Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1337: who beats who

Chapter 1367 Who conquers who (please subscribe, please recommend)

That's right, it's impossible, unless Ye Xiu doesn't understand it at all and doesn't launch an attack, but it's obviously impossible! There is only one truth!

Jiang Botao immediately flicked the mouse, his hand speed exploded, and his character Wulang turned around instantly, squatted slightly, and stepped back. The power of fluctuation appeared again on the sword of the Yinwu Tianlian in his hand, and it was a blow to the back!

Shadow Clone Technique! This is Jiang Botao's judgment in the face of such a situation, and the shadow avatar most often appears behind the character.

Therefore, Jiang Botao's slash was a clean slash with the power of waves. Directly behind him, there was a space that was continuously cut by the power of waves.

But he didn't find Lord Grim!

"Not good!" This was the thought that instantly appeared in Jiang Botao's mind.

As if to respond to Jiang Botao's thoughts, a blood flower bloomed on his neck. Sure enough, Lord Grim appeared behind him and mercilessly slashed his throat.

Ye Xiu used the shadow clone technique to come here, there is no doubt about that, but what displacement skills he used to get behind him after that, these are no longer important. Because he already knew that Ye Xiu had already guessed his countermeasures and used them after all. Played directly with him for a time difference.

After cutting his throat, Ye Xiu's offensive had just begun. He swung up again by the short blade, and directly knocked Jiang Botao into the air. Then he jumped up, and used the assassin to pedal into the air, performing a double jump and jumping again. Then the broken blade of the hand has become a sharp sword, and the silver light strikes the blade directly!

It's a lot to talk about, but from Jiang Botao's point of view, he had just been shot in the air by cutting his throat, and Ye Xiu had already appeared above him and plunged down towards him.

But how could Jiang Botao easily let Ye Xiu get his wish? A direct cross cut, drawing two sword marks in the air. Try to stop Ye Xiu's attack.

As a result, Ye Xiu canceled the Silver Light Falling Blade and instantly changed it to Eagle Step. While avoiding the cross slash, there were two feet facing Jiang Botao's head. And this also prevented him from falling to the ground, and Jiang Botao would not be able to bear his body until the end. But Ye Xiu's combo could continue.

With that, Ye Xiu's Random Fight begins again!

"Guess I can do some damage?" Since Ye Xiu was hitting the opponent in a combo, he took the time to type a sentence. After all, Jiang Botao is very good at being beaten out of the high section.

"I personally think it will be very limited." When faced with Ye Xiu's question, since Jiang Botao still had an answer, everyone was very surprised. Since this guy is still in the mood to chat at this time?

"Indeed, but the number of segments itself is just a cloud." Ye Xiu also sent a message, but at this time his combo count stopped and returned to zero.

But the number of hits stopped, and Jiang Botao had a chance to escape without a watch. , after all, there is another thing in this world called pseudo-companies, and Ye Xiu's Random Fight is very proficient in this way. In addition, Ye Xiu himself only pursued the effect, not the combo data, which made his pseudo-companion more difficult to crack.

And the offensive combined by such pseudo-lians perfectly connected the rhythm together.

"Senior, this pseudo company is really difficult to deal with." Jiang Botao sighed again.

"Are there more details?" Ye Xiu continued to ask.

"Yes... it's too much." Jiang Botao replied with a headache.

It turned out that Jiang Botao had restraint on Ye Xiu, which was a sad misunderstanding. The truth is that Ye Xiu's stragglers are very restrained by Jiang Botao, who is used to paying attention to details. There are too many skills and combos that can't be strayed, and there are too many changes. In the face of such a combo, Jiang Botao still didn't want to miss any details.

And such a habit is destined to be half a beat in his operation. After all, there are so many details, even Jiang Botao's brain can't calculate them all at the first time. And the result that doesn't come out is...

Jiang Botao was defeated.

Even if he struggled hard in the middle, it didn't affect the final outcome at all.

"Next time, give me a different opponent." Ye Xiu said with a smile, he knew how difficult Jiang Botao's fight was.

"Is there another game?" Jiang Botao didn't react immediately. After all, this is the second time that the Lianyi team has played against each other. Both games have been played in the regular season, so there is no chance for them to meet.

"Huh? Can't you make it to the playoffs? If you can't make it, there will be no next time." Ye Xiu said.

Everyone: "..."

There is no comparison, saying that Samsara, who is now more than ten points behind the second place, will not be able to enter the playoffs? How strange to hear this.

In this regard, Jiang Botao lost the first battle, and Ye Xiu won his 20th straight victory, continuing to refresh his winning streak record.

As for the result, the fans of Happy at home wanted to prepare well. After Ye Xiu won this game, various slogans appeared immediately.

"Twenty games in a row!"

"Even Samsara can't hold back Ye Xiu's winning streak."


"Ten to zero!!"

Once again, they shouted out this most domineering slogan in the league. After all, in the ten-to-zero score alone, their Happy was one more time than the other. And now they have a good start, and of course they have to show it off.

"It's a bit difficult to get such a result in Samsara, isn't it?" the commentator Pan Lin said with a smile.

"Haha..." Li Yibo responded with a smile. He also made a lot of comments in the single-player match just now, but after that he started to get scared because he wanted to talk about the two sides at the beginning. His style of play, and Jiang Botao's restraint on Ye Xiu, but because the map was too small, the two sides had already met before he even mentioned it.

At the beginning, he was rather regretful, but it seemed that he felt that today was his lucky day, but luckily he didn't come to talk about it at that time.

After all, the result of this game is very obvious, UU reading www.uukanshu. In the end, the com was Ye Xiu's scatterplay style, which used Jiang Botao's detailed control style to restrain his style, and the principle was very simple.

He almost got slapped in the face again... So after seeing this, Li Yibo almost subconsciously touched his cheek. At the same time, he was thankful for his luck today, and then took advantage of the situation to analyze what Ye Xiu had just understood about Jiang Botao's restraint.

Li Yibo, who was killed by luck, showed some guidance in Happy's game this time. At this point, even Pan Lin looked at him with admiration. I just don't know, if he knew that Li Yibo was simply lucky, what kind of expression would he have...


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(End of this chapter)

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