Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1336: Disguised restraint

Chapter 1366 Disguised restraint (for subscription, for recommendation)

"Then do you want to go straight to GG in order to complete the seniors? After all, people still need more rest when they are old." Ye Xiu continued without wanting to let him go.

"Does what senior said make sense?" Jiang Botao said.

"Anyway, the final result is the same, why bother." Ye Xiu said.

"Some things always have to be tried to know the result." Jiang Botao was very natural when facing Ye Xiu's trash talk, not arrogant or impetuous, just like a normal chat.

After a few words of exchange between the two, the two sides had already met. Ye Xiu did not rush to take the lead in attacking by relying on his extensive long-range firepower, but let the characters continue to move towards the opponent's position after all. It will soon enter the attack range of the magic sword.

This was also the time when everyone was most nervous. Everyone felt that this was where the battle would start, but the moment Ye Xiu stepped into the attack range of the magic swordsman, he disappeared from everyone's sight.

Skills move instantly!

Ye Xiu narrowed the distance between the two sides in an instant, and it was conceivable that Ye Xiu had no intention of fighting a mid-to-long-distance tug of war with the opponent. Instead, he intends to melee directly and solve the opponent personally. After all, this has always been Ye Xiu's most common style of play, and he obviously has a lot of mid-to-long-range skills. But even in the face of a character who can only fight in close combat, he still does not have one to entangle his opponents with tricks such as kite flying and wretched flow.

Every time it is close to Jiang Heneng, and then to the greatest extent, he puts himself on the initiative. In the end, no matter whether it is long-range or melee combat, keep saying hello to the opponent.

The teleportation here has just ended, and the figure has not completely appeared, and the next moment is another arc flash. Grab the number set position again. And since Jiang Botao would choose to fight Ye Xiu, of course he had some research on Ye Xiu's style of play, and immediately judged Ye Xiu's intentions.

In the face of Ye Xiu's attack, he also began to jump back one after another. At the same time as he jumped back, the body of the silver sword in his hand was already filled with the power of waves. With a wave of the blade, the ground cracked. The sword rolled towards Ye Xiu who was attacking.

Jiang Botao, the vice captain of Samsara, is actually a bit special. With the strength of the Samsara team in the past few seasons, his popularity has risen every year, but if you really talk about this player's skills, it's really hard to say. This is not to say that his skills are not good. On the contrary, he is very strong, but his style of play is not as distinctive as other All-Star players.

His style of play always gives the feeling that he is chatting with you at home, it always seems to be normal, and there is no explosive outburst. But although there was no astonishing outbreak, many said that he kept a low profile. It's his style of play that gives the impression that the game is over.

This also means that Jiang Botao's games usually don't have any very amazing attacks, such as a wave of amazing attack climaxes that take away a lot of blood. Instead, gather sand into a tower, accumulate your own advantages bit by bit, and finally win.

And the opponents who fought against him and lost, always had the illusion that they could almost kill the opponent. But they didn't know that when they lost that first "little bit", they were already close to defeat.

At the beginning, when everyone studied his style of play, they thought that Jiang Botao had amazing computing power, so he could rely on these bit by bit advantages and finally accumulate capital for victory. But with the in-depth research, everyone found that this is not the case. It is not so much that his computing power is amazing, it is more that he controls the details to the extreme.

That's right, Jiang Botao is a player famous in the glory circle for his carefulness. This is true in team competitions, and it is also true in individual competitions. In the battle, he will carefully observe and deal with various situations, but because of this, neither he nor the opponent can play high-rank combos in the battle.

Jiang Botao need not say more, because the process is too meticulous, it will naturally affect the operation. But the same is true, in the face of the opponent's combo, a slight flaw can let him escape. From the latter point of view, Jiang Botao's character was quite aimed at Ye Xiu. After all, Ye Xiu's Sanren's advantage lies in the continuous batter and false batter.

In the face of Ye Xiu's extremely fast attack, Jiang Botao had obviously taken precautions. At the same time that Ye Xiu used Guguang Flash, he also swung an Earth Splitting Wave Sword.

And Ye Xiu, who just hit the ground fissure wave sword, and the arc flash ended.

Did you hide? The audience who saw this scene were all nervous, but in the eyes of professional players, although Ye Xiu was about to collide with his skills, there was still a little space in the meantime.


Or right?

Of course, Jiang Botao also knew that it would be difficult to hit Ye Xiu with this blow, so he immediately began to observe the way Ye Xiu prepared to dodge next. Fortunately, when Ye Xiu made a dodge move, he could attack immediately.

In the end, Ye Xiu didn't choose either. He just went straight to the front. With a shock, he broke through the Earth Splitting Wave Sword.

It's steel and iron!

That's right, Ye Xiu didn't want to choose to dodge at all, but directly relied on the boxer's domineering skills, and the defense strengthened to resist the past.

Speaking of the Earth Fissure Wave Sword, it is only a low-level skill before level 20. With the blessing of defense enhancement, Ye Xiu really does not care about this attack power. As for the Earth Fissure Wave Sword, it is annoying to people The effect of sweeping the target away is also directly solved by the most annoying tyrant body.

Ye Xiu shook off this wave of power and continued to kill Jiang Botao.

But even so, it didn't affect Jiang Botao's continued attack, but because Ye Xiu's move was really too unexpected, in the end, Jiang Botao's attack was slowed down by half a beat. After all, he was still focusing on Ye Xiu just a moment ago the left and right sides.

The Silver Martial Sky Chain waved again, but when he waved it, Ye Xiu had already thrown something in his direction.


Hearing a very small explosion, a purple mist appeared between Jiang Botao and Ye Xiu. UU was reading www.uukanshu.com and Ye Xiu was no longer in Jiang Botao's perspective.

And he also endured this skill, a ninja tool? Yanyu!

Faced with such a situation, Jiang Botao could only stop the operation first. After all, under the shroud of Yan Yu, he and Ben couldn't judge Ye Xiu's priority.

Smoke jade continued its spread, but no legacy flow was found in it.

You must know that as long as it is moving or attacking, under the real physics engine of Glory, it will drive the flow of some smoke from smoke jade or smoke bombs. But not now, nothing.

But this is impossible!


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(End of this chapter)

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