Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1341: It's a champion team

"Looking at Su Mucheng's relaxed and homophonic appearance, it seems that her line of fire can continue to expand. What do you think, Captain?" Jiang Botao asked Zhou Zekai.

"Yeah." Zhou Zekai nodded as always.

"But it's true when I think about it. After all, she only showed the pinnacle of the gunnery, the snowflake line of fire not long ago. This set of skills relies on intentional termination skills to make the original line of fire smaller, but also more concentrated. Afterwards, use the skills that were saved to open up a fire line again. This style of play has the same effect as the snow fire line." Jiang Botao carefully observed the entire battle situation and analyzed.

For the analysis of their deputy team, everyone in Samsara nodded again and again. They don't want to be like Happy now. Most of the players are rookies. On the contrary, after so many years of accumulation in Samsara, the current lineup is very stable. This group of players can be said to have grown up together and accumulated several years together. They are partners who understand and understand each other well, and their tacit understanding makes communication between them very easy and simple.

This is a sublimation of Samsara after being honed by a champion and repairing its own flaws. Although it is said that each championship is not lacking in luck, it is necessary to have the corresponding strength in order to grasp this luck.

And that's how everyone in Samsara is now, in just a few words, they have thoroughly analyzed the entire lineup of play that Mucheng is showing now.

"How should you evaluate this cunning?" Jiang Botao laughed sarcastically. After all, Mucheng and Ye Xiu had confirmed their relationship for a day or two. It's all reported, who doesn't know what happened. While Mucheng in the past was brutal, he definitely wasn't so black, but the reason was obvious, it was Ye Xiu's fault.

In this way, I successfully took over the pot for Tang Yin...

"That's right... This style of play is slightly adjusted and changed. As long as your understanding of the profession of gunnery reaches a certain level, you can use Mucheng's snowflake line of fire," Lu Boyuan said.

"That's right, these two mid-playing styles make up for each other's shortcomings. For example, Snowflake's line of fire has obvious advantages, but in terms of changes and control of proportions, it is a little worse than the current style of play." Jiang Botao Said with some emotion.

"Wu Qi is not good." Du Ming said, looking at the current situation.

At this moment, the people in Samsara fell into silence again. At this moment, they regretfully discovered that the temperament of the players who they admired for a long time was opposite. And the better the other side performs, the more troublesome it will be for them.

However, as the champion team of the ninth season, they also have absolute confidence in themselves. This confidence comes from their growing strength, which can be reflected from their strength this season. Therefore, for possible losses, their mentality is very peaceful, not only there is no panic at all, but they can even be used to make fun of each other.

In the end, Mucheng won the match without any accident, and the announcement of 10-0 resounded again in the Xiaoshan stadium.

After all, the opponent's gold content this time is really too great. This is the extremely strong Samsara team this season, but now they are Happy 2-0.

And Wu Qi, who lost the game and returned to the player's seat, was of course in a bad mood.

"The current Mucheng is too cunning." Wu Qi's teammates handed over some warm, slightly damp towels, which he rubbed against his face. Then he sat down on his seat in a depressed mood. Obviously, he also realized the change in Mucheng's style of play later on, but it felt really bad that this hope of finding victory was ruthlessly extinguished.

"Pay attention next time, pay attention next time." Of course, Samsara's teammates came up to comfort him immediately.

"Don't worry, we'll keep it for you!" Lu Boyuan waved his arms and said.

"I've played quite a few arena matches, how can you help me get revenge?" Wu Qibai glanced at the other party and said.

"Then you will take revenge yourself in the team battle after that." Jiang Botao said.

"Huh? In the team competition, has it been changed to me starting?" Wu Qi's eyes began to glisten when he heard this.

"Cough cough...then what...next time...must..." Jiang Botao said a little embarrassedly.

Hearing what you said about tomorrow, Wu Qi returned to a depressed expression, but he also knew that, after all, everything in the lineup was always arranged, and there would rarely be a temporary change of generals. So Wu Qi is also very clear that he is still the sixth man in this game, and his previous actions were just to express his desire to start.

The other team members also laughed and laughed when they saw Wu Qi's expression now. To be honest, it is really not easy to play the starting position in a team as strong as Samsara. But what's even more difficult is the atmosphere of reincarnation, which can bring out such sensitive topics and reduce the atmosphere.

The atmosphere alone is amazing.

"Then I'll play!" Lu Boyuan greeted his teammates and was about to play. At this time, the stage also showed that Happy's player in this round, it was Baozi.

"Uh... Since it's this guy, I'll make it clear first. If I lose to this guy, you can't blame me. The main reason is that this guy is too inexplicable." Lu Boyuan saw that his opponent was a steamed bun, and some Helplessly said to his teammates.

"It's okay, if you lose, let me take over your starting position." Du Ming shouted. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"No, you should leave it to me." Wu Qi, who was very depressed just now, also waved his hand to join in the fun.

"I me me!"


Lu Boyuan smiled at his teammates' funny behavior and continued to walk to the competition seat.

"It's not a championship team, it's really amazing." Ye Xiu said, noticing the movement on Samsara's side.

After all, they lost two consecutive games in the individual game, but no one in the team showed anxiety or worry. You must know that the players of the Samsara team are all very young, and there are no veterans. But it was the composure that was comparable to a veteran team like Tyranny. This is what they have honed over the years.

Even if they lost two games first, it didn't affect their confidence at all. In the past, Happy relied on winning the top spot to psychologically suppress the opponent, and they didn't get any feedback from them.

On the contrary, it is their confidence and composure, that they are not in a hurry when they encounter anything. A very stable appearance will make their opponents very bottomless.

"Well...it's really good." Tang Yin smiled lightly when he saw the situation of Samsara.

That's right, the aura of reincarnation, which makes opponents have no bottom, obviously can't happen to them Happy!


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