Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1349: Sun Xiang's transformation

The attacks on both sides were like a galaxy rewinding, colliding at one point. But the distance between the two sides is getting closer. Facing Sun Xiang who was constantly approaching, Zhang Jiale did not panic. Because now the delay time is enough.

After the two sides broke through the barrage in an instant, the rhythm of the battle did not fall to one side because of the proximity of the two sides, but was still evenly matched. Because Zhang Jiale used the ammo expert's level 70 skill to make thunder!

Luan Lei: Also known as "The Goddess Scatters Flowers". All kinds of grenades are thrown out, which is a comprehensive explosion of all kinds of grenades that ammunition experts are proficient in.

The more grenades this skill has, the stronger the damage. Combined with the Hundred Flowers style of play that Zhang Jiale has already transformed, even if the area is fighting God One Autumn Leaf, it still won't give in too much!

In the face of Zhang Jiale's outburst, Sun Xiang's hand speed has also picked up, and while waving the spear in his hand, he knocked out the flying grenades and accumulated all kinds of dazzling patterns. The attribute bonuses of the five dazzling patterns appeared on him one after another, and then he even forcibly used the will to fight when the combo could not be counted.

Under the flowers, spear shadows danced.

The passion of the fans of the two teams at the scene was completely ignited, and cheers resounded throughout the hall.

In the end, Sun Xiang won the game with a 12% HP advantage, relying on his melee advantage.

But this victory was really hard work, and the two of them played explosively for six minutes. The hard work involved in such an outbreak of battle can be imagined.

As for Zhang Jiale, who came off the stage, both the fans and Happy's team members gave them the biggest applause.

But this game also made everyone a little more real. Zhang Jiale's grenade has a normal chance of triggering a negative state, which makes everyone very strange. If it is really an equipment attribute, Zhang Jiale, an ammunition expert, is obviously more suitable. this property. But the fact is that Zhang Jiale did not.

As for the issue of Xingxin's lack of materials, just kidding, if Xingxin's materials weren't enough, the players of his other teams would still be using level 70 silver equipment.

And by reasoning like this, they focused on Tang Yin's weapon, the phantom god. After all, the biggest difference between Getaway and Flowers is the weapon. But why can only Tang Yin's phantom gods have this attribute?

To know what attributes to add to the preparation, as long as you know the material ratio, theoretically any equipment can be marked as long as you adjust the material ratio. Not necessarily the same equipment. But why didn't Zhang Jiale have it?

Seriously, in terms of strength, the current Sun Xiang was fully worthy of the title of the God of Fighting, that is, he was on the same level as Wang Jiexi and the others, and under normal circumstances, he would still have a little more HP left. It's a pity that at the beginning of the fight, because he was wary of some of Zhang Jiale's skills, he fell into a little bit of weakness. Later, he found that Zhang Jiale's magnification was normal, so he let go completely.

Zhang Jiale was still a little helpless about his defeat. The difference in strength between him and Sun Xiang was actually not big, but his physical condition was indeed inferior to that of a young man like Sun Xiang. Even though Tang Yin's help surpassed him in terms of operation, it was indeed his handicap that he entered the later years of his career.

If it is Zhang Jiale, even the commentary interprets it this way. Li Yibo even said that if Zhang Jiale had such strength back then, maybe he could really win a championship. Not to mention other detailed operations, the current precise Hundred Fancy style of play alone is a very high improvement.

Thirteen percent of the remaining blood volume, although it is said to be a victory, its meaning is also very limited.

But this is also an advantage in such a limited way, and the outcome of the Thunder game often depends on these advantages. Don't look at the arena competitions, which are also directly duel, but there are some differences between the style of play and the duel in the individual competition. After all, in the individual competition, you only need to think about defeating the opponent like this, but in the ring competition, you not only have to defeat the opponent, but also reduce your own blood consumption as much as possible, and when you have an advantage, how to consume the opponent's maximum The blood volume will continue to increase the advantage for the next one.

Therefore, the biggest difference between the ring competition and the individual competition is efficiency. The ring competition pays more attention to this thing than the individual competition. In the match just now, Sun Xiang also had the same idea. He used to be a general defender, but he didn't pay too much attention to this aspect. But this time he was the starter. In order to accumulate as many advantages as possible, he always took a tactical position at the beginning.

After that, the battle also brought his own advantages to the extreme. Relying on his own physical strength, his hand speed was not too strong. After confronting Zhang Jiale, he stopped letting him go and bit him to the death.

Although it was hard work, he played all the efficiency he could play, and entered the next round with 13% of his blood.

"Sun Xiang's victory is very exciting." This is Li Yibo's evaluation of Sun Xiang's performance. He didn't say much because he was beaten in the face at the time, but now Li Yibo is talking about his Glory Class. Various analyses followed one after another, making the commentator Pan Lin unable to talk for a while.

Just as Li Yibo was evaluating the previous match, the players on Happy's side who had already completed took turns, and the second player also walked towards the competition table.

"This guy is getting harder and harder to deal with now. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Zhang Jiale, who returned to the player's seat, scratched his head and said, of course Sun Xiang. After all, the first time he fought with Sun Xiang , Sun Xiang had just debuted at that time, and he was still using Berserk Swordsman, and he retired after that. Then it was in the Challenger team competition. But compared to now, Sun Xiang has made significant progress.

If it wasn't for Sun Xiang's fear of his frozen grenade and other skills at first, he might have lost more HP.

"That's alright, there is still a positive improvement in the later years of your career, so you can secretly be happy." Tang Yin said with a smile.

"This is really good news." Zhang Jiale said.

"Sun Xiang's current style of play is really mature. It's surprising." Ye Xiu said watching the match, Sun Xiang, who used to feel confident enough to replace him, went through various experiences after being eliminated and challenged. , and now it has finally grown up.

If nothing else, just the fact that he will choose to play as a starter means that he has fully understood his current position and what he should do in the arena. He does not focus on himself, but starts from the team's Think about it from an angle, how to play the game well.

"Then it's up to Mo Fan." Looking at Mo Fan who had entered the battle room without saying a word, Zhang Jiale said with some melancholy.


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