Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1363: never left...

"You're not weak. I don't know when you started studying my style of play, but I've been studying you since the beginning of the season, as well as your strategy and tactics." Du Ming was still looking at Tang Silver's innocuous blood volume, when preparing to end the game. Tang Yin made this statement on the public channel.

After all, he was an opponent. Although Du Ming was beaten by him in various ways throughout the whole process, Tang Yin also discovered during the fight that his attacking and positioning were very aimed at his previous style of play. If he hadn't used the new style of play to suppress the whole process from the very beginning, it would have been impossible for Tang Yin to be harmless.

After all, as the main force before Samsara, Du Ming had won a championship with the team, so of course his strength would not be weak. It can only be said that he was unlucky and met an opponent who has been studying him since the beginning of the season.

Du Ming didn't react for a while when he saw this scene, no, he wasn't sure if he liked Tang Rou at that time, why did the other party start targeting him at that time? Does this guy have a sixth sense?

However, Du Ming also understood why the fight was so frustrating. He was still working so hard to study the place for himself, but in the end he was a little down. But now that I think about it, the other party is a strong man who can compete with his own captain, and he has conducted such a deep research on himself. If this effect cannot be achieved, then it will be unreasonable...

Du Ming didn't know how to deal with this, whether it was a disguised oath of sovereignty, or a consolation for him. In the end, he lost no matter what, so he should let go of some things.

Du Ming, who came out of the battle seat, was somewhat sad, and his expression was visibly depressed.

"Uh... I'm sorry, this fight is a bit embarrassing." Looking at his teammates who were concerned about him, Du Ming scratched his head and said.

"In any case, it can only be said that the opponent is too cunning. Since he suddenly changed his style of play, rest well and leave the rest to us." Jiang Botao said with a glass of water.

"Yes, as a past person, I know that it is difficult to let go of some things, but these are all things we need to face as we grow up. We also grow up by letting go again and again." Samsara's pastor Fang Minghua also came to Du Ming Beside him, he patted his shoulder and said.

For the profession of e-sports, most of them are young people in their twenties, and very few of them are married. And Fang Minghua of Samsara is one of those few people. And the family is very happy. But after all, he had suffered from love, so he was most qualified to comfort Du Ming, who had almost lost his love.

"I will..." Du Ming nodded when he heard his pastor's words.

After Zhou Zekai saw that Du Ming had no problem, he also got up and walked to the battle table. After all, this time he was fighting. And he himself is looking forward to this game. Especially seeing Tang Yin's previous performance, he knew that after the separation of the All-Stars, not only was he doing this improvement, but Tang Yin was even more so, and only by playing against such opponents can he better improve himself.

Seeing that Zhou Zekai on the other side of Samsara got up and walked towards the player's seat, amidst the cheers of Samsara fans. Happy was also talking about Tang Yin.

"Tsk tsk, does our deputy team have any special hobbies? Since we have been studying Du Ming since the beginning of the season. Xiao Tang, you should pay attention to Xiao Yin, this guy is too dangerous." Looking at Ye Xiu, the meaning is self-evident.

Speaking of which, he is also a pity for Xiao Tang, you look at such a good girl, not to mention the appearance, the appearance of the figure, just his extremely high emotional attainments have been culturally cultivated, plus he can buy the alliance With a family background, why does a good girl fall in love with Tang Yin?

The most important thing was that Tang Yin didn't cherish him so much. He didn't think much about getting along with Tang Rou. Instead, he went to study a player who was in Samsara's rotation, not to mention Ye Xiu who had an inexplicable tacit understanding with him.

If it wasn't for Tang Yin and Tang Rou's dog food every day, he would really doubt Tang Yin's sexual orientation.

"It's okay. After all, Tang Yin went straight to the pot as soon as he came up this time. Jin's style of play was a little different from the previous one. Du Ming was stunned by the beating," Ye Xiu said.

"Is this Du Ming really the main force of Samsara? I remember that he still lost to Xiao Tang twice in the All-Star Game, and then he was not convinced and kept challenging Xiao Tang? This time, he was abused by Xiao Yin again. I guess he's not calm anymore, hahahaha. Wait, isn't Xiao Yin just revenge on this guy for bullying Xiao Tang with his own strength?" Chen Guo suddenly thought of a possibility.

Although the original Qiu Yexiu has already reported it, it is reasonable for Tang Yin's stingy personality to conduct targeted research on this guy who was targeting his girlfriend at the time, so as to facilitate revenge...

"It's possible." Ye Xiu nodded. He also felt that this reason was more reliable than that Tang Yin said that Du Ming likes Tang Rou. After all, apart from that competition, Du Ming had never contacted Tang Rou, let alone said he liked it. On the contrary, based on their understanding of Tang Yin's level of revenge, the chances of revenge for Tang Rou are even greater.

The truth of this fact was directly misled by Chen Guo. That's why Tang doesn't know either, otherwise he will complain: "In this world, no one believes the truth."

"By the way, Ye Xiu, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Do you think Xiao Yin and Zhou Zekai have a higher chance of winning this match." Chen Guo asked while looking at the characters on the stage that had already started to load.

Now, although Tang Yin's blue bar has consumed a lot, his HP has not been lost. So she wanted to know who had a better chance of winning between Tang Yin and Zhou Zekai.

"Rationally, it's hard to say. The two of them are very close in strength, and there are too many variables in the game. So it's hard to say." Ye Xiu said.

There is no way that the strength of the two is too close, under such close strength. No one is sure to outperform the other.

"Is that so?" Not being able to get a little comfort from Ye Xiu, Chen Guo could clearly feel her own heartbeat. She defeated Zhou Zekai one-on-two. If this was successful, Tang Yin would definitely become famous in the professional circle again. A rookie beat five players with the strongest independent title in a row, not to mention that there is no newcomer, but it is definitely unprecedented.

The question is, can Tang Yin make this history?

"Don't worry, trust Xiao Yin. Anyway, that's the only thing we can do, isn't it?" Tang Rou's voice sounded beside Chen Guo. But when Chen Guo turned around, she found that Tang Rou's eyes had been on the stage, as if she hadn't left since Tang Yin's last time...


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