Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1358: rivalry

Following Tang Yin's rise, all the Happy fans in the audience boiled again for a while. The shouts of one-on-two were incessant. After all, that's why Tang Yin became famous so quickly. That's right, they are really at a disadvantage now, the opponent's second player still has more than half of their health, and the last defender is the current Glory's first player, Zhou Zekai.

But so what?

It's not like our vice team has never played in such a situation, or in other words, their vice team often plays in this situation. Don't forget who at the beginning of the season was the one who stabilized Xingxin's happiness before the whole team grew up. Xin's arena has two points. It was their vice-team Tang Yin, the strongest rookie in history.

The King of Fighters Zhou Zekai, the magician Wang Jiexi, the swordsman Huang Shaotian, and the fighting **** Sun Xiang, who are on the same level as Zhou Zekai, are all like Zhou Zekai. A one-vs-two attitude, a strong defeat. They believe that this one will not be an exception!

And the current applause also symbolizes the popularity of Tang Yin now, and Tang Yin relies on his own hard power to play this popularity.

Tang Yin accepted some blessings from his teammates, waved and interacted with his fans under the stage, and then walked to the competition seat. But this is not an All-Star after all, Mica can't go in with Tang Yin, at least not now, and I don't know if the league will revise the rules in the future. But looking at the appearance of the little mica, it really wanted to go up with Tang Yin. It's a pity that being held by Tang Rou, in the face of the crushing of the two peaks, the little mica had difficulty breathing, and it was not necessary to say that she struggled out.

"Can Xiaoyin win?" Chen Guo worriedly looked at Tang Yin who was walking towards the competition seat. After all, Tang Yin had a one-to-two match this time, and the second place was the current number one in Glory. Even Tang Yin himself said that his strength was very close to Zhou Zekai. So Chen Guo was really worried.

"It's a bit difficult, let's see how Xiao Yin plays in this game." Even Ye Xiu doesn't have much to say about this. There is nothing absolute about the competition itself, even if he thinks Tang Yin's strength is better than that of Tang Yin. Zhou Zekai is a little taller, but nothing can guarantee victory. After all, the competition itself is not about the paper strength of the players.

Not to mention that the current Tang Yin fight is one-on-two.

However, Zhou Zekai and Tang Yin don't know if Tang Yin can be bigger than Ye Xiu, but he knows that facing Du Ming, Tang Yin will definitely open his firepower. And today's handshake on the field also proved this, this guy is really hostile to Tang Yin.

This has advantages and disadvantages. If it doesn't go well, some HP will be consumed by the other party. After that, the pressure on Zhou Zekai and Tang Yin will be much greater. But if this game goes well, it will be a good warm-up match.

That's right, in Ye Xiu's eyes, Tang Yin's fight against Du Ming was like a warm-up match. At the same time, he could kill Du Ming without injury. Ye Xiu, who knew Tang Yin's strength best, of course felt that Tang Yin could do it too. It's just because there are too many variables in the game, so there is a bad choice. Again, there are no weaklings in Samsara, and e-sports competitions can’t compare to paper strength.

On Samsara's side, Zhou Zekai's eyes became sharper when he saw Tang Yin come to power. He can be said to have been paying attention to this rookie who has beaten him head-on. And like his first battle, Zhou Zekai and Tang Yin have been looking forward to it since the beginning of this season.

"That's right, I finally met you in the official game." As Tang Yin's characters were loaded and the game started, Du Ming and Tang Yin didn't move in a hurry, instead Du Ming spoke first.

"I also think it's good. After all, it's better to kill some ideas in the bud," Tang Yin said. But the conversation between the two of them was obviously not understood by most people, and of course there were people who knew about it, that was everyone in Samsara. After all, they all knew that Du Ming had a crush on Tang Rou. That's why they have all kinds of resentment towards Tang Yin, who is Tang Rou's boyfriend, but none of them said anything. Why does Tang Yin seem to know?

"Then let me see if you have the strength to convince me, go all out to fight." Du Ming said boldly.

"As you wish!" Tang Yin responded. The two ran to the middle of the map at the same time, and the commentator was obviously confused about their previous conversation, and finally explained that the two players had a lot of private connections. After all, the professional circle is how to play, and it is not surprising that the professional players of various teams are friends with each other.

The characters on both sides rushed towards the center of the map, and soon the two sides appeared in each other's field of vision. The first time Du Ming discovered the other side, Du Ming immediately cut his hands in three stages, and the direction of movement was completely irregular. After all, after so many rounds of competition, although the major teams did not find a way to play against Tang Yin, they all had some countermeasures for his sniper rifle.

Therefore, Du Ming cut his hands in three straight steps, and wherever the sword light came, he followed him like a shadow. Quickly to Tang Yin after all.

Facing the opponent's displacement skills, Tang Yin directly fired three bursts of anti-tank guns, and all three shots were fired at this position, and the player who was sealed to Du Ming's position, directly in the next instant, fired three extremely fast bullets from the pistol. , followed by the anti-tank gun, it is the low-level skill of the sharpshooter three bursts!

The connection between the two skills was extremely fast, and even Tang Yin in the middle used the recoil of the anti-tank gun to move for a while.

In the face of Tang Yin's all-round position blockade, Du Ming could only face the difficulties, because Tang Yin did not give him any room for dodge.

Hearing Du Mingyuan's three-stage slashing force, he saw the sharp sword in its sheath, and the next moment, a brilliant sword light swept across, cutting off Du Ming's miraculous anti-tank gun and Yifan's three bursts of bullets. It exploded in front of Du Ming.

In the firelight, Du Ming rushed out again. Tang Yin's two consecutive strikes just now did not cause him any damage, but after he rushed out of the spark of the anti-tank gun explosion. Facing him was a rain of bullets inclined like a hurricane.

This is exactly one of the sixty-five-level Sharpshooter's ultimate move, Stormy Storm

Stormy Storm: One of the rare main output skills of sharpshooters, which is characterized by short release time, fast attack speed and high attack damage.

But the disadvantage is also obvious, you can't move when you release this skill

Quickly swap multiple revolvers for shooting. This ability can only be cast when a revolver is equipped. When attacking, press the attack button continuously to shoot at a faster speed. That is to say, the faster the player's hand speed, the more bullets he can hit.

At that time, Tang Yin's hand speed had already broken four hundred!


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