Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1370: Friendship broken face boxing!

Zhou Zekai just landed on the ground and it was a roll. Although he changed the direction of the shot and shot a few shots at Tang Yin, relying on the recoil to move, it was only a normal attack after all. Explosive bombs are used up when they are fired against each other. And that kind of general attack could not stop Tang Yin from getting close.

And Tang Yin, who was avoided by the knee collision, also delivered a fatal blow directly to Zhou Zekai who was leaving. Although Zhou Zekai rolled in time, he was still scratched by Tang Yin's attack. Fortunately, he avoided the rigid effect of his skills. Just after the roll was halfway through, Zhou Zekai released his pistol to face Tang Yin. This attitude was the same as Barrett, who was facing Tang Yin's face, still chose to face the bar. After stabilizing a little, he launched an attack.

Both of them are fighting for the opportunity to attack for themselves, so when they only need to take a half step back, neither of them is willing to step back any more, not even an inch!


Zhou Zekai's double guns fired one after another, and Tang Yin also fired in response, because the distance between the two of them now is the perfect distance for their gun skills to control.

The two of them are clearly long-range weapons, but at this moment they are enjoying the daggers in close combat. They are constantly attacking each other, and the bullets from these attacks are like sharp swords in the hands of swordsmen, slashing everything. the enemy of crime.

The current level of the two has completely broken through the concept of the so-called spear technique. This is no longer a product that can be completed by combining archery and physique. In other words, in their hands, their archery is already physique. And to complete these operations, it all depends on their precise operation of the characters.

"Too strong!!" Pan Sen in the commentary room was beginning to lose control of his emotions. He even started to shout about the situation, but he didn't care at all. Because in his opinion, anyone would cheer for this moment, and even the entire glory trembled in the face of this scene!

You must know that long-range and melee combat are completely different systems, but in front of them, under the operation of these two people, such a game barrier seems to be a piece of paper.

At this moment, the roles of the two of them are like two melee professions, one is Wildfire and Broken Frost, and the other is Blue Silver, Haotian. Four revolvers roared. The densely packed bullets were strung together by their attacks, like two sharp swords.

And under this first outbreak, Zhou Zekai is the one who has the upper hand!

"It's wonderful! It's gorgeous! It's just incredible." Pan Lin didn't know what words to use to describe the current situation.

"With the same attack, even Tang Yin, who was so dazzling this season, has been suppressed, and he deserves to be number one in Glory!" Li Yibo also said in a tangled manner.

The title of Glory's No. 1 has been questioned since Ye Xiu's reappearance and Tang Yin's debut, but now Zhou Zekai relies on his strength to suppress Tang Yin in the same style of play, and this alone shatters those speech. Because Zhou Zekai was the one who smashed the glory setting with his manipulations!

The first person to be honored is him!

Li Yibo's conclusion this time is very firm. Even if he is confronted and slapped in the face every three or five times, Tang Yin still thinks so, and he will not even hesitate. At this moment, the lessons of being slapped in the face seem to be forgotten. In general, in his eyes, only the extremely dazzling attack that Zhou Zekai has launched now, this powerful seems to be able to withstand thousands of troops! Not to mention a mere Tang Yin who just debuted.

That's right, now Tang Yin is a mere Tang Yin in their eyes.

Even if Tang Yin is now playing the same way as Zhou Zekai, shouldn't he be suppressed for a long time? So this moment is not important in their eyes, because this moment is completely Zhou Zekai's personal show, whether the opponent is Tang Yin, a sandbag, or a scarecrow, the wooden man doesn't matter. Because these are just a difference in the background cloth.

No way, the strength that Zhou Zekai showed at this moment is really too powerful, too splendid, too wonderful, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the peak of the incredible, or that it is no longer the peak, but a revolution!

Even Ye Xiu, who was watching the game from the audience, admitted this. That's right, Tang Yin admitted that Zhou Zekai's operation is very powerful, gorgeous, wonderful and even incredible.

"Xiao Yin, is there any problem?" Seeing that Tang Yin was being suppressed at this time, Chen Guo asked worriedly. After all, when he was an All-Star, Tang Yin could still suppress Zhou Zekai. But why is it at a disadvantage now?

"Don't worry, it's like defeating Xiaoyin. Boss, don't underestimate Xiaoyin!" Ye Xiu said with a smile, yes he did admit Zhou Zekai's strength, but he had seen this strength ten years ago. Yes, and now it's a weekly battle!

Ye Xiu looked at the two sharpshooters on the stage. If it wasn't for the accident, a battle of this level would have appeared in front of the public ten years ago!

Ten years, a cycle.

"You mean Xiaoyin is fine? But isn't Xiaoyin being suppressed now?" Chen Guo asked curiously.

"Boss, have you forgotten that Tang Yin's skills are added and the biggest advantage." Ye Xiu said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" This time, not only Chen Guo, but the rest of Xingxin also gathered here. After all, Ye Xiu was the one who understood Tang Yin's style of play best. Even if Tang Rou was very unwilling, there was nothing she could do.

"The advantage of Tang Yin's bonus point is that there are many types of skills, many changes, and it can support his hand speed. But there is also a disadvantage, that is, the damage of skills is a grade worse than the traditional bonus point. And the improvement of hand speed also needs to be improved. A step-by-step process, it's impossible to reach six hundred directly," Ye Xiu said.

"It is precisely because of this extra point that Tang Yin is not as strong as Zhou Zekai in terms of burst output. In contrast, his biggest advantage is endurance." Ye Xiu explained.

Compared with Ye Xiu's calmness, the commentary explained that Pan Lin and Li Yibo had already sentenced Tang Yin to death, and now they are all complaining about Zhou Zekai's bug.

"I think Glory may have a huge challenge because of Zhou Zekai's existence." Pan Lin was huge and relaxed, as if the outcome was determined.

"Indeed, this is really too perverted. Compared with this kind of forced game update, the explanation of the league changing the rules is weak." Li Yibo also said.

But just as their voices fell, a loud noise exploded between Tang Yin and Zhou Zekai.

A mechanical arm surrounded by various machines punched Zhou Zekai's character Cloud Piercer in the face!

Everyone was expressionless for a while. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Such a gorgeous and powerful gun king, why was he suddenly punched in the face?

"Friendship Po Yanquan!"


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