Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1340: different lines of fire

Wu Qi felt that he was very close to victory, and his previous efforts were not in vain, but at this moment, the superiority of three cannons sounded one after another, and the three anti-tank guns directly wanted Wu Qi to bang.

It's just a low-level skill. From Wu Qi's point of view, this is the performance of Mucheng's inability to do anything. So he didn't take it too seriously, and he operated it directly and easily passed between the three anti-tank guns.

Continue to move forward, the goal is directly at Dancing Rain!

This was the only thought in Wu Qi's mind right now.


boom boom boom...

The gunfire continues, the suppression continues!

what's the situation? Am I the only one who has already passed through Su Mucheng's line of fire? Why is she still suppressing me?

Wu Qi, who kept dodging under the cover of Mucheng's firepower, found that the smooth breakthrough he had expected did not happen, and it was even completely different from his prediction. Wrong. Logically speaking, Su Mucheng's firepower is already out, but why does she still have such firepower coverage?

"Su Mucheng not only formed the previous line of fire..." Although Wu Qi didn't understand the situation, everyone in Samsara watching the game at Taixia had already realized the question. It wasn't that Wu Qi succeeded in breaking through Mucheng's line of fire, but that he did not lure Mucheng into the trap she had prepared for a long time, and it was a trap that he would only activate when he thought he was going to succeed.

This is really...killing and punishing...

And this is what surprised them. They must know that Mucheng is not a rookie player. As a golden generation who debuted in the fourth season, Mucheng itself is one of the most prolific new stars of that generation. Mucheng became famous early and became famous quickly. Orange has naturally become the object of research and targeting by the major teams.

As for the theory of the line of fire, there are many new things. Even in the early days of the alliance, there were already players who studied the gunnery. It was said that finding the opponent's line of fire was the absolute focus of the battle with the gunnery. And as Mucheng, who was once studied and targeted by the major squadrons, would they not know what her line of fire was? It can even be said that this kind of thing is not a secret at all.

You must know that the current glory is competition. Every professional player will go all out on the field, and the gunner's line of fire has always been the limit output area of ​​every gunner. When playing a game, the players It's not enough to go all out and dislike these. How can anyone keep their hands during the game?

Like Ye Xiu in the early days, who can completely bully children by relying on the characteristics of a loose person, so there is no need to expose the skills of the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella, but now he can't hide it, right?

For a while, the clues in the reincarnation seats began to look at each other. They knew very well that Happy was not an opponent they could despise, and Su Mucheng was not an enemy who could easily play, although they won the last match 7-3. The game, but this also proves that the individual game they have one less than the other side. Therefore, their preparations for this round are more active. But they didn't expect that Mucheng could prepare another line of fire when one line of fire was launched.

They knew that Mucheng had produced a snowflake fireline that stunned the world before, but the two had direct and obvious similarities, but there were also differences. The two were derived from each other. But now Mucheng played this play that had never been used before, and once again caught them off guard.

"It's stronger." Zhou Zekai suddenly said a word at this time, and it was conceivable that this incident also brought him a lot of surprises.

The brows of the people in Samsara also began to wrinkle even tighter, and their eyes were all focused on the stage, the figure that was somewhat precarious under Mucheng's indiscriminate bombardment.

Now Wu Qi's close-up is really not smooth, instead, Su Mucheng is very relaxed. Repeatedly relying on the recoil of the skills to retreat, the leisurely strolling and building instead pulled the incentives of both parties farther and farther, until...

"The line of fire!" Jiang Botao said in surprise, because the distance between the two sides was now Mucheng's line of fire. Wu Qi's progress was getting more and more difficult, but Mucheng's side easily pulled the distance between the two sides. Abruptly pulled the opponent back into his line of fire.

Mucheng's firepower slanted down towards Wu Qi like a violent storm, and its offensive was obviously stronger than before. This is the true power of Mucheng's line of fire, the potline that Wu Qi had already successfully broken through.

Originally thought he had successfully broken through, but he didn't expect that since Mucheng had hidden a line of fire behind the original line of fire, it was to stop the opponent when he sprinted close.

In the beginning, Wu Qi was evading everywhere, Mucheng could not limit and suppress, so he deliberately made the illusion that his style of play had begun to chaotic, and lured the opponent to break into her hidden line of fire. The sudden outbreak at this time could be limited. Limit Wu Qi. Wu Qi, who could not escape again, returned to his strongest line of fire and began to bombard him indiscriminately. This is Mucheng's plan, limited to let the opponent see hope first, and then face the plan of despair!

Everyone in Samsara knew how terrifying Mucheng's line of fire was, and now Wu Qi was on this line of fire. UU reading www. uukanshu.com Not to mention stepping forward, it is difficult to even retreat.

Amidst Mucheng's artillery fire, Wu Qi's health began to drop rapidly. You must know that the gunner's line of fire was not simply a stance output, but adjusted his position according to the opponent's position. Therefore, the line of fire of the gunnery division has always been easy to get in and difficult to get out.

After seeing this scene, everyone in Samsara turned their attention to Sun Xiang. After all, this good guy had been Mucheng's teammate for half a year.

"Why didn't you say that she is so powerful now?" Lu Boyuan pushed Sun Xiang and asked.

Sun Xiang also had a sullen look on his face. After all, from the time he arrived at Excellent Era, Excellent Era's gun and cannon combination had been disbanded. In the beginning, his various tactics that disliked Mucheng were outdated, similar to guns and cannons. Teachers can only output things in the rear. So he didn't care about Mucheng's existence so much at that time, and after Xiao Shiqin came, he tried to get him and Mucheng to cooperate, but the two sides just didn't have a tacit understanding and didn't call.

Partnering is a matter of fate. Without fate, a strong combination would end up in a mess. This kind of result is very common in the league, so Xiao Shiqin didn't force it after that.

So even if he was Mucheng's teammate, he didn't ask clearly about Mucheng's strength and style of play, and naturally he didn't know the changes in Mucheng's line of fire. You had to know that when they were still teammates, Tang Yin had already started teaching Mucheng Xuehua fireline.


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