Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1369: back jump

Chapter 1400 Jump back (please subscribe, please recommend)

You must know that the body of the Barrett sniper rifle alone has a body size of 1.5 to 2. The barrels of the two Barrett sniper rifles were about to face each other in one fell swoop.


A loud bang exploded between the two guns, and the powerful impact directly set off a wave of air. Abruptly, the two of them took a step back, Zhou Zekai took advantage of the situation to jump back, Tang Yin crouched down, and turned his body to release the strong force.

Ka... The two upper body sounds sounded again at the same time. The sound was crisp and pleasant. It is definitely a good news for players who have changed bombs. The increased mechanical impact gave people a very strong feeling.

Barrett sniping... Bullets loaded?

But people who hear this sound effect can't understand it. After all, in the glory, the Barrett sniper rifle, which is a sharpshooter's ultimate move, has always appeared in a qualitative state with one move. It also has only one bullet in the setting, but now, one completes the reload in mid-air, and one completes the reload while turning.

What period is this? Don't both of their skills need to be cooled down?

etc! Skill cooldown! ?

The unique term in this brother's game sounded, and the current players also thought about the key!

Double control!

The unique skill of the sharpshooter, the effect is to directly release all the skills that are still on cooling, and can be used again. Tang Yin and Zhou Zekai obviously used this skill, and because their hands were fast enough, they didn't even put away their sniper rifles and loaded them directly again. That's the scary thing about dual control.

Tang Yin squatted down and raised it up (refer to the action of Baili Keeping the Covenant's second skill, Breath of the Wind.) The huge vigor blew the windbreaker from the windbreaker, and the scarf around his neck and Lord Grim fluttered in the wind.

And Zhou Zekai hit a shot in the midair of the back jump, and his body completed a backflip in the air with the help of Barrett's recoil (for the action, please refer to Baili's big move to keep his promise to escape.)


The two sniper rifles had only one sound.

Because even the sound of bullets hitting together again was combined with the body of the gun.

With the help of the recoil of the sniper rifle, Zhou Zekai once again distanced himself from Tang Yin. At this point, the blood volume of the two sides is still only about 10% of the blood volume that was knocked out of each other when they just fought. The blood volume of both sides is even more tightly bitten, and it is impossible to see who has the advantage with the naked eye.

The current audience of the single account has no time to look at the blood volume. This series of battles is really too exciting, whether it is the close combat of the sharpshooter, or the two Barrett sniper rifles colliding one after another.

Among them, the successive collisions of Barrett sniper rifles amazed everyone and ignited the audience. You must know that Barrett's ballistics and strike area are so large, but they collide in the air one after another, and this can only explain one point, the two are aiming at the same position.

And according to the previous record of the two of them, the machine guns were all heading towards each other's heads!

If it was in close combat, at such a close distance, he could still shoot his gun in the head. These snipers are monsters!

But the audience's surprise was too early, because after Barrett's bullets collided, the two put away the sniper rifles immediately, and the two guns turned over with both hands and appeared again at the speed of the two of them.

bang bang bang...

The two sides fired one after another, but none of them fired ordinary bullets. Zhou Zekai shot a stiff bullet, while Tang used an orange-red explosive bullet!

The attacks of both sides can produce a very high stiffness effect, and both sides can hit the other side with the attack, the only difference is that Tang Yin is still close to Zhou Zekai.

After all, close combat is his advantage, even if the opponent is Zhou Zekai, he can only be beaten by him, instead of being evenly matched like he is now.

After all, there are more skill advantages, and it is also a gun body technique. Tang Yin's gun body technique can be unbridled, but Zhou Zekai, who has a limited number of skills, can't. This is a rigid difference between bonus points and equipment style. It's the same with Zhou Zekai.

Therefore, Tang Yin will not retreat, and will always maintain his attacking stance and continue to move forward. Even if Barrett blocks the way, Tang Yin will directly use the most aggressive way to fight back!

That's how it was in front of Barrett, and that's how it's going to be in a matchup like this!


During the confrontation between the two sides, several missiles suddenly flew out from Zhou Zekai's left side. This is a special stepping stone for Tang Yin who survived the residual blood in the hail of bullets shot by Zhou Zekai's mobile shooting, aerial combat machinery!

In the face of the missiles flying towards his side, this time Zhou Zekai had to evade the players. At this time, if he was hit, it was a chance for Tang Yin to deal damage. A direct back jump is a few shots at the missile with the ultimate ability. Blast them directly in the air.

Da da da da!

But just as Zhou Zekai exploded these missiles, there was a series of Grimm machine gun sounds. When he aimed his two guns in Tang Yin's direction, Tang Yin had already relied on Grimm's flying gun to come again. in front of him. He directly hit Zhou Zekai with one knee and kicked.

And the position where Tang Yin's knee hit was Zhou Zekai, who was already at a distance from his original position. After all, if you want to change direction in the air, no matter what profession you have, there are certain restrictions. If the direction in the air can be changed as freely as on the ground, Wang Jiexi will not only dare to fly, but also Tang Yinyao.

It can only be said that life is not easy, Jae Hee sighs...

And now the sigh came to Zhou Zekai, but Zhou Zekai was praised as Zhou Zekai who was omnipotent except for blood. Even in the face of Tang Yin's knee-knee hit that relied on the recoil of the Gyn's machine gun as kinetic energy. His reaction just kept up with Tang Yin's attacking rhythm. He just shot and blew up the incoming careful missile, and now he changed his direction again, relying on himself to be still in the air, changing the new direction to shoot, abruptly A floating position that relies on the recoil of the revolver.

And the series of sneak attacks and dodges on both sides were completed in less than two seconds. In such a short period of time, the two made so many changes and so many operations. What level of skill can this be accomplished?

Soon, the statistics everyone wanted was given on the big screen of the stage. UU reading www.uukanshu.com was the statistics report of the hand speed of the two during this period, but when the statistics report was cut out, that moment was over, Tang Yin They have entered the next stage. Since the speed reported by the system was completely out of step with the rhythm of the two of them, all of this was only accomplished in Zhou Zekai's back-jump.


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(End of this chapter)

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