Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1360: 4 knives flow... no... it's 4 gun flow

Du Ming, who was blown up by the freezing grenade, had no chance to move, and Tang Yin took this opportunity to use rapid fire, burst fire, furious fire, scattering, as well as the skills of the ammunition expert, explosive bombs (can shoot explosive bullets, a total of 15 rounds). , fire attribute damage, and the rigid bullet has a very high rigidity effect.), and a series of state skills of aerial shooting.

And relying on the speed of Tang Yin's holding hands, he completed these states extremely quickly, and then Tang Yin shot his hands indiscriminately again.

Due to the fire damage of the explosive bomb, Du Ming's freezing effect was directly lifted, but in the face of the huge stiffening effect of the explosive bomb, he was not even qualified to move. Under Tang Yin's hand speed, the fifteen bullets of the explosive bomb were shot in a blink of an eye. And the shooting was just beginning.

Although there is no rigid suppression of the explosive bomb, this does not mean that Du Ming can escape the suppression of Tang Yin's random shooting. It must be known that the sharpshooter's own attack has a certain rigidity effect, not to mention that Tang also directly shoots random shooting everywhere, all Focus on Du Ming in front of him.

Tang Yin's dense bullets repulsed Du Ming like this, but Tang Yin pressed him step by step.

The indiscriminate shooting ended, but Tang Yin still did not put down the two guns in his hands, and continued to keep the two walls straight. The muzzle of the gun was still aimed at Du Ming, not giving him a chance to stiffen, and the two guns fired at the same time. This time, violent sparks sputtered from the muzzles of the dual spears, directly illuminating the surroundings, which corresponded to the snowflakes that popped out of Du Ming's character's head one after another. That's right, Tang Yin's skill is one of the level 35 skills of the sharpshooter, multiple headshots!

Multiple Headshots: Launch consecutive headshots at enemies within a certain range, and enemies in the mission are greatly damaged. Each time you launch, you can use the arrow keys to control the launch direction, and randomly select 1 enemy in this direction to deal damage, which has a certain chance to cause additional damage to another enemy. This skill cannot be used when using hand cannons.

Five headshots in a row, but Tang Yin felt that it was not enough! Turning his back to Du Ming, he turned back in the next instant. At the same time, the gun in his hand fired another bullet, still a headshot.

This is the fatal return shot of the upper-level skill of a headshot, and some people call it a back shot. Some people think of the shot that suddenly turned around in the Western Cowboy Showdown. This shot has the characteristics of a headshot, but the attack is a headshot. On one hit.

Then Tang Yin took another headshot, which means that at this moment, Tang Yin hit seven headshots in succession. And the high stiffness of the headshot continued to give Du Ming no chance to move. Simply put, he couldn't find a way to fight back.

At this time, relying on successive attacks, Tang Yin had already arrived in front of Du Ming, seeing the attack that the opponent was already in front of him, but could not attack, God knows how much Du Ming's psychological shadow is now.

But Tang Yin's combo still didn't end. After seven headshots, three consecutive shots were fired again, but this time it was not just bullets, but three consecutive shots could even be used as a weapon to attack the revolver. At the same time, there are certain skills Knockback effect. The original intention of this skill is for the opponent's close opponent.

Just finished knocking on the ground here, Tang Yin's instant kick has already been proposed. Once again, Du Ming was stunned.

Du Ming is really panicking now. He has been preparing for a long time to scold him for this battle with Tang Yin. He will never allow himself to be killed all the way by the opponent. It's already very humiliating, and this time it must not continue like this!

Du Ming, who was stunned again, also increased his hand speed, frantically pressing the arrow keys, trying to quickly remove the stun effect. This time, Du Ming's stun contact is indeed faster than before... But no, Tang Yin's next attack has arrived!

Just meeting Du Ming who was dizzy, Tang Yin still didn't mean to stop, he was still racing along the highway at hand speed. I saw Tang Yin jumped into the air and rolled behind Du Ming in mid-air, hitting the back of Du Ming's head one after another with the revolver in his hand, without throwing three shots!

The skill of the sharpshooter and the same level of shooting: Death Raid!

Jump on the opponent's head, aim at the back of the head, and fire 3 quick rounds from each gun. When the skill is activated, the jump distance can be adjusted by operating the arrow keys in the same direction as the travel direction.

At the same time when the last shot was finished, Tang Yin threw out two revolvers, which was the double eagle manoeuvre. This time, Tang Yin didn't play his eight-point light wheel play, he just threw it like this, flew past Du Ming in the revolver attack, and used the skill extra gun during the period when he could attack Du Ming.

The effect of this skill is very simple. It makes the sharpshooter have two more pistols in his hands. It is a supplementary skill when the roaming shooter falls asleep, because the sharpshooter's first awakening skill, Crazy Slaughter, will control four pistols in succession.

Du Ming just wanted to take advantage of this neutral position to counterattack, but Tang Yin's attack had already reached him, and when he saw the special revolver in Tang Yin's hand, Du Ming recognized this skill , after all, their captain is the sharpshooter ceiling of the current alliance.

But this is also what makes him depressed. Seeing the overwhelming rain of bullets, now Du Ming has only one sentence in his heart: "It's not over yet... (Making Huang Bo's tone by himself

Tang Yin made a direct double control, refreshed the CD of all skills, and then suppressed the shooting. The dense rain of bullets entered Du Ming again. Of course, it didn't last long. In the first round of the double eagle round On the eve of the flight back, Tang Yin stopped his skills, and then threw out the two pistols in his hand. The two pistols were also like the revolving revolvers of the double eagles, spinning and flying out, but this time they flew around irregularly. Bounce around. But his attack range is almost full screen. It will not be like the double eagle manoeuvre, and there is only damage around the revolver.

And this advanced skill of the real double eagle manoeuvre: obliterate! Listening to the name is the attack power of the team.

And the phantom **** Tang Yin, who flew back to his hand, threw the wind and rain again, and the screen was filled with bullets flying everywhere from Tang Yin. That scene is quite spectacular!

It's not Du Ming who is now facing Tang Yin, and even Pan Sen and Li Yibo, who were commenting on the scene, were stunned. Can such a dense barrage really be played by humans?

On one side is the obliteration, the more chaotic ballistics shot by the two revolvers that flew out of their hands, and the other side is the torrential rain, which is like a barrage on the Y-axis.

"Tang Yin player's hand speed has broken 500, this...it's like a four-knife style...oh no...it's a four-gun style. This is a brand new The sharpshooter's style of play." Li Yibo looked at the scene of the sky full of bullets. The brain has been shut down, is this really a picture that a human can make? (Book friends who can't imagine the picture can go to see the male roaming for 20 seconds, the ultimate combo. That's called a handsome.)


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