Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1357: Mo Fan did a great job!

At this time, he shot down the British style, which seemed to be a bit careless, otherwise the shooting star style would be faster, but this blow directly caused Mo Fan to fall back to the ground, and he couldn't use the body to evade.

Silver light falls!

Du Ming pointed the tip of his sword directly at Mo Fan, and the next moment it turned into a stream of light and plunged down. Smashed to Mo Fan, who was lying on the ground.

The speed of this combo is extremely fast, and it has no flaws or any neutrality. Mo Fan has just reached the end, and the next moment Du Ming's sword light has already landed, and the concussion effect of the silver light falling blade is also in the middle. Just blow him away.

But Mo Fan and Du Mingke, who flew into the air, still did not let go of the opponent's big pair, and stabbed the sword in his hand.

Even the thrust is used.

The sword light stabbed directly at Mo Fan in midair. But when Mo Fan struck the sword light bayonet for the first time, Mo Fan had already exploded into a puff of smoke, leaving only a little grass man on the tip of Du Ming's sword.

Substitute Grass Man!

"Damn it!" Du Ming scolded gloomily, but he couldn't help it, the ninja's escape skills were really troublesome, and even stronger than other professions' escape skills. Sometimes a combo that cost a lot of money to play, gets into the hands of the ninja, and is escaped by the opponent's skill.

But Du Ming didn't dare to let up. The First Family shifted his perspective and began to look for Mo Fan's hiding place.

But just before Du Ming's perspective had circled the circle, the ground under his feet was loose.

That's right, it is the decapitation of the earth's center that has repeatedly made extraordinary achievements!

At this critical moment, Du Ming still made some omissions, not counting Mo Fan's attack. This time, the decapitation of the Earth's Center was like a re-enactment of the previous scene of One Autumn Leaf. First, it was a blow from the jaw, and then it was Mo Fan's impeccable combo.

"This guy is really fighting..." Seeing Mo Fan who started to strike this time, everyone in Happy was dumbfounded.

"He...wouldn't take the game directly as a tool for him to push the limit..." Tang Yin said helplessly, he had already seen that the decapitation was used to confuse the opponent. , he simply wanted to try to challenge his own limit, to push the limit and try to break through it.

Mo Fan is a little anxious to push his limits like this, let alone in the game. To know that as long as there are a few mistakes in the game, it may be a complete failure. It doesn't mean that you can't try to break through yourself in the game, it's just that you can't be too frequent, and you have to pay attention to a degree of everything.

And the reason why the limit is called the limit is that it is not something that can be broken through at once. It is important to know that the improvement of technical and operational awareness is never achieved overnight. This is not about brushing equipment for oneself in an online game. If one's personality exploded that day, suddenly playing some good equipment and wearing it would directly increase one's strength.

The improvement of technology can only rely on day after day, again and again training, actual combat, and summary. Breakthroughs can only be achieved through a long period of time and accumulation, not on a sudden whim that day. After all, this is a display, not a fantasy novel.

Such a thing that can easily break through as soon as you work hard is obviously impossible to happen in the present.

The reason is also very difficult, such as Mo Fan's only one attack, trying to break through his own limits. But can he still play in this state when he returns to his daily training? You must know that the so-called breakthrough limit is not called a breakthrough if you play more than usual operations once or twice. It is not equipment. If you succeed once, it means that you will succeed in the future. A sudden success is one thing, but skilled play is one thing. Such an operation is another matter.

Mo Fan was able to defeat Sun Xiang with less HP, which in itself was already a very remarkable breakthrough to his own limits.

But in the face of Du Ming, he still wanted to continue to break through, he still persisted stubbornly, and even tried again and again to challenge the limit.

But the fact is that his state has dropped significantly now. Although his attack did frighten Du Ming, Du Ming quickly seized Mo Fan's flaws and fought back. Even if his blood volume is healthy now, his spirit will gradually invest. You must know that the game can't end with an explosion, so what will happen to his future games?

But the fact was exactly as Tang Yin and the others had expected. In the end, Mo Fan's role still fell. Du Ming's victory was a little thrilling at the beginning, but it became easier as the game progressed.

The reason is also very simple. E-sports competition itself is a very troublesome thing. Mo Fan has been trying to break through his own limits. This caused him some excessive mental fatigue. And these performances in the game are that Mo Fan gives people a feeling of falling off the chain at a critical moment. In the end, when Du Ming still had fifty-five percent left, he collapsed.

Sun Xiang's game itself was a big drain for Mo Fan. Not only did Mo Fan not rest in this game, but he even fought harder...  

Although the current Mo Fan was only a rookie, even Du Ming, who was his opponent, was in awe when facing such an opponent. After all, such a strong player deserves respect no matter where he is, even if he fails.

And Mo Fan, who ended up, was indeed as tired as Tang Yin and the others had guessed, showing his fatigue directly on his face. After all, for the current Mo Fan, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Continuous and intermittent concentration like this, followed by repeated bursts. It's like a rubber band that repeatedly tightens itself, and the exhaustion in it can be imagined.

"You are too messy." Ye Xiu said, handing Mo Fan a hot towel.

Mo Fan silently took the things that Ye Xiu had arrived. After glancing at Ye Xiu, he nodded his thanks and said nothing more. Putting the towel over his head, he returned to his position.

Mo Fan just sat down here, and a bottle of water arrived from the side. Mo Fan didn't even notice it at first. After a while, he took Yifan's water and nodded to him.

This is what makes Mo Fan difficult. He doesn't like to talk, so everyone doesn't know what he thinks. The only one who could say a few words to him was his owner, Mucheng, but even Mucheng could only lose a few words. It's really just a few sentences, and it can't even surpass two digits, let alone his thoughts.

"If you have time, talk to him more." But there was no way. After all, Mucheng could at least say a few words, so she could only leave things like guiding Mo Fan to her.

At this time, Tang Yin also stood up. As for the chance to fight Du Ming, he said that he didn't consider other things. In this alone, Mo Fan did a great job!


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