Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1344: are you crazy! ! !

In the face of this unexpected No. 1 player, Lu Boyuan certainly didn't want to have any bridge overturning the gutter, so even if the current steamed bun's performance was very rude, he still didn't take it lightly.

Soon Lu Boyuan was in front of Baozi again, but this time Lu Boyuan was not as strong and aggressive as before. Instead, it is like playing a low-level skill to throw and operate. It seems to want to test the current situation of Baozi, and then decide whether to launch the next round of attacks.

Lu Boyuan's eyes were fixed on the bun, analyzing any of his movements. His character's hands wanted to stretch out Baozi, but in the face of Lu Boyuan's attack, Baozi suddenly sank, lifted his right knee, and kicked his left foot forward.

Powerful knee attack!

Lu Boyuan had already recognized when Steamed Bun made the forward swing of this skill. Which one would attack the other faster with a throw or a strong knee attack? Even before this question appeared in his mind, Lu Boyuan already had a clear judgment in his mind.

A strong knee strike will hit him first, but it's not without remedies. Seeing that Lu Boyuan also sank at this moment, the only hands that were stretched out by throwing, were stretched upwards instead of forward. Prepare to squat down to avoid Baozi's powerful knee strike, then rely on the throwing grab to pull him down from the sky, and start his next wave of combos.

At this moment, Lu Boyuan vividly reflected his precise judgment and stable mentality in the face of sudden changes...

It's a pity that this time he was doomed to put on an empty shelf. Because Baozi didn't fly directly over his head as he imagined.

The audience saw this very clearly.

When Baozi Invasion faced the attacking Lu Boyuan, he lifted his right knee and kicked his left foot on the ground. But there was no subsequent collision in the air. It was a knee strike. That's right, this was not a powerful knee strike that Lu Boyuan had expected, but an ordinary knee strike.

The knee strike's attack distance is the body in front of him. Obviously, Baozi's blow was too early. Lu Boyuan had already struck before he even got there. This blow was no different from hitting the air.

But it is precisely because of this that there is a very interesting scene now. Steamed Bun kicked a knee on his own, but he didn't even hit the side of the target. But at this time, look at the target who was not mentioned by the knee bump. At this time, it seems that the bun has beaten the cow across the mountain. It is directly in front of the bun, two positions, as if it was attacked, the body sinks. , and then the character looked up to the sky and stretched out his hands to the sky, making a pose very similar to surrender.

This scene directly stunned everyone in the whole process, there is no way, don't say that you have seen such a strange scene, you have never heard of it. But it is on the field of professional leagues.

And Lu Boyuan found out that the powerful knee attack he originally predicted did not appear. Although he didn't see what Baozi was doing because of the angle of view, he had already realized that it was not good. The first time he began to adjust his own situation, but he was just about to get up and adjust.


A very clear voice sounded, and the situation that was going to be like a bone fracture was clearly transmitted to the ears of all the audience and the players. Along with it was a figure who slammed his knee directly into the door of the other side.

That's right, after bunting a knee, the action of leaving and covering the knee was followed by a strong knee. Hit directly on the face of Lu Boyuan who was about to start adjusting his body.

This scene looks very violent, very cruel. And this sound like a bone crack made everyone feel chills. It was as if they could feel how painful the blow was, and Lu Boyuan was directly knocked down by this blow.

Lu Boyuan was about to take the body in a hurry. As a result, Baozi's powerful knee attack was very short. After completing the attack, he landed on the ground and threw himself directly at Lu Boyuan, who was knocked to the ground. It's an old punch to the face that was just kicked in the knee. Moreover, the fists will make the ground earthquake effect, which is really full of visual effects.

But now Lu Boyuan felt a sense of depression in his heart.

Focus, focus, I have already pulled my focus to the full value, but the result is still the other side's incredible way.

He also couldn't understand why he used a simple knee strike instead of a powerful knee strike. What's the point of hitting the knee? This is no longer inexplicable to describe.

There is no offensive meaning, and no defensive meaning. After all, if he didn't choose to dodge before, and continued to go up, relying on the grabbing effect of the throw, he could completely grab him directly by breaking the bun.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Boyuan's mind at that moment did not consider the question of whether this skill was a knee hit at all.

This...wouldn't be a trap designed specifically for me, would it?

Lu Boyuan, who was now being slammed on the ground by Baozi, couldn't help thinking at this moment. UU reading www.uukanshu.com Because if this is really a complete set for him, it would be too bold, after all, if it is not because of his high level, he will give feedback on Baozi's actions in the first place. He believes that most of Glory's players have no time to make adjustments. And that was the result that the bun was rubbed against the ground.

Co-authoring yourself is this a flaw that appears because your level is too high and your ability is too strong? Who should he ask him to reason with? Say that the other party looks at yourself?

Lu Boyuan really couldn't accept such a situation.

Here, Lu Boyuan's thoughts are flowing. Steamed Bun's Overlord has already finished all his punches, and after punching these steamed buns, he jumped out of the way. This is Lu Boyuan also recovered, and immediately began to operate the character to roll, and only got up after confirming safety.

As a result, his angle of view was just raised here, and Baozi raised his knees again.

Another powerful knee attack! ?

Lu Boyuan dodged without thinking too much. As a result, he had just finished dodging, and he saw that Baozi still had no intention of flying over and kicking him. This was another empty knee...

This was Lu Boyuan's reaction. Yes, the powerful knee attack has been used before, and the powerful knee attack is not a low-level skill like knee strike that cools down quickly.

"You're crazy!!" At this moment, Lu Boyuan was completely unable to calm down because of the steamed buns. We are so far apart, you put a Clear Sky Hammer on the knee. Apart from neuropathy, Lu Boyuan really couldn't think of any other reason.


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