Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1361: Combo ends

"Uh... Lao Ye, do Xiaoyin and Du Ming have any grudges? This is not a move you only use when you hit you. If you use it on Zhou Zekai, I can understand it, but it's a bit cruel to use it directly on Du Ming. Come on..." Zhang Jiale couldn't bear to see Du Ming, who was shaking like a small ark in the ocean of bullets. After all, at present, the only person who can make Tang Yin so full of energy is Ye Xiu.

That's right, this style of play, which Li Yibo calls the four-gun style, is already familiar to them. After all, since Tang Yin invented this style of play, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's captain have used it almost every time. Not to mention that the intensive attacks are extremely difficult to defend, and it is also a set of play that a sharpshooter can deal great burst damage for a while.

After all, although the single output of the sharpshooter is very good, and has a strong endurance, it can maintain continuous output. But relatively speaking, his explosive ability is very limited, whether it is random shooting or torrential rain, it is a continuous output skill. It must not be like the swordsman profession that burst damage in an instant. The only skill that can be called explosive output is the Barrett sniper rifle.

But in Tang Yin's style of play, no matter whether it's shooting indiscriminately or hurricane, it is not a complete skill, but an excessive skill of connection and output. Rely on increasing the number and cycle of skills to deal burst damage over a period of time.

And this kind of extreme combo is when Tang Yin's output is at its peak, and this set of play, except for Tang Yin, other sharpshooters can't use it, the reason is very simple, after this set of skills is used up, the character will have many skills Being caught in CD, the most direct result is that the skill cycle cannot be completed. But Tang Yin doesn't need to worry about this, because he not only has the skills of a sharpshooter, but also the skills of other occupations of the gunsling department. To put it bluntly, he has a lot of skills.

Seeing such a shocking scene, everyone in Samsara couldn't help but look at their captain. They really wanted the team, and their captain could do it.

"Captain, have you achieved your dream?" Jiang Botao asked in a trembling tone. There was no way, Tang Yin's scene was so gorgeous and terrifying.

"It can be done, but it can't be done." This is Zhou Zekai's reply, his tone still simple.

"Can't do it? Why?" Sun Xiang asked curiously. He didn't understand at once, what is it: can be completed, but can't be done?

"Not enough skills." Zhou Zekai said, the principle of Tang Yin's style of play is not difficult, as long as his understanding of sharpshooters reaches their level, he can master it with practice. But they couldn't do that in actual combat.

And the reason is because they don't have enough skills. They don't have as many skills as Tang Yin. This one can't take away the enemy. Isn't it the opponent's turn next? You must know that in Tang Yin's combo, as long as it is a continuous output skill, the damage is not full. But what if the opponent is going to hurt everything? Isn't it their turn to GG?

Hearing the words of their own captain, everyone in Samsara also reacted, and then began to criticize Tang Yin's shameless behavior like Ye Xiu Sanren, who did whatever he wanted by relying on his own skills.

That is, Tang Yin didn't hear the resentment of everyone in Samsara, otherwise he would say: "With so many skills, you can really do whatever you want!"

As for the audience, at this moment, Happy was completely boiling with fans.

This is their deputy team, pressing the major teams to the ground and letting them experience the existence of the rookie wall again.

The audience was talking about Tang Yin, and Tang Yin's batter on the stage continued. Now Tang Yin's situation is very similar to Mo Fan's high concentration of spirit, but because of his own strength, the mental burden will not be so tired. But the effect is the same. In the face of Tang Yin's intensive attacks, Du Ming didn't find a lot of flaws, but finding it didn't mean he could use it. In the face of Tang Yin's rigidity and restrictions, even if he found a flaw, he couldn't use it. Desperate...

With the end of Tang Yin's hurricane, the other two revolvers that were thrown out also returned to Tang Yin's hands at the same time. Four guns were in hand at the same time. Tang Yin directly activated the sharpshooter's awakening skill: Crazy Slaughter!

Crazy slaughter: Gathering power to send out a powerful shock that makes the surrounding enemies float, and throws two revolvers into the sky, moves itself and shoots bullets at the enemy in front, after shooting 2 rounds, throws the overloaded dual guns into the air , the other two guns fell and jumped into the air, spinning from the air to shoot bullets at surrounding enemies and inflict great damage to the enemy.

Seeing Tang Yin stepped on the ground, he directly stepped on a shock wave, which shook Du Ming into the air. The next moment, Tang Yin's bullet screen covered him again, but this time, the bullet screen, the trajectory of the bullet, would leave behind A trail of **** traces. It was like a red laser pierced through Du Ming.

And Du Ming, who was hit by Tang Yin's series of intensive attacks, would have a panic attack. But Tang Yin's attack continued.

A spin kick made Du Ming continue to float. Tang Yin started the second round of shooting. The sharpshooter's continuous skills all required the player's operation, that is, Tang Yin's series of attacks, he pulled away and supported by his own hand speed.

But with such frequent operations, even Tang Yin will be tired. If nothing else, just take Mo Fan's distance. Five skills of his high concentration are the limit. Tang Yin has only a few skills in this series. After all, Tang Yin is a If a person is not a god, he will be tired, so this crazy slaughter is the way he breaks out.

Seeing Tang Yin's more and more control, his head turned to the ground for a complete victory, but the ballistics firmly enveloped Du Ming. After the last shot, the number of guns in Tang Yin's hand became two again. After the mad slaughter was over, when the two of them were in the sky, the revolver in Tang Yin's hand had turned into a pistol, and all the abilities gathered at the muzzle and shot directly at Du Ming.


An explosion appeared, it was Tang Yin's ammunition expert skill, the flames of hell, that he had hit on this pistol.

The huge explosion directly knocked Du Ming into the air, but the pistol in Tang Yin's hand had turned into a hand cannon, which landed quickly with the help of the flying cannon. Then he walked around on the ground, using various skills to hit Du Ming from various angles at the same time.

"Du Ming fight back!" Samsara's teammates were a little worried when they saw this inexplicable scene. They all knew how long Du Ming had been preparing for this match, and he had been training more than usual throughout the season. Dili, knowing that it is possible to play against Tang Yin this week, is even more devoted to studying Tang Yin's style of play.

As a result, when Tang Yin came up, it was an unused style of play. Du Ming was stunned.

In fact, Tang Yin doesn't need it. After all, this is a professional game. It can be a place to play as a pig and eat a tiger. Your opponent will not give you a chance to break out. So many Tang Yin didn't use it, but the set of play was developed after Tang Yin's fever, but after that, there was no team that needed him to use this play, so it was useless...


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