Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1367: Zhou Zekai's consciousness

Tang Yin was still taking his position, and every step he took was on the best position. After walking for three minutes, Tang Yin was also very curious. If he went on like this, he would have to reply to his blue bar, so he had not met the other party yet. Tang Yin simply accelerated his movement speed.

But despite this, he still couldn't leave to find Zhou Zekai. The audience from the perspective of Eternal God can see this most clearly. Although Tang Yin's rhythm is fast now, the position and direction of movement of the two sides are still invisible to each other.

How long will this be like this?

Just when everyone was thinking about this issue, a shot rang out to the sound of discussion in the audience.

Without any warning, Tang Yin directly took the phantom god, an empty gun to the sky.

The clear gunshots echoed in this silent map, and Zhou Zekai heard it for the first time. He stopped in an instant, turned around, and rushed in the direction of Tang Yin. From the audience's point of view, the judgment of this turning is Precise.

This scene directly caused a round of applause at the scene, and this shot also seemed to break the immersion of the previous three minutes, which shocked the spirit of all the audience.

Zhou Zekai had already started to move to the position where Tang Yin's gun sounded. On the contrary, Tang Yin did not change his position after that shot, but just turned the angle of view on the spot.

In the eyes of ordinary audiences, this scene is like Tang Yin taking the initiative to reveal his position and attracting the other party to come over. And now, turning the angle of view is to find Zhou Zekai who is looking for the sound for the first time.

They can't get it wrong in this understanding. After all, from an objective point of view, this is indeed what Tang Yin is doing now. It's just that there is a deeper meaning in it that they didn't understand.

Under the position that Tang Yin has deliberately chosen now, he is very aware of several positions that Zhou Zekai may appear in. So although it seems that he is guarding Zhou Zekai's appearance at 366 degrees, in fact, he is just looking at the possible positions. No matter where Zhou Zekai appears, he has corresponding positions. attack strategy.

Most of them are mid-range points, and the farthest one is also within the throwing range of the grenade. It can be seen that Tang Yin's empty gun was obviously not shot out with a slap in the head, but after careful planning, he felt that this position was the most suitable position to fight against Zhou Zekai.

These three-minute moves can be avoided at the beginning, reducing the psychological pressure of reincarnation, to relying on the face of the technology later, and now to attracting snakes out of the hole to ensure the first mover advantage, these are all Tang Yin's plans.

A shot through the clouds appeared!

Appearing at a point that is neither the nearest nor the farthest, he suddenly rushed out like this, and what responded to him was a sniper rifle.


Although Tang Yin was using a sniper rifle, two beeps sounded in succession.

That's right, Tang Yin did use this clear attack idea at these points, and at the moment of the opponent's reality, he also launched an attack. But if Tang Yin's attacking idea wants to continue, the premise is that the opponent wants to fight him.

After Tang Yin's sniper rifle was fired, Zhou Zekai also used the sniper rifle of the sniper rifle, and the sound of the two sniper rifles was very close. The bullets collided just three positions away from the muzzle of Zhou Zekai's sniper rifle. This shows that both sides are aiming for the biggest head! It's just that Zhou Zekai didn't show it, so he started a little slower, and the position where the sound collided was closer to him.

But this attack had no real meaning to either side. After all, even if Tang Yin started a little faster than Zhou Zekai, he still missed the opponent, and Zhou Zekai didn't mean to stop at all. Once again, he disappeared in front of Tang Yin's eyes.

The first time Zhou Zekai found Tang Yin was a sniper rifle. At the same time that the two sniper rifle bullets collided, he had already escaped Tang Yin's time limit, and he moved in an instant, appearing and disappearing like this.

In this way, the first phone meeting that Tang Yin had been preparing for was gone. After all, Zhou Zekai already knew his position. Helpless to start walking again.

Don't underestimate Zhou Zekai's position, this is very subtle, just like Tang Yin will use the players to grab the first chance. Zhou Zekai also paid attention to his position selection, relying on his familiarity with the terrain during this period of time to dodge.

Even Ye Xiu and the others, who were just watching the game, could feel that Tang Yin's first move by relying on position selection was amazing. How could Zhou Zekai, as an opponent, not understand it.

You must know that when he heard the sound of gunfire, he had already determined Tang Yin's location, and that sniper rifle was also planned by him for a long time. But even so, Tang Yin was still half a beat slower than Tang Yin in terms of the speed of his words.

Zhou Zekai is not just an existence that only has some gorgeous operations. Although he is known as the number one person in glory, he has never been proud of it. Of course, he will not be too modest, because whether it is excessive pride or Humility, this will actually affect some of the players' judgments on the field. Serious and even psychological burden.

Therefore, in the face of external praise and affirmation, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Zhou Zekai has always maintained this sober self-confidence, and based on this, he will not be distracted by events other than the competition, which will eventually lead to the appearance of Misjudgment.

He knew from Tang Yin's empty gun, but there were traps in it. After all, in such an empty map, such an empty gun can directly report his position without any difference, and it is not based on some melting. map, and echo interference.

As for the sniper rifle that Tang Yin took the lead, he immediately came to the fact that Tang Yin relied on the position selection and had already taken the lead.

So he didn't hesitate, and after the two sniper rifles matched, he immediately fled. Tang Yin once again lost his goal.

This is a troublesome guy.

Tang Yin couldn't help but admire Zhou Zekai's response.

Seeing the situation clearly at the first time, I won't rush to take action just because I'm ready. This honorable first person really does not depend on what many imagined, but on appearance and commercial value.

But whether it is technology, awareness, attitude. As a professional player, Zhou Zekai is one of the best! And this, Tang Yin is very clear. Just like Zhou Zekai would pay special attention to him and study him, Tang Yin's research on Zhou Zekai was only under Ye Xiu's.


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