Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1372: Can you make people talk better?

At that moment, the two of them really thought that this match would be won by Zhou Zekai, and the title of the first person in glory was well-deserved. Otherwise, after being slapped in the face so many times by everyone at Xingxin, they who should have known for a long time to be cautious in their words and deeds would not have acted so quickly, with some five-dan operations.

At that moment just now. They felt that Zhou Zekai was already omnipotent.

At that moment just now. They also forgot the most basic consensus of the game, that there is no absolute victory or defeat.

At that moment just now. He also forgot that the game is not over until the last moment of the game, until one side's health bar is completely cleared.

Although it is said that Zhou Zekai now still has the advantage of blood volume that he just broke out, but after all, it is limited. What should he do in the face of Tang Yin's continuous suppression of Zhou Zekai?

In the eyes of ordinary players, floating is when the surrounding is beaten, but Zhou Zekai still maintains the momentum of attack when floating. Intensive attacks fell like raindrops. When he himself is also in the rain of bullets from the other party.


Now the blood volume of Getaway is still lagging behind. Is such a rash choice to exchange real names?

It is true that the learning level of Torrent is above the random shooting, but it is really hard to say in terms of skill level. It is hard to say whether this wave of attacks will make a profit or a loss.

Both Pan Lin and Li Yibo thought of this, but no one dared to say it, and even kept silent at the same time. After all, the result of this game has gradually exceeded their expectations.

Shock Grenade, High Explosive Grenade, Freezing Grenade.

That's right, in the midst of such an intensive attack, Tang Yin was still blown into the air by the recoil of indiscriminate shooting in the sky. This also proves that his hand speed is still increasing!

And according to Tang Yin's ballistic direction, Zhou Zekai also clarified Tang Yin's position at the first time, and the grenade flying towards him was found just after he made it clear. The bullet rained violently, sending his hands flying one after another.

You must know that Tang Yin threw three grenades of each kind, but Zhou Zekai almost knocked them away at the same time. You must know that Zhou Zekai is using the most uncontrollable indiscriminate shooting.

The grenade exploded in the middle of their confrontation, blasting out gorgeous fireworks, making their match-up even more magnificent. But the audience felt a bit dazzling, but Tang Yin and Zhou Zekai didn't care. At this time, they only had opponents in their eyes, and Tang Yin was not depressed because the grenade did not cause damage. Because the effect of the grenade has already played.

That is to let Zhou Zekai have a little time to be distracted. As the same sharpshooter ceiling, Tang Yin of course knows how difficult it is to blow up the opponent with a grenade in this situation, so the grenade is just a bait for him. In the end, Ye Xiu was delighted. In the previous wave, he recovered a lot of blood directly.

You must know that Tang Yin used to use shadow-shading steps when Zhou Zekai was floating in the air, but Zhou Zekai still accurately judged all his movements based on the ballistic trajectory.

Tang Yin is also very clear about this point. He didn't have any expectations in the shadow-shading step. In addition, the moving ability of the storm was limited, so he simply started to face Zhou Zekai directly, but such an attack could also be more direct. Taking advantage, all rely on hand speed to throw out grenades in the fierce counterattack. In this way, you can create opportunities for yourself to output. Although the time is very short, isn't it necessary to plan carefully if you think that there is no difference in battles like theirs?

After all, his opponent is the current number one in Glory, Zhou Zekai, known as the Gun King!

The attack of the two became more and more intense. In the face of Tang Yin's rapid attack, Zhou Zekai had to follow Biao. After all, Tang Yin's attack is not just as simple as Biao's hand speed, his attack accuracy and ballistics are the absolute peaks. In the face of such an attack, with the same precision on both sides, if he doesn't use some hand speed, his disadvantage will only become more obvious.

bang bang bang...  

The dense rain of bullets passed by the sides of the two sides, and it was meaningless to dodge at extremely close distances. It was possible to increase the deep damage of oneself. However, due to the difference in hand speed, Zhou Zekai's disadvantage was still revealed.

"Zhou Zekai's situation seems to have started to become less popular." In the commentary room, Li Yibo finally began to speak again. After all, Tang Yin's advantages had begun to manifest now, so he finally dared to speak again.

"Well, no..." Pan Sen just wanted to meet his partner a few words, but the next moment the scene directly told him to shut up. He saw that Zhou Zekai's attack seemed to be several times violent, and the bullets became more and more intensive. . At first, Pan Sen thought that Zhou Zekai's hand speed had caught up with Tang Yin, but he found that Zhou Zekai's hand speed had not changed, but that his bullets per shot had increased!

"Scattering!" Pan Lin called out.

Scattering is a state skill of the sharpshooter's true and false self-burst and attack power, but it makes each bullet become several after it is fired, and the sharpshooter, as the main attack method of shooting, this kind of skill is absolutely right. One of the biggest increases in their attack.

But this skill is not only possessed by Zhou Zekai, it's just that Tang Yin uses another skill, Rapid Fire! He directly doubled his attack speed several times. After all, the attack power bonus of scattering is indeed strong for him, but the attack range has also changed, and the effective attack will naturally decrease, even if they are directly close to each other now. , And as for Tang Yin's sky-defying aim, the opponent's Zhou Zekai in the sky is completely focused on attacking, so compared to scattering, quick-fire is more suitable for him. Again, the sky is his domain!

For a while, it was already a fierce confrontation between heaven and earth, but after Tang Yin and Zhou Zekai used the boosting skills again by coincidence, it became even more intense. And the reason why Pan Sen was silenced was also very simple, and it was because of skill points. Zhou Zekai's skill level is also higher than Tang Yin's, and he feels that Tang Yin will be suppressed by the opponent again!

Zizzizizi, but just as Pan Sen was talking about Zhou Zekai again, electric lights appeared directly on Zhou Zekai's body. The appearance of these electric lights directly shocked Pan Sen directly. Can you two make people talk well?

However, he was depressed, and Pan Sen immediately looked at the reason why Zhou Zekai's body exploded, and the reason was very simple. After all, Tang Yin's skill points are not blind points. After all, if the output of his own skills is not enough, then he should add other skills. Anyway, Tang Yin's skills are not many.

And what shocked Zhou Zekai in this way was the ammunition expert skill: silver bullet.


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