Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1364: Game start

When Tang Yin and Zhou Zekai met, it was like a sudden storm that swept the audience.

No way, the topic of this match is too high, but because Zhou Zekai has only appeared in the individual competition before this, Tang Yinzhi appeared in the position of the defender in the ring match, the two seem to be two parallel lines, Neither side can meet unless they are in a team match. This is also because there is no media publicity about it before the game.

However, the list of the ring competition was exposed, and the audience was surprised to find that Zhou Zekai appeared in the ring competition. After all, in an arena match, both teams are lined up with the two core leaders of their respective teams. But there are also some regrets. After all, the advantages of the ring competition just want to snowball, after the first one wins the game. The advantage will be bigger and bigger in the future. And Tang Yin and Zhou Zekai are both on guard, no matter who they are, they can't be in full condition and face each other in the end.

Such a game is naturally not a battle of gun kings. But now it's a little different, after all, Tang Yin's blood is full. Now that the two are facing each other, although Tang Yin still thinks that he has just finished a game, there will be some losses, but it has also effectively increased everyone's expectations for this game.

Now the fans in the audience are completely excited, and all the fans on both sides are excited.

At the beginning, some people would think that it would be a waste for Samsara to put the core of both teams in the arena. But I don't feel that way anymore after seeing this matchup.

After all, this can even be said to be the battle for the title of the gun king. Both of them are sharpshooters. Who is the first person to honor the sharpshooter?

Although it is said that this kind of thing cannot be concluded by simply relying on one game, after all, such a result is too hasty and irresponsible, but this does not affect everyone's expectations.

Why didn't it start?

At this moment, everyone looked at the loading page on the big screen, and they were already impatient. This is the first time they feel that these loading progress bars go so slowly.

Game start!

With the end of loading. The whole system of projections on the scene lights up again, and various sound effects, light and shadow are intertwined with each other, constantly trying to push the enthusiasm of the audience to the highest level.

But in fact, where is the need for these, the topic of the confrontation between Tang Yin and Zhou Zekai is enough to ignite all the audience. At this moment, those things are far less than the audience's applause. scream

Character loaded successfully!

Map loaded successfully!

With the loading of the roles of both sides, the commentator on the other side also began to talk about the characteristics of the two players, and the current advantages and disadvantages of both sides.

Of course, there are also some topical discussions, after all, the topicality of such a captain is too strong.

"Happy's side, Tang Yin's advantage is undoubtedly his familiarity with the map. Although the home field advantage can play a big role in the game, there is still a lot of controversy in this regard, but with the two of them having similar strengths, Familiarity with the venue is indeed one of the advantages." After all, Li Yibo has been a commentator for so many years, and his commentary skills are there. Even when discussing the topic of Tang Yin and Zhou Zekai, he still wouldn't deviate from the content, and he didn't take down a single thing that needs to be said. Before the start of the game, start to introduce the mutual direct advantages of the two sides.

"Is there anything else besides the map? Zhou Zekai's advantage is already very obvious, that is, the opponent has just played a high-intensity match, and the blue bar is not full. Apart from these, is there any difference between the two players?" Pan Sen asked.

"Also, there is a big difference between the two of them. As we all know, Tang Yin's Xiao Yaoyou's bonus points are very special. All the skills of the gunner character before level 20 are added. And the equipment is not the same. The skills to improve one's own skill level are the skills of other occupations of the gunman department, which is in great conflict with the traditional bonus point and skill structure. This is the biggest advantage and disadvantage of both of them." Li Yibo took Pan Sen's words directly. , said.

"Contestant Tang Yin's set of skills has the advantage of having more skills and more changes, but the skills of the same class will be much weaker than Zhou Zekai's due to the level problem. Tang Yin's set of skills It can be said that the style of play is only suitable for him, after all, in the professional circle of Glory, everyone focuses on their own profession with all their strength, and then keeps improving." Li Yibo said, and then continued after thinking about Tang Yin's situation.

"The understanding of his own profession is generally higher than that of other professions. But Tang Yin is different. He is directly proficient in all professions of the gunman. This is also the case, how many skills can he master. Otherwise, it is like, no one can be like Ye Xiu is the same as using a loose person. Too many skills will distract attention, and eventually lead to inability to control, and even the style of play will become nondescript." Li Yibo finally had Ye Xiu's example to prove his point. And he was right.

"Okay, now we can see that the characters and maps of both sides have been loaded, and the game has officially started." After Li Yibo finished talking about the advantages and disadvantages of the two sides, Pan Sen took over the conversation and turned the conversation to the game that is now starting. above.

The characters of both sides appeared on the map, because it was a ring match, the map was still the one with the ravines, UU reading www.uukanshu. com has a deep forest with several stone pillars.

However, because the number of stone pillars at the center of the captain's center is not particularly dense, for sharpshooter ceiling players like Tang Yin and Zhou Zekai, these spaces are enough for them to play flexibly, and this map is a technicality for them, far more violent than violence. map.

Zhou Zekai, as the number one person in glory now, is only authoritative as a sharpshooter, no one can say. Tang Yin has shown unprecedented coercion this season. So this match made everyone look forward to it.

At the beginning of the game, Cloud Piercer started tactical positioning, but even with tactical positioning, Zhou Zekai's Cloud Piercer still gave the impression of walking lightly, but when the big screen switched the perspective to his main perspective , You can see his meticulous attitude from his position.

Tang Yin's side also started to move tactically at the beginning, but he was not as determined as Zhou Zekai, but rather cautious. Relying on his own familiarity with the map, he moved on the map. But as far as Tang Yin's current route is concerned, this is not a route to detour to the rear of Zhou Zekai's flank, but a route to distance himself from his opponent.

Time passed in the tactical positions of the two sides, and if the two sides rushed directly to the center of the map at the beginning, it would be a showdown that attracted much attention. But it's been a minute since the game started, and the two sides haven't even met each other...  

No way, Tang Yin's detour was indeed a bit too much.


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