Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1342: Rogue in Judo

This is not Tang Yin's nonsense, just look at the steamed buns who are playing now. Don't say that you don't know this kind of subtle setting. Before you have this setting, at least you should pay attention to the situation of reincarnation, but what about Zan Baozi? I didn't even look over there during the whole process. In his words, I didn't know anyone, so I looked at what they were doing.

But now Baozi was striding high, Qi Yuxuan wanted to chase after the rising line, and interacted with the fans of Happy throughout the process, which made the fans of Happy directly overwhelm the fans of Samsara.

If we only talk about the fluidity of the lineup, Happy definitely has the most fluidity in the lineup in the league. This time you meet this opponent in the individual match, and he may appear in the ring match next time. Even Tang Yin missed two ring matches, and Ye Xiu also changed his starting position.

In fact, Baozi didn't make too many appearances this season, but despite this, his supporters in Happy are good. Apart from Baozi often getting into an accident with them in online games, the main reason is that he can always give people Bringing surprises, only the game played by Baozi, then no matter whether the game is won or lost, it will become particularly interesting and interesting.

"We saw that the third player in Samsara was Lu Boyuan. Speaking of which, Lu Boyuan is also a very typical competition player. His psychological quality can be said to be quite strong. The team created a match point. Now Samsara is two points behind at the start, will he play in the third game, it is just a situation suitable for him to play." The commentator Pan Lin explained the players who played in this round of Samsara.

Here, the commentator Pan Lin continued to say another: "And Bao Rongxing, the third player on Happy's side, um, this player is... He said one... Uh... no matter the above situation, at what time, or even the situation, a player who is in a very strange state. What do you think about this player, Director Li?" Pan Lin really didn't know how to evaluate the steamed bun, so he simply put it directly. The topic was given to my partner.

"Cough!" Li Yibo coughed and signaled not to ask him about this question.

"Cough cough!" But seeing that Pan Lin was still looking at him, Li Yibo coughed again, and Pan Lin still looked at him...

"Well... Bao Rongxing is probably the player that Glory is most likely to create surprises." Li Yibo also explained somewhat in front of him. He really didn't dare to say much, he really just said that there were many mistakes.

"Okay, our game is about to start here." Between the two of them communicating, the game is about to start. Pan Lin took advantage of the situation and began to change the subject. Apparently, he also felt that the sooner it was over, the better.

Soon the characters of both sides have been loaded and appeared on this map. Happy, Rogue Steamed Bun Invasion is currently the No. 1 Judo in Glory. Samsara judo cloud mountain chaos

"We saw that at the beginning of the game, the characters of both sides ran directly to the center of the map, and they didn't mean to take a tactical position." Pan Lin said.

"Huh? Since Lu Boyuan was the first to take the lead, logically speaking, shouldn't the judo profession be all about being late? Guidance Li, what do you think about this?" Pan Lin asked his partner.

"That's right, because of the existence of many grasping skills, Judo has the strongest grasping judgment in the entire glory. This is why Judo has the ability to forcibly break through the opponent's offensive. And because of the breaking effect of grasping, he can The ability to launch an offensive while the opponent is using skills is also such an ability that judo opponents will find it very difficult." Li Yibo said.

"In that case, why did Lu Boyuan take the initiative in this fight?" Pan Lin continued to ask.

"After all, Samsara just lost two games in a row, they need to show some momentum." Li Yibo said.

As a result, as soon as Li Yibo's voice fell, Lu Boyuan launched an attack on the field and sent a message: "I won't give you a chance to mess around."

"Er...Director Li?" Pan Lin turned to look at his partner whose face was so embarrassed.

Li Yibo: "..."

At this moment, Li Yibo was really helpless, he was wondering what happened to him today. Xingxin finally stopped hitting him in the face, but it was Samsara's turn to hit him in the face.

"It's so messed up!" In the end, in the face of the message sent by the other party, Baozi returned a sentence and also brought an emoji. The tone was like saying that he hated a student. And he did not mean to dodge in the face of the opponent's attack, and directly met the opponent's attack.

Swivel foot!

Swirling Foot Folding: Judo's grasping skills, jumping near the opponent's head, clipping the enemy's head with both legs in the air, still in the upper body. And rely on the waist to fold it to the ground, and when it hits the ground, it can cause damage to surrounding enemies.

Seeing Yun Shan leap up and jump, his feet are directly pinched towards Bao Zi's neck.

And Baozi is no longer Glory Xiaobai now. He is also very clear about the power of this move, so he did not use his skills to fight the opponent recklessly, but rushed towards him aggressively, and then flashed aggressively to the other side. That's called a neat and tidy. In stark contrast to the tone of his message. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Of course, Lu Boyuan wouldn't let Steamed Bun off so easily, and his perspective was always paying attention to the direction of Steamed Bun's displacement. After all, this skill is a swinging foot, and there is a steering room for maneuvering.

As a result, I didn't expect that Baozi's displacement was directly three steps in a row. Even if Yunshan Chaan had legs below his neck, it wasn't long enough.

There was no way, the attack was completely avoided by the opponent, but Lu Boyuan had already controlled the character to turn around, although he didn't hit the bun, but the character had completed the turn and moved slightly away from the position just now.


Baozi smashed a brick directly at Lu Boyuan, but because of Lu Boyuan's turn, the prediction was wrong and he missed.

"Okay, there are a few brushes." Baozi praised, but the praise was praised. Baozi's attack did not stop, and he kept up with one step. past.

In the face of Baozi's strong attack, Lu Boyuan remained steady, and the character fell to the ground immediately, and the moment Baozi's sideways arm was about to hit him, he moved again. As soon as his feet touched the ground, he lifted it up again, and directly twisted Baozi's outstretched arm because of the mountain tiger.

Empty strangulation!


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