Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1356: fight back

When did this guy lose Saling?

When Du Ming saw the cold light on the ground, he immediately recognized this skill. The direction of the third slash, which was temporarily changed at the extreme limit, struck a horizontal slash from the front of Sa Ling. Avoid these salings.


Du Ming said in his heart that it was very dangerous. He didn't want to make mistakes in this match, not only because he cherished the opportunity to play this time, but also wanted to fight Tang Yin, even if he was at a disadvantage in HP. field! He wanted to see how strong Tang Yin was. Because now Tang Yin is undoubtedly the target he wants to surpass the most.

Ninja Tool.Saling is only a low-level skill, but as long as the character steps on it, it will continue to lose blood. Although the speed of blood loss is not fast, his function itself is not used for output, but another effect of it. Greatly reduces the target's movement speed.

You must know that this thing is hard to see when it is thrown on the ground. If Du Ming didn't notice the other side's abnormality, and he lowered his head to look at the other side's decapitation subconsciously, he might have really stepped on it. And when the speed suddenly drops sharply, it must be the timing of the opponent's shot.

"What a cunning guy." Du Ming spat out, but he didn't stop his actions. After all, this was a game, and he didn't have time to continue immersing himself in such a close-knit mood. His operation became more and more sharp, and he directly opened the offensive!


A sword light swept across the void in an instant, and between the sword qi vertical and horizontal, under the cover of the sword qi, Du Ming's figure appeared, and as soon as he shot down Feng Zhan, he fell from the sky, with a gorgeous sword qi, and there was still a cold glow on the ground. of Saling. Get Mo Fan and.

In the face of Du Ming's powerful attack, Mo Fan... turned around and ran.

The one that runs is called a neat, no sloppy one.

"Hey! You guy, it's not over yet!" Du Ming couldn't help calling on the public channel. After all, when this guy was fighting against Sun Xiang, he had inexplicably evacuated, and in the end he had given Sun Xiang a yellow card. As a result, I have encountered this situation myself.

But with Sun Xiang, he had fought at least a few rounds, but why didn't he even fight? Is he more terrifying than Sun Xiang?

Du Ming was also self-aware. He knew very well that the direct gap between himself and Sun Xiang was not less than a star. Otherwise, after Sun Xiang took his place, the team's performance would have improved by leaps and bounds. That's a strength comparable to their captain.

But it is precisely because of this that Du Ming is puzzled. What is this guy paying attention to?

Not only Du Ming, but also Sun Xiang, who had just played against Mo Fan, and the other Samsara players were very puzzled. After all, a person who could even make announcements with Sun Xiang, how could he withdraw when he met Du Ming?

But there were also people who saw the problem, and that was everyone from Happy outside the arena.

"Mo Fan, I'm a little tired..." Ye Xiu said regretfully.

After all, in the last successive outbreaks, he challenged his own limits twice. Even if the game didn't take long, the fatigue of caution is still very obvious. After all, Mo Fan's opponent was one of the characters at the pinnacle of glory. His victory was not as easy and comfortable as his performance.

The fact is just the opposite. Because of the successive outbreaks of the previous round and the challenge of self-limitation, this was just the beginning, and there were two thought fragments.

It can be said that in order to defeat Sun Xiang as quickly as possible, Mo Fan is really desperate to break through his own limits. And people who don't know Mo Fan now can't imagine how hard Mo Fan was in that game.

So now, when facing Du Ming, he didn't want to hit him with his three-axle axe as he did against Sun Xiang. It's just that he can't play at all with his current state of mind. In other words, his current mental state cannot allow him to continue to achieve almost abnormal concentration like when the opponent Sun Xiang did.

"Hey, with Mo Fan's style of play, isn't he an excellent position in the individual competition?" Wei Chen said while looking at Mo Fan's situation.

But as soon as his voice fell, Mo Fan on the stage suddenly burst out!

The combo, just like the previous one, that kind of impeccable combo! But this time, Mo Fan's combo effect was very limited, and Du Ming blocked them in time. But Mo Fan didn't stop because of Du Ming, instead he continued his combo.

The second strike, the third strike... Mo Fan relied on his continuous attacks to launch a counterattack against Du Ming, and finally broke Du Ming's defense with the fourth skill!

cut off!

The fifth hit is the first skill that can deal damage in this round of combos. Putting this is only a low-level flying skill. You must know that there is no trick to this skill. On the contrary, this skill often appears at the beginning of a combo. And Mo Fan's intention is very obvious, he wants to continue his combo!

"What happened to this guy today? So crazy?" Wei Chen said in surprise.

You must know that because of the last game, Mo Fan's spirit itself is somewhat equipped. He can still use his three-axes now, which is very good, but even so, he is in his fifth combo. Above this limit, he still refuses to give up. He still wants to try to break through his own limit and continue to increase his combo count.

Flame Slash!

Seeing Mo Fan's forbearance knife, a strong blazing sun emerged. After the annihilation, he directly slashed on Du Ming's body! The sixth strike is still accurate!

Then the vest binding technique! I saw Mo Fan hurried up, but it was too late...

"It's too slow," Ye Xiu said.

That's right, Mo Fan's seventh episode was already slow, and there was a slight connection failure after the sixth attack. As a result, his seventh strike was slowed down, and he was slashed by flames in the sky, burning into the feather marks of the burning man, and launched a counterattack directly in the flames!

Fall English!

This blow is faster than Mo Fan's wrong vest head binding technique. The sword light has already attacked Mo Fan's body in an instant, and a brilliant sword light is pierced through him, and it is accompanied by Mo Fan. Where the blood splashed on the body. Then it fell like the ground.

Falling English, as one of the swordsman's 75th level's four ultimate moves, but his damage is actually not particularly high, because it is not the damage, but the effect. Forced to the ground!

Not only the Falling English style has special effects, but the other three also have them.

Extremely fast shooting star,

Determine a strong breakout style,

There is also the return style that can finally use the sword energy to pull the target's figure.


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