attack is to greatly increase the damage, and the crit of the treatment is the same, but it greatly improves the treatment effect.

The above attributes are all important attributes for a team to heal and interpret, and in terms of character survival, there is also resistance to various attributes. After all, anyone can be immune to abnormal conditions like Tang Yin. And the priest in the abnormal state is undoubtedly to give the other party the opportunity to focus on him. Therefore, resistance to some abnormal attributes is also a very important attribute.

There are all kinds of attributes. If you insist on nitpicking, you can choose one, two, three or four. Everyone will directly refer to the current priest player's attribute matching order, and then make some adjustments according to their own situation, and come up with a combination that is the most convenient, generally like this The book sum is also the most efficient, like An Wenyi's previous set of equipment is this way of thinking.

The key to choosing these attributes is the player who equips them, and it is also the value of silver weapons and silver equipment: only self-made silver weapons and silver equipment can combine the attributes into a completely ideal match.

And now the equipment of Little Hands Cold, the attributes on it can be said to be very simple to eliminate violence. The simple understanding is that there are two kinds of attributes: intelligence and crit. Except for these two accidents, and the attribute accident that any occupation that mainly casts spells must improve, other attributes can be said to be affected by this equipment. All cold.

In terms of resistance later, this equipment also has two types of ice resistance and dark resistance. After all, only the abnormal state of these two attributes will reduce the character's movement speed and limit the character's actions. As for other fire resistances, The light resistance basically gave up directly.

"This kind of equipment...is it really more suitable for An Wenyi than the previous set?" Although Chen Guo said that she is someone who has seen the world now, but she thinks that the attributes of such equipment are too high. It was the first time I saw it, but out of trust in Guan Rongfei and Tang Yin, she just wanted to know some of the twists and turns, such as why this set is more suitable for An Wenyi.

"Well, although it definitely needs to be run in, the performance on the field should be better than the previous set." Tang Yin thought for a while and said.

"That's right, An Wenyi's flaw is in his operational response. It's really hard for him to constantly treat his teammates, so we simply rely on the equipment to slow down the rhythm for him. In this way, relying on the explosive power of the equipment, we can achieve Make up for his difficulties in dealing with complicated situations." Ye Xiu nodded.

"That's why the ice resistance and dark resistance stacks are so high to reduce the risk of these two abnormal attributes in him, right?" Hearing Ye Xiu's words, he understood the design idea of ​​this equipment even though he had never tried it.

"Boss is witty!" Ye Xiu nodded in praise.

Chen Guo lazily ignored Ye Xiu's daily insults to her, but instead said happily, "So the flaws of our team are solved like this?"

"How can it be so simple, equipment is only a support after all, but it's still a fact that his reaction is slow. He can only improve himself in this respect." Tang Yin said with a shrug.

"Then what should he do?" Chen Guo asked curiously.

"Don't worry, An Wenyi already has an idea. Wu Chen told me that he took a dozen priest accounts and left when he went back." Tang Yin smiled.

"A dozen?" Chen Guo obviously didn't respond.

At the same time, the Glory Continent, the Domain of God, a level 60 Hundred People Ben, this is a dungeon called Lost Fleet, and at the gate of this dungeon......

"What? Big brother, are you serious? We are a hundred people, you say single treatment? We are busy, and the five people are on the other side." A knight player looked at a priest with very good equipment in front of him and said. .

"No need, this is just a level 60 book. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" The well-equipped priest said: "As far as I am prepared, single treatment is not a problem at all, it can also give more damage and play faster. Woolen cloth."

Level 60 100-player copy, single treatment.

Xingxin's healing player An Wenyi, who released such a rhetoric at the entrance of the Bairenben, is the training method An Wenyi gave him. After all, what could be more chaotic and chaotic than the Bairenben's environment?

But this kind of thought is really crazy, after all, there is no single treatment that can be completed in the Glory online game. Even if everyone has reached the seventy-fifth level now, there is a level advantage over the sixty-level hundred people, but it does not mean that they can easily be crushed.

Of course, if it can be easily crushed, An Wenyi will not come. After all, he wanted to exercise, not to enjoy.

An Wenyi is looking for a wild map now. In fact, when he borrowed the priest's account, Wu Chen asked if he needed cooperation from the guild, but he was rejected by An Wenyi. It is to hone himself. If he joins his own guild group, the members of the guild will subconsciously cater to him. What training effect can this have? So whoever finds a wild group in front of the copy is the best choice.

That's right, this moment. An Wenyi said: I am not a human anymore!


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