Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1343: buns with no idea

Seeing that Yun Shanran directly locked Baozi's arm, it was a twist in mid-air, and with the force of his feet, his arms and Baozi were lifted and fell directly to the ground.

This is the domineering breaking move of the grabbing skill, interrupting the effect, even if it is a late attack, as long as it hits, it can force the opponent's skill to pick and roll. It's like using the steamed buns as a springboard and falling directly to the ground. Of course, the skill advantage is on the one hand, and the most important thing is Lu Boyuan's precise vision and operation.

This moment directly ignited the enthusiasm of the reincarnation fans on the spot. After all, although the reincarnation players have absolute confidence, these fans are somewhat depressed because of their own team's performance, but Lu Boyuan's attack directly showed his temperament. Even if this is a hit skill, it is enough.

And Lu Boyuan's attack did not end.

Lu Boyuan originally wanted to twist the steamed bun's arm and turn it up, but this time, he did not rush to continue carrying the steamed bun and smash the opposite side again, but released the leg that was holding the steamed bun in the middle, and landed first, then stepped forward, single He grabbed the bun directly with his hand, and grabbed the bun that had just been smashed and bounced into the air again.

Whisk on the head!

This is also a grabbing skill. Once again, Lu Boyuan grabbed the bun directly with one hand, then pressed his hand on the bun's head, and smashed it directly against the ground. With a loud bang, the ground cracked. As far as the special effects of the skills are concerned, it is really painful to look at. But it's not over yet.

Whisk on the ground!

The steamed bun that had just been thrown was grabbed by Lu Boyuan's other hand again. He didn't give the steamed bun a chance to roll and dodge.

After throwing the buns, Yun Shan Chao immediately jumped up to keep up, keeping the buns with both palms in the sky, spinning and smashing them on the ground. This is the judo skill aerial slam dunk!

This judo skill is somewhat similar to Hokage Xiaoli's Biao Lianhua. A big hole was smashed directly on the ground again.

I have to admit that judo skills are really powerful. Every move looks incredibly powerful. This shot smashed the buns hard, and his output should not be underestimated. And now the steamed bun was already bowed in the big hole on the ground, as if his waist was broken by Lu Boyuan.

This simple and violent judo combo directly wiped out 20% of Baozi's health. You must know that it is less than ten seconds before the two sides meet. In less than ten seconds, Baozi directly lost five points. one's blood volume. This shows how efficient and accurate Lu Boyuan's attack is.

This set of combos is astounding. And the current Samsara fans are going crazy, while Happy's supporters are starting to worry about Baozi. After all, this start is really too unfriendly.

As a player who thinks he has a lot of experience in the game, Lu Boyuan will of course not be immersed in the burst he just hit. He was just beside Baozi because he finished the air dunk finishing action, and now he is killing Baozi again.


Baozi resisted getting up and jumping away with the help of the other party's time to leave his store. On the way, he hit Lu Boyuan with another blow. The birth this time was abrupt, but after how many rounds of competition, the characteristics of the steamed buns were clearly understood by the major teams. When he came out of his strange ideas, the store couldn't analyze the accident, and they all knew Baozi's love and dedication to the brick skills.

Sometimes, whether it's common sense or not, what he's going to do out of the blue is to take a brick, which has become his label. After all, when he came out of the professional circle, no one would like a skill. Even if he fell on the bricks again and again, he would still use it.

For Steamed Bun's attack, Yunshan Chaos had clearly expected it. A sideways directly dodged Baozi's blow, and continued to approach Baozi.

Sand throwing, poison needles, gasoline bottles…

The mid-to-long-range skills of various rogues were thrown out by the buns, but there was no regularity. Gives a feeling of panic. It was as if the above simply threw these props at the other party quickly. I don't care whether this skill can reach any puppies, and whether it can form an offensive.

But how could it be difficult for such an attack to survive Lu Boyuan? While avoiding Baozi's attacks one after another, he still didn't stop his footsteps.


Another brick!

Lu Boyuan didn't even have to guess, it must be that several long-range skills had been completed, and the bricks had just cooled down.

Lu Boyuan thought that there were a lot of people crying and laughing here. Could this guy be fooled by his own set of tricks? This is all a mess. And what he fell for was a character, how could this person be so stupid?

"Xingxin's Bao Rongxing seems to be in a mess." The commentator Pan Lin was a little confused when he saw this scene. He really didn't understand the logic. After all, this kind of littering scene that looks a little weak, or even struggling to the death, shouldn't appear in the movie. Some weak people are forced to the corner by the strong people. the plot?

But the problem is that this is a professional league. The words of the five weaklings of the professional league are not nonsense, but on this stage, it is really unsightly to play such a meal operation.

Not only Pan Lin but also Li Yibo deeply agreed with this, but this time he did not rush to express his opinion, after all, Baozi was known as the most surprising player. God knows what he will do next. If he takes off directly at that time, won't he be slapped in the face again? Therefore, the evaluation of Baozi Li Yibo is a possible slowdown.

And it wasn't just Li Yibo who had this idea, Lu Boyuan, who was with Captain Baozi, also thought the same, so he never let go of his vigilance in the face of Baozi. You must know that Baozi's game videos have also been specially studied.

Although it is said that except for the skill of using bricks, there is no rule. No way, thinking that such an opponent can't rely on pre-match preparations at all, and can only use on-the-spot performance to deal with him. And the most important thing to play on the spot is to concentrate! After all, Baozi will suddenly give you a sudden inexplicable, and will do something for you suddenly. Although the things that come out are brilliant, there are two shortcomings. But as long as you are a little inattentive, you may be directly bypassed by it.

Before this, there have been many rookies, and even experienced players have been planted on it. It's okay to win, but it's really a match to lose. If you don't need to pay attention to your image, you can drag reporters to complain for days and nights.


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