Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1350: Mo Fan fights Sun Xiang

"Don't worry, Mo Fan's current style of play is no longer as monotonous as before, and there are many changes. But to what extent he can play, it depends on his own." Tang Yin said.

After all, they have also gone through half of the professional league together. Mo Fan has also experienced a lot of various actual battles. During this time, all of Happy's achievements have been growing. Of course, Mo Fan is also one of them. The current Mo Fan It is no longer just a scavenger sect who blindly squatted in ambush and waited for an opportunity.

Now he is more able to judge the situation, and the means of fighting are more and more abundant. And he did not discard some of the advantages and habits that he had developed in online games because of scavenging, but instead integrated and sublimated them. He chose to be more patient with the captain, more cautious, and more sensitive to the capture of opportunities.

These qualities that have been tempered by practice and time, combined with the ninja itself, is a stealthy and mobile profession. Created the current Mo Fan, and such Mo Fan has received more attention.

You must know that the name of being indefatigable is notorious in the realm of gods. A long time ago, the attack noticed that this guy is very strong, and sent an invitation. However, at that time, Mo Fan, who was so withdrawn that he didn't even know about the professional league, could not respond to their invitation, so he never succeeded.

And now seeing Mo Fan's entry into the professional circle, he soon achieved something, which made the people who tried to invite Mo Fan in the major guilds feel that they were right. It's a pity that such a good person, I don't know why all of them refused, they just accepted Ye Xiu's invitation. This annoys them.

After Mo Fan came on stage, it also announced that the second round of the ring match officially started. And this time, Mo Fan didn't get into the ravines in the map to take a tactical position for the first time, but ran to the center of the map at the fastest speed.

"Mo Fan is a player who is sure to be good at sneak attacks. Usually he starts with tactical moves, but this time he didn't. I don't know if he has any special plans." Seeing the start of the game Pan Lin was the first to introduce the characteristics of the players.

"It should be because there are many ravines in this map. After all, if you need to, you can get into a ravine at any time, so that it will not affect his style of play. Instead, if you reach the middle of the map earlier, you may still be able to catch it. What chance do you have?" Li Yibo said.

"This round, Sun Xiang's style of play is also different from the previous one." Pan Lin looked at Sun Xiang who also chose to run directly to the center of the map and said. The blood volume is similar, but Sun Xiang's aura is still strong.

"In the last match, although Sun Xiang really relied on his positioning, making him and Zhang Jiale very close to the starting position, which style of play cannot be used often," Li Yibo said.

"So this time he ran directly to the center of the map, but it was the Sun Xiang we were most familiar with. It seems that this will be the same as the previous one, and the game will be the pinnacle of the game. Oh, we see that now both sides are What will the two sides do next?" Pan Lin was still talking, but Mo Fan was already moving.

Seeing that Mo Fan rolled directly after Sun Xiang appeared in his view, and rolled into a ravine on the side without encountering any more. It didn't mean that Sun Xiang's health was low at all, so he planned to go head to head with the opponent.

"Uh... It seems that this Mo Fan player from Happy still chooses the style of play he is most familiar with and hides his figure before the two sides meet, but his current position has been exposed, Sun Xiang can rely on him completely. After predicting the approximate location of the opponent, what's the point of hiding now? Huh? Huh?" Pan Lin had just finished speaking, and Mo Fan, who had been moving in the ravine for a while, jumped out again. It was inexplicable for Pan Lin to do it.

"What the **** is going on here? Instructor Li?" Pan Lin, who didn't see Mo Fan's thoughts at all, immediately asked his partner.

"Maybe relying on such a move to try and confuse the opponent from the perspective of rhythm..." Li Yibo also did not understand this, his tone was a bit far-fetched. The last "bar" is more like saying that personal views may not be correct.

"Sun Xiang didn't get the impression of the other party's abnormal behavior at all, so he rushed towards the other party." Pan Lin didn't go to the bottom of it, he continued.


Mo Fan was the first to attack One Autumn Leaf by relying on his long-range advantage.


But in the face of this monotonous long range, Sun Xiang directly hit the basic attack and sent the shuriken flying. The technique was clean and neat, and it didn't show the character's progression at all. From a technical point of view, this blow Sun Xiang hit was perfect.

Seeing that a single shot of the shuriken had no effect, Mo Fan waved his arm again, accompanied by swish, swish, swish, and with his very fast from the operation, several shots of the shuriken were fired one after another, but this time each shot of the shuriken still had Road wind blades cover it. It is the advanced skill of Shuriken: Gale Shuriken.

The speed of the blast shuriken was faster and the number of them was greater. This was no longer something that could be blocked by a simple operation. In the face of such a situation, Sun Xiang still did not stop moving forward.

Seeing the magical fighting spirit surrounding him, a dragon-shaped phantom appeared to cover him and stood up, wrapping Sun Xiang to kill the opponent, it was the dragon breaking the army!

That's right, in the face of the opponent's hurricane shuriken, he directly chooses to hit hard with his big move, even if his HP is limited now, UU Reading www. uukanshu.com still directly ignored the damage of the wind shuriken. Relying on the tyrannical effect of the Dragon Breaking Army, he continued to kill Mo Fan.

Under the impact of the dragon breaking the army, the hurricane shuriken could not do anything to stop it, and it directly killed Mo Fan.


In the blink of an eye, Mo Fan was hit by the Dragon Breaker and turned into a puff of smoke. And the real body has appeared behind Sun Xiang!

With such a close distance between the two sides, under the extreme speed of the powerful dragon breaking the army, the ultimate use of shadow clones to dodge, this series of operations is very remarkable.

Ninja? Sparrows fall!

Mo Fan, who appeared in the air behind Sun Xiang, kicked Ye Xiu with his feet directly, but Sun Xiang's reaction was not slow. He jumped slightly with the help of the dragon breaking the army, and turned completely in mid-air, letting the character use it. An action state similar to flying, this is a precise strike of the war spear against Mo Fan who was brought to him.

Although Sky Strike is a floating skill that is equipped at the beginning of a character, it is really just right to use it now. Ren Mo Fan's attack could not hit Sun Xiang.

But in the face of Ye Xiu's counterattack, Mo Fan immediately challenged him, and the most popular person landed directly and precisely on the one Autumn Leaf provoked but Xie!

The operation can be sophisticated to such an extent that the appearance of this scene directly caused the enthusiasm of the audience to explode again!


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