Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1359: Combo opening

Du Ming, who had just rushed out of the explosion of the anti-tank gun, was now stuck with a slot in his mouth. After all, it seemed that this was the first time Tang Yin had used his ultimate to suppress him at the start, and Du Ming could not avoid all of them in the face of such a dense outbreak.

And because the sharpshooter's attack had its own stiffening effect, after the first wave hit, Du Ming's subsequent attack could be avoided even more. Not to mention that Tang Yin himself is a perverted quasi-head.

The Torrential Storm itself was a wide-area attack, and it was abruptly concentrated within the range of Du Ming's two positions under Tang Yin's manipulation. Du Ming, who knew he couldn't escape, also resisted with all his strength. The sword light was waving densely around him, but he was still suppressed by Tang Yin. The blood keeps flowing.

But Du Ming didn't give up, instead, he kept calculating the skill time of Tang Yin's hurricane. Even if his defense was forcibly broken by Tang Yin, he still remained calm. When Tang Yin's skill was about to end, he used his skill Wuhen Jianyi.

Traceless Sword Intent: Breaking skill, which also has the effect of breaking away from suppression. It is the core skill of Swordsman Sixty-five. Within three seconds after opening, it dismantles the attack of nearby opponents, and at the same time, a ball barrier that wraps the character appears around the body. The time is also three seconds, and at level seventy-five, while breaking the suppression, it strengthens the effects of the Falling British, Meteor, Air-Breaking, and Wind-Returning skills within three seconds.

Du Ming relied on the Wuhen Sword Intent to forcibly break through Tang Yin's last section of the hurricane and torrential rain. The sword edge once again pointed directly at Tang Yin, and his body followed the sharp sword to kill Tang Yin again.

But Du Ming's expected attack did not come to an end. After the storm, Tang Yin's bullet rain was a little smaller, but it still didn't stop. Even at this moment, the two spears in Tang Yin's hands appeared as if they were scorched by flames.

At this time, one of the 50-level skills of the sharpshooter suppresses the shooting, and the lower-level skills of the hurricane. The effect is like a hurricane, and it shoots wildly forward. When you continuously press the skill button or the attack button, you will shoot at a faster speed. However, during the shooting process of this skill, you can press the jump button to interrupt the release of the skill.

Although this skill is not as strong as a hurricane, its explosiveness is even better.

In the sharpshooter, a professional skill that lacks burst output, it is a rare instant output skill.

Because of this, although the duration was short, Du Ming was beaten back abruptly.

But Tang Yin's attack was not over yet. After suppressing the shooting, Tang Yin directly used the level 35 status skill to move the shooting. This skill can greatly increase the speed of the sharpshooter's attack and a certain attack speed. There's also a reduction in recoil.

But Tang Yin didn't want to retreat, instead he attacked and pressed Du Mu again and again. From the moment the two sides met, Du Ming had been covered by Tang Yin's barrage, suppressing him throughout. Even if Happy happened in such a scene, he didn't know what to say for a while.

Because now Tang Yin doesn't appear to be kind and humble at all in disguise, but instead gives people a very violent feeling. If anyone who doesn't know the truth sees this, he thinks how much hatred the two have.

If nothing else, the sharpshooter directly shoots a swordsman close to him with a mobile shot. This alone is rarely seen in the professional league. After all, this skill is used to distance itself from the opponent. But now Tang Yin was directly pressing on him. It was the first time that everyone except Happy had seen such a strong Tang Yin.

But this was also the reason why everyone in Happy was surprised. It was unexpectedly Tang Yin's performance when he was fighting with Ye Xiu's team, and he was completely full of firepower. But you have to know that Tang Yin will have a fight with Zhou Zekai in the next fight. Is it okay to fight as hard as this one? In other words, isn't it just a Du Ming, why is Tang Yin fighting like this?

In the face of Tang Yin's attack, Du Ming only had one feeling. Durability was the feeling he felt when facing Mo Fan's three-axes. Therefore, the combo attack and output are impeccable. He only felt this feeling when he faced the captain during training in the team, but it was not so obvious. Du Ming also knew that this did not mean that his own captain was better than Tang Yin. Poor, it's just that the opponent's own captain has absolutely no need to go all out. But the opposite is full of firepower from the beginning.

"Isn't this guy jealous?" At this moment, a strange thought appeared in Du Ming's mind.

This guy won't be jealous because someone likes his girlfriend?

The more Du Ming thought about it, the more likely it was. In the previous communication, he knew that the other party already knew that he had a crush on Tang Rou, but you were jealous just because of your crush. Do you want to be stingy? Then Tang Rou still has so many fans, why don't you eat them?

In other words, Ye Xiu didn't know what Du Ming was thinking right now, so he didn't necessarily pat him on the shoulder and said, "Trust me, Tang Yin's stinginess is far beyond your belief."

If nothing else, even though Tang Yin said it very well at first and didn't care about the fans shouting, Tang Rou would go home with him after the game anyway. But the first thing in the morning is to throw a coin and randomly select 100 fans from the fans who support him and Tang Rou as CP fans...

Everyone in Happy couldn't do anything about it. After all, the dead Taoist channel, Ye Xiu, who tried to persuade Tang Yin once, passed it in the toilet the next day...

But I didn't dare to be jealous of the other party. UU reading www.uukanshu.com still despised how, since I took the initiative to get close to myself. Then Du Ming would not miss this opportunity, swayed the sword light, and threw out a sword light that was as bright as a galaxy leaking to the ground. While blocking Tang Yin's offensive, he thought that Tang was also murderous again.

He wanted to let Tang Yin know that in the long-range profession, just play long-range and don't think about playing melee with them. After all, the gun is fast within seven steps, but within seven steps...

The gun is accurate and fast!

This is what Tang Yin wants to tell the other party.

Once again, the anti-tank artillery fired, and Du Ming slashed straight ahead, but the next moment was a huge fire wave. Because there were only four positions on both sides, Du Ming didn't have time to dodge. And the flame obviously can't be split by a sword, it can only be burned.

And this flame is the flamethrower of the gunner's fifteenth-level low-level skill.

But Tang Yin didn't press and hold the flamethrower to let this skill do the highest damage. He just stayed with the flamethrower and said an interruption and connection, and received the notification of the flamethrower. A freezing grenade followed the flame that the flamethrower last touched. , exploded after all the flames burned on Du Ming's body, without giving Du Ming a chance to get out of his rigidity and directly frozen into an ice sculpture. But these are the beginning of Tang Yin's combo!


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