Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1362: The key to invulnerability

"There is no chance." Facing the eagerness of his teammates, Zhou Zekai said softly.

"No chance?" Jiang Botao repeated his captain's words, and he felt more and more that this scene was so familiar, as if it had happened before.

"It's the All-Star, this is the Shadow Step!" An electric light flashed across Jiang Botao's mind, reminding him of the year when Du Ming was completely abused by God Ye Xiu.

And under his reminder, the other people in Samsara also thought about it, and then they all looked at Sun Xiang. After all, besides Du Ming, the most unlucky one was Sun Xiang.

After all, he said the day before that he was going to have a battle of understanding, and as a result, Fulong Xiangtian came directly to a deadly air battle. But Ye Xiu hit a dragon head the next day. They can all believe that Sun Xiang's mentality was broken at that time.

And Sun Xiang also remembered that scene, but now he just laughed and laughed about it, and then there was no more. Now he looks back and realizes how naive he was before. At this time, when he handed over One Autumn Leaf from Ye Xiu, what Ye Xiu said appeared in his mind again: "Do you really like glory? If you like it, take it all as glory, and Not showing off."

Thinking of the past, just thinking about expressing himself, Sun Xiang couldn't help but think, "If I had listened to Ye Xiu at the time, wouldn't everything be different?"

And Du Ming, who was unable to connect to the sky, finally found that he had been abused by someone with a shadow step. Although it was said that after that game, he had studied it specifically, and there were some ways to solve this style of play in the face of various professions. After all, the skills of each profession are not used, and the method of cracking the shadow step is naturally a little surprising.

But here comes the problem, Tang Yin is not a simple sharpshooter, just his shadow step involves all the skills of the gunslinger. How to play this?

Temporarily cracked now, but is it too late?

Du Ming looked at his own health bar and found that his current health was only a dozen percent, but the strange thing was that the blood loss was very slow...

Soon Du Ming knew Tang Yin's intention. He was resting. After all, after the outbreak just now, Tang Yin also needed to take a break. To know that the next game is their captain, if this game is too tiring, how will the next game be played?

That's right, the shadow-shading step is indeed a way for Tang Yin to rest. After all, he is too familiar with this style of play, and he is even more familiar with Du Ming. He doesn't have to use his brain to fight with shadow steps.

Just knowing that the other party is Happy, Du Ming has been preparing for the other party Tang Yin this week. As someone who has always known that he has such a rival in love, Tang Yin has been studying him since he joined the alliance. For nothing else, he just wanted to play this guy's psychological shadow. Just kidding, I remember the title of Qiuyin as a nonsense , since he dares to miss my daughter-in-law, why won't Tang Yin kill him?

And since both sides are now professional players, let's speak directly with strength.

But although Tang Yin also wanted to directly connect the opponent all the way to death, the next opponent did not allow him to face him when he was in poor condition. Because he is Zhou Zekai. Tang Yin really wanted to bully Du Ming, but now it's a game, personal emotions shouldn't be brought into the game, and the game should be focused on the game. And that's what a professional player should have.

There is no Tang Yin in the sky, and there is no such thing. However, Du Ming could not find Tang Yin at all.


This is Du Ming looking at the blood bar that has obviously slowed down the drop in blood volume. Since he has already guessed the opponent's intention, why not destroy it? Even if he can't cause damage to the opponent, he can't let the opponent rest, and it is possible to create an advantage for the captain. This is what he wants to do.

Thinking of this, Du Ming didn't hesitate, and no matter where Tang Yin was now, he just worked hard to find a way to land.

Silver light falls!

With the help of Tang Yin, he just hit the neutral block of an attack. It fell with a sword. Du Ming resisted the damage and landed, regardless of what was under his feet. Because he has the determination to make trouble for Tang Yin!

Then I stepped on Tang Yin's flash mine...

Du Ming in vertigo: "..."

In the face of the dizzy Du Ming, Tang Yin was even less anxious. He came to him and kicked in an instant, followed by a frozen grenade, followed by a sniper rifle, and Barrett exploded. Head to finish.

Du Ming thus ended his ring competition...

Du Ming, can't you afford to play!

Even when Tang Yin finished fighting Du Ming, his health did not change, but the blue bar had already hit 30%. Even though Du Ming was dissatisfied with his health, many of Tang Yin's skills did not deal full damage, so the consumption of mana was a little more.

But this kind of consumption did not affect the cheers of Happy fans at the scene.

"One pick two, one pick two!"

Such a shout resounded throughout the audience, directly suppressing the momentum of the reincarnation fans.

"Defeat Du Ming without injury, this game is really exciting. Especially Tang Yin once again showed a brand new style of play. In a period of time, he played a very high output. This directly contradicts the sharpshooter's explosive weakness. It's a unique feature. UU read www.uukanshu.com It's a pity that this style of play is only suitable for him, and others can't copy it." Li Yibo sighed while watching the end of the game, he didn't do any commentary this time. It's not that he doesn't want to explain, but that Tang Yin's style of play is too fast, and he won't be able to explain it. So I can only say some emotions.

As for the shadow-shading step, Tang Yin used it in the Challenger League, so this is not something that many children should be concerned about.

Compared to the cheerful atmosphere of the fans of Happy, Du Ming's expression was a little disappointed. Looking at the opponent's blood volume, he realized that the gap between himself and the opponent was so big. It feels like all kinds of research on Tang Yin during this time is like a joke. But he didn't know that Tang Yin had done more and more detailed research on him.

One started to study the opponent at the beginning of the season, and the other only studied for a week. The gap between them was like Happy, who had been preparing to face Excellent Era from the very beginning, but Excellent Era only started preparing to face Happy a month before the match. There is a difference in this. The judgment, the preparation and cognition of both sides are not on the same level, not to mention that Tang Yin's own strength is higher than that of Du Ming.

Strength was indeed an important factor in Tang Yin's unhurt win over Du Ming, but a long period of detailed research on his opponents and targeting of his style of play. That's the key to his innocence.


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