Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1339: line of fire

Chapter 1369 Fireline (for subscription, for recommendation)

"What if Su Mucheng didn't attack directly?" Luo Ji, who had the best theoretical knowledge at Happy, asked.

"That can only be to slowly adjust the attack rhythm and take back the attack bit by bit. Although the opponent's plan is to guide the attack, it consumes not only mana, but also the cooldown of skills, etc. If it is suddenly interrupted In order to attack, if there are not enough skills left in the skill tree, it is very likely that the opponent will seize the opportunity to counterattack. This is the reason why Mucheng's suppression was more rhythmic before. But now it is starting to be a mess. Keep going, her line of fire may be neutral," Ye Xiu said.

The line of fire is the basis of Mucheng Snowflake's firepower. This is a unique term for gunners. Simply put, the gunner's attack requires the level and depth of toasting attacks. After all, if the distance between the two sides is far, the hit rate of the gunner's skills will naturally be low, but if the distance to the opponent is too close, the gunner's own situation will be more dangerous. And this requires a degree of mastery.

But how to control this degree, flickering requires every gunnery player to rely on their own abilities and techniques to experiment, and the most important thing is to understand and master various skills.

Each gunner has a direct and best long-range output distance, and this distance can only be when the gunner is the most powerful. And the distance that the gunnery players can burst is called the line of fire.

If you want to break through a gunner's fire suppression, then you have to break through his line of fire first. To do this, you need to know how the gunnery players manage their own line of fire, what are their most commonly used skills in the line of fire, and what are the output methods they are used to using? Finally find a way to break through it. Only in this way can losses be minimized.

These are relatively basic Glory theories. Although Happy's players are all rookies, they have been playing for so long, and now some have reached this point, not to mention some of these basic theory lessons from Tang Yin and Ye Xiu. They have all gone through it, so if you think about something as basic as the line of fire, you don't need to explain it to them.

And the purpose of Tang Yin and Ye Xiu is to let them better understand the reason. To put it bluntly, what Wu Qi is doing now is to disrupt Mucheng's firepower, and in order to achieve this goal, he has also shown amazing patience. Abruptly disrupted the rhythm that Mucheng had maintained from the beginning,

Boom boom boom!

On the stage, Mucheng completed another round of firepower coverage, and her attacks became more and more intensive. Facing Mucheng's more and more intensive firepower suppression, even an assassin who was known for his movement speed was a little embarrassed. After all, this map was chosen by Mucheng, and it was impossible for him to hide his character.

Boom boom boom!

Mucheng's attacks continued incessantly, but Wei Chen and Zhang Jiale on the off-court began to frown, and the frowns became deeper and deeper. Of course, there are those who are not nervous, that is Tang Yin, Ye Xiu and Tang Rou.

The reason why Tang Rou was not nervous was very simple, because she saw that Tang Yin was not nervous, but looked at Wu Qi with a pitiful look. Although she didn't know the problem, Mucheng's situation was definitely not as bad as it was now. Okay.

"It's troublesome now," Zhang Jiale said.

As soon as Zhang Jiale's voice fell, Wu Qi's character was cruel and silent. The moment before, he was still running around like Jerry, avoiding. As a result, it suddenly exploded, using various displacement buffs and skills to attack Mucheng directly.

"Look, I'm just saying it's troublesome, the opponent has already rushed into Mucheng's line of fire." Zhang Jiale said, as Zhang Jiale, who is also a gunslinger, is now teammates with Mucheng. The range is clearly differentiated, and he can even guess some of the opponent's next attack ideas by substituting himself into Wu Qi's position.

Of course, Wu Qi's overall thinking cannot be exactly the same as Zhang Jiale's, but the general idea of ​​the main line is the same, that is, when the target line of fire is not very complete, it is impossible to exert the full power of her line of fire. That is to use the window period of some skills to launch an attack.

You can get close!

This is the only thought in Wu Qizhen's mind right now. At this moment, he has maximized the character's displacement ability. The calculation of time is in units of seconds. He will do his best to kill Mucheng, just for the sake of Breaking through Mucheng's line of fire in one fell swoop.

"Hahaha, poor baby." Just when everyone in Happy was worried about Mucheng, Ye Xiu finally couldn't help but chuckle.

"What are you laughing at! Mucheng is so dangerous, how dare you laugh as a boyfriend?" When Chen Guo saw Ye Xiu still laughing at this time, she burst into anger.

"You can't blame me. If you want to blame it, blame Xiaoyin. This master Xiaoyin has taught Mucheng badly." Ye Xiu said with a smile.

"Ah?" Everyone in Happy obviously didn't react.

"It's very simple, do you really have the scariest thing?" Tang Yin asked.

"What?" Everyone in Happy asked with great cooperation.

"Hope, in the face of difficulties, hope to break through it. Because but after you break this hope, the oncoming is a deeper despair than despair, just like a person who has never seen the light, he is in He doesn't care about darkness. But when you show him the dazzling and warmth of light, it will be painful to push him back to darkness. So sometimes hope is the most terrifying thing in the world." Tang Yin said with a smile , but this smile made everyone in Happy's scalp tingle, and one by one, they began to think about whether they had offended their deputy during this time.

"So...what does this have to do with this match?" Chen Guo asked timidly.

"It's very simple, who said there can only be one such thing as a fire line?" Tang Yin said with a smile, although it was a smile, it made everyone in Happy still feel a biting coolness even under the blessing of heating.

"Is it my illusion? Why do I think that since Du Ming and our deputy team finished talking, the deputy team has become so scary..." Steamed Bun said weakly.

But the rants are rants, and everyone at UU reading www.uukanshu.com Happy also understands the current situation.

The field was still under fire. Mucheng continued to attack, but in Wu Qi's opinion, Mucheng's attack was already messed up. His hard work from the beginning to now has finally paid off. Now he is still willing to resist some attacks. Also keep going!


After all, Mucheng was also their old rival, and they knew Mucheng's range of firepower, not to mention Sun Xiang, who used to be on the same team as Mucheng. So they were very clear about Mucheng's range of firepower. This has now been completely broken by it!

The game ends here!


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(End of this chapter)

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