Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1366: Tang Yin's intention

After three minutes, the roles of the two still did not collide. This is really a coincidence, and it is precisely because of the coincidence that neither of them took the initiative to avoid each other, but although they did not take the initiative to avoid each other, neither did either. Stand up straight and straight. On the contrary, they have their own characteristics when walking.

Zhou Zekai relied on quick positioning, and the irregular movement in several bunkers and the existence of ravines made it difficult to guess where he would appear next. The focus of Tang Yin's position is on the selection.

Wherever Tang Yin went, there were obstacles such as stone pillars as bunkers. This kind of cover was not as simple as hiding behind the bunkers, but relying on the proficiency of the map, covering several or even a dozen bodies around him. All kinds of obstacles of the personality are used, and these obstacles form a special network system in his own angle, relying on the network that can perfectly block various perspectives, but does not affect his perspective.

The location of Tang Yin every time is the core of these network protections.

And relying on the cover of these obstacles, if Zhou Zekai wants to attack Tang Yin, he must go to some specific locations in this network, and because Tang Yin is very aware of the only locations where he can attack him, so he simultaneously Still changing roles.

"What the **** is the situation, you are right!" Chen Guo, whose strength was obviously far behind, said anxiously. After all, she seems to be the only one who doesn't see it now.

"It's the Xuan selection of the deputy team. The position of the deputy team can best protect him and cover his whereabouts, but he can observe the surrounding area. And with these bunkers, it is difficult for Zhou Zekai to attack the deputy team. An effective attack." Luo Ji explained.

"But isn't Xiaoyin using the same sharpshooter as Zhou Zekai? If Zhou Zekai can't hit Xiaoyin, then Xiaoyin won't be able to hit the opponent?" Chen Guo was still a little puzzled.

"Boss, you forgot. Xiaoyin is not a simple sharpshooter, he is the founder of Geometric Thunder? I can rely on these stone pillars to throw grenades wherever I want, do you think Tang Yin can't do it? And Don't forget, Tang Yin also has the mechanic skills to automatically find enemies and attack automatically. So it's just that Zhou Zekai is not good at attacking, it really doesn't have much impact on Tang Yin." Zhang Jiale explained.

"Indeed, Xiaoyin's position alone is already above Tyranny's Qin Muyun." Ye Xiu sighed, still saying that. Sometimes you have to admit that some people are geniuses for certain fields. In order to choose such a sharpshooter must be proficient in skills, Tang Yin's attainments are even more extreme.

Hearing Ye Xiu's words, Chen Guo instantly felt a lot more at ease. After all, when I was researching Tyranny's game healing before. Tang Yin and the others praised Qin Muyun's position selection ability more than once, which can also be seen from the previous battle between him and Mo Fan. But now Ye Xiu said that Tang Yin's ability to select positions was above it. Isn't that also an advantage?

"That's right, to do this, you must have a lot of experience in battle." Wei Chen also said, looking at Ye Xiu with a little joke. After all, Tang Yin's battle experience was mostly based on him. Glory textbooks are brushed, and it turns out that more textbooks are useful.

"God Jiale, what about you?" Yifan looked at Zhang Jiale curiously. After all, Zhang Jiale, who was also one of the gunmen's professions, was curious about his position selection ability. And in terms of skills, he debuted very early.

Zhang Jiale thought about what Yifan said. In the end, he shook his head helplessly and said, "It can be done, but it can't be done as meticulously as Tang Yin."

Of course, Zhang Jiale, who is also one of the ancient gods, will not be short of experience. One of the most important basic skills for a shooter like position selection, Zhang Jiale, who has fought in the professional league for so many years, is of course impossible to be bad. But even if he had already understood this map this week, he still couldn't achieve what Tang Yin was like now.

Because Tang Yin's position selection can no longer be accomplished by relying on experience alone, and sometimes requires some very careful calculations and judgments, which has been observed. After all, there is no bird's-eye view in actual combat.

And this is the most difficult point of these judgments. How quickly they can discover the mystery of Tang Yin's selection is because Tang Yin and the others are looking at a bird's-eye view. From this perspective, everything in the map is of course easy to judge, but the game There is only one main point of view. That is to say, Tang Yin directly simulated this map in his mind, and compiled this network through direct judgment and calculation.

Thinking of this, Zhang Jiale couldn't help but sigh. Fortunately, the guy who invented Geometric Thunder and Ninja Empty. With this instant judgment and calculation ability, there are not many Glory who can match Tang Yin's.

But now there is another question, what is the use of Tang Yin's hard work to compile this network?

What the **** is this guy planning? Everyone in Happy was once again lost in thought. When Ye Xiu saw the rookies like Tang Rou who were thinking, his goal was achieved. Some things didn't necessarily have to be explained by them. Sometimes it's better to figure it out for yourself.

That's right, now Ye Xiu has seen Tang Yin's intentions.

That's a bang!

Samsara placed Zhou Zekai in the ring match as the last defender. He just wanted to rely on Zhou Zekai's strong personal strength to make a big move. In breaking Tang Yin's winning streak record, UU reading www.uukanshu.com lowered the morale of Happy's side, and at the same time allowed their morale to peak.

When it comes to such a thing, it is important not to have a second time. After all, everyone has heard the story of one bang and another failure.

This can be seen from the reaction at the scene. Before Zhou Zekai appeared on the stage, the enthusiasm of the reincarnation fans had passed. He had already won the individual competition against Happy, and now the ring competition is like this.

This can't help but let them have an idea, what if their captain loses. It's 0 to 5.

There was no battle for three minutes, even if Zhou Zekai wins this one, the morale brought to Samsara is still very limited. It might not even be a while.

The players on both sides of this emotion feel the most obvious. Now everyone in Happy has started the wartime class in a leisurely manner, but what about Samsara? But there is a feeling of suffocation like a sword stabs the air.

"It's not bad that he is the strongest rookie who can compete with the captain..." At this moment, Jiang Botao had to admire Tang Yin's plan, even if they sent the strongest Zhou Zekai to the finale of the ring competition and tried to make them for them Psychological pressure, but it was directly resolved by the other party.

And since the plan failed, the next step is to look at the technologies of both parties. Who will win this game.


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