Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1367: firefight

After all, he is really familiar with Zhou Zekai and Tang Yin. Before the Eighth All-Star, Zhou Zekai had always been the one Tang Yin wanted to challenge the most in the shooter department. And the research on him is naturally the most, and it is precisely because Tang Yin knew Zhou Zekai very well, and Zhou Zekai at that time knew nothing about Tang Yin's play style, so in the end, Tang Yin was allowed to use 20% The blood volume advantage won the game.

After that battle, Tang Yin was more aware of the difficulty of this opponent, so he never stopped researching him, because he knew very well that they would eventually meet in the future.

Thinking of relying on a well-planned first mover is like taking the initiative in the game. Tang Yin thinks such a thing is completely whimsical. It's just that although Tang Yin didn't think so, Zhou Zekai's response was still beyond his expectations. He knew that this kind of first move was difficult to grasp, but he didn't expect to lose it so quickly. This made some of the play ideas he opened in the first place come to nothing.

However, since he lost it, Tang Yin would not continue to be nostalgic, and many of him would be more easily intimidated than the other party.

A direct change of direction, the grenade has appeared in his hands. In the direction of Zhou Zekai's disappearance, there were several grenades. But it was Tang Yin's slight spearhead when he threw the grenade, and the oncoming attack was like a storm.

Bang bang bang....!

Countless bullets spewed out and sparks shot wildly. Countless bullets hit the bunker behind Tang Yin like raindrops. Even if Tang Yin undulated just throwing a grenade, Zhou Zekai was still shot several times.

And such an attack frequency can no longer be played by relying on hand speed.

And the fact is exactly as Tang Yin expected, this is Zhou Zekai who started the storm immediately after the burst state was activated!

The right hand is wild fire, the left hand is broken frost. The gray-black windbreaker on his body was pressed by the wind generated by the revolver, and the wind was blowing.

Seeing that Zhou Zekai directly suppressed Tang Yin, who had taken the lead, behind the bunker, he also hit a few shots. This momentary scene directly ignited the audience... Happy fans!

There is no other reason, because just when Samsara fans were about to applaud their captain, a huge missile fell from the sky!

It is the gunner's skill quantum bomb.

The reincarnation fans who saw this scene got stuck in their mouths, didn't they just shoot you a few times? As for responding directly with missiles?

Just like Zhou Zekai could rely on Tang Yin's momentary appearance to lock his position and launch an attack, Tang Yin also knew Zhou Zekai's position when Zhou Zekai attacked him. And he is not an ordinary sharpshooter, and he must lean out to deal damage.

After all, sharpshooters are all shooting skills, so when attacking, they must ensure that the upper body must be outside. But he doesn't only have sharpshooter skills.

And this gunner's quantum bomb is a typical example. As long as the character marks the total position, he can directly drop him from the sky. It perfectly explains what is called the controversy of the sky.

As a gunner's level 40 big move, although the output capability of the quantum bomb is very good, it can directly blast a small mushroom cloud, but his flying speed is very slow, and it is easy to avoid it under normal circumstances.

But it's not a normal situation now. Zhou Zekai, who was using Torrential Rain, couldn't be avoided. When he forcibly touched the Tornado and evaded with a sliding shovel, he was still bombed. Although it was only the aftermath, he looked much more embarrassed than Tang Yin.

In an instant, Zhou Zekai used the determination of Tang Yin's position to play the first move, but the next moment it turned into mutual damage.

After Zhou Zekai's attack stopped, Tang Yin rushed out from behind the bunker with a sliding shovel. The pistol rang continuously, covering the retreating Zhou Zekai. This time, Tang Yin would not let Zhou Zekai evacuate again so easily.

However, Zhou Zekai changed it to the opposite direction of Tang Yin's sliding shovel. At this angle, while he sliding the shovel to avoid the main damage of Tang Yin's quantum bomb, the human quantum bomb exploded between them, directly covering up the two's mutual sight.

But in the face of this situation, Tang Yin directly flashed a mechanic's machine gun turret on the ground, and continued to suppress Zhou Zekai by relying on the enemy's locking feature of the mechanical creation, while he himself rushed directly to the position of the quantum missile. After all, this is a skill that he played out, and the damage of the explosion will not hurt himself.

When entering the special effect of the explosion, Tang Yin began to read the article again, and summoned the mechanic's level 40 skill air combat machine. He knew very well that the machine gun turret was a small skill before the 20th level, and it was impossible to hit Zhou Zekai. So more firepower is needed. But that firepower doesn't come from mechanical creations.

As soon as the air combat machine was summoned, he launched an attack against Zhou Zekai, but because the smoke of the quantum bomb explosion had not completely dissipated, Zhou Zekai could not judge the source of the attacking missiles and bullets.

Mobile shooting!

This was Zhou Zekai's ability to attack Tang Yin. Relying on the movement speed bonus and attack speed bonus of mobile shooting, he forcefully suppressed the firepower of Tang Yin's two mechanical creations. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

In this situation without vision, Tang Yin, who was the first to blow up the machine gun turret that he had just put down. And the air combat machine barely survived Zhou Zekai's attack by relying on the advantage of being mobile. At this moment, Zhou Zekai's terrifying reaction nerves and ability to predict are displayed at a glance!

But for Tang Yin, his purpose has been achieved. That is to disperse Zhou Zekai's firepower.

Tang Yin directly activated the state skill to shoot in the air, and as a result, he jumped up and flew again with the help of the recoil of an anti-tank gun, and finally landed on the air combat machine, jumping in the opposite direction of the anti-tank gun's firepower just now.

When Tang Yin jumped out of the fog, he found Zhou Zekai's pistol aimed at the spot where the anti-tank gun just came out.

This is Tang Yin's plan. Since you have a strong ability to predict, I will let you predict. Let Zhou Zekai also experience the feeling that one of their teammates against Baozi suffered because of their strength.

Although it is only a crosshair movement on the left and right sides, this delay is enough for the other team to grab the first move again among the captains of the same class.

Tang Yin swung the revolver directly and launched his hands three times in a row! Three bullets covered Zhou Zekai all around, preventing him from evading.

But Zhou Zekai himself did not mean to evade at all, and he kept his guns in front of him. It is the sharpshooter skill ranged block. After the block, Zhou Zekai's whole body entered a state of dominance, and his two spears pointed directly at Tang Yin in the sky!

It is revenge counterattack!


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