Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1373: storm

Silver bullet, explosive bomb. It was still Zhou Zekai's most troublesome ice bullet, the attribute bullets of various ammunition experts, and the enhanced bullets were successively put on by Tang Yin. In the face of Tang Yin's double amplification, Zhou Zekai was also a little helpless. After all, he was a human being, rather than a god. In Tang Yin's situation, he didn't dare to be hit at all.

He could only throw out a grenade, distract Tang Yin with the method Tang Yin had used before, and at the same time, the revolver changed direction and shot continuously, relying on the flying spear to return to the ground. No way, continue to be in the sky, just give Tang Yin a live target.

After the confrontation just now, Zhou Zekai also had to admit that Tang Yin's dominance over the sky, and wanting to gain an advantage in the sky, was indeed a bit whimsical.

Zhou Zekai also did not learn many low-level skills of other gunners at all. As long as the skills are effective and suitable for his style of play, in general, he will learn a little, but the level will not be too high. The way to add a certain amount of skill points to wanting Tang to learn all the way, and allocating a certain skill point, is that in the early days, Ye Xiu was a special case of a loose person, and Quan Glory didn't have one.

Zhou Zekai just landed here, and when he came into contact with the floating state, it was a direct operation. Then he rolled backhand and tried to distance himself from Tang Yin again. It didn't take too long. As long as this cd is over, he can still continue to fight back.

But here Zhou Zekai had just finished rolling, and before he got up, a grenade had already rolled to his side.


A huge wave of air was raised, and Zhou Zekai, who had just rolled up, was thrown into the air. At the same time, Tang Yin directly started mobile shooting and pursued Zhou Zekai.

Can't escape?

Seeing that Zhou Zekai is about to be suppressed by Tang Yin again, the hearts of the reincarnation fans have been beaten beyond recognition. After all, seeing that the absolute trump card they support, Zhou Zekai, who is almost omnipotent except for treatment, is now being suppressed by the thought of a rookie. And with all the means, in the end, he couldn't even escape the opponent's pursuit.

bang bang bang...

There was another burst of gunshots, and Zhou Zekai also didn't give up. Facing Tang Yin who had started mobile shooting, Zhou Zekai was still being blown away by the grenade, but he also directly fired back.

"This kind of confrontation is impossible, after all, Zhou Zekai's skills are limited." Pan Lin looked at the skill tree where most of Zhou Zekai's skills had not yet been cooled down. Now Zhou Zekai seems to be facing Tang Yin, it's a little early.

As for Li Yibo, who was a guest, he didn't want to talk anymore, he understood it now. The captains of these two guys are high-end, and their various intentions are not something that a player of his level can guess at the first time. That's why he and Pan Lin have been beaten in the face. It's annoying...

But in this case, Pan Sen was very embarrassed. After all, Li Yibo, as a guest, had a somewhat detached identity. That is to say, if he does not speak, he can simply not speak. But after speaking, Pan Sen can't. No matter what the situation is, even if he can't see anything, he has to say some words.

"This attack shouldn't be able to repel Tang Yin...Is it..." Now Pan Sen's voice, the more lack of confidence, the more lack of confidence.

But this time he really got it right, despite Zhou Zekai's rapid-fire skills. There has been a great increase in attack speed, but mobile shooting itself has the attribute of increasing shooting speed, and things like status skills, everyone is a sharpshooter, you have it, I have it too.

But Tang Yin was not in a hurry to use it, and then Tang Yin suddenly jumped up, jumping plus an airfight backflip, and facing Zhou Zekai's head was the machine gun, which was a death raid.

Tang Yin used this skill to get close again, and the distance Zhou Zekai just opened disappeared instantly.

Of course, Zhou Zekai knew that if both sides in melee combat were fighting spear tactics, he would definitely not be able to do it now. Therefore, his opponent Tang Yin's policy is also very clear, and he may not be too close to Tang Yin. But not too far. Tang Yin's sniper shot Zhou Zekai had to admire him, but as far as the mid-range captain, his sniper shot didn't do much. This can be seen from the couple's consecutive sniper rifles, but none of them had any effect.

But this Tang Yin was really too deadly. Just as he wanted to open up a little distance, the other party used grenades and death raids to close the distance again.

But facing Tang Yin who was hitting his head behind him, Zhou Zekai wouldn't get used to it. He turned around and hit Tang Yin directly in the air, and threw the last grenade on his body.

Although he was shot several times by Tang Yin, this time it was Tang Yin's turn to float.

After all, Death Raid was originally an aerial shooting skill. Tang Yin was directly stunned by the headshot effect of his headshot. He kept floating in the air by the explosion of the grenade, and he turned around again after coming out of the freeze in the Death Raid. A sliding shovel.

Tang Yin saw that Zhou Zekai wanted to distance himself again, and directly turned the revolver into a hand gun, and a flying gun chased after him. In the face of Tang Yin's pursuit, Zhou Zekai stood up, turned to face Tang Yin, jumped up, and then the revolver shot at Tang Yin in bursts, and attacked Tang Yin at the same time as the spear.

There was no way, Tang Yin could only land on the ground. After all, whether it was a flying gun or a flying gun, the direction of movement was directly behind, and from this angle, he could not effectively attack Zhou Zekai, but would be targeted by the opponent. Therefore, Tang Yin could only stop the pursuit of the flying artillery, and landed quickly with a shot at the sky.

But of course Tang Yin wouldn't let Zhou Zekai escape so easily, after all, the sky was his domain!

A superhero landed, turned around, and had an extra sniper rifle in his hand. Although it is only a level 25 sniper rifle, it is enough!


With one shot, Zhou Zekai fell in response, but this time he was not dizzy. Of course, it wasn't that Tang Yin didn't get hit. On the contrary, Zhou Zekai knew very well that he couldn't dodge this shot in the sky, so he simply didn't use the flying spear and kept both spears in front of him. A long-range block, blocking Tang Yin's attack. But the character also fell to the ground because he had no kinetic energy.

This is Tang Yin's sliding shovel to continue to catch up. Tang Yin got up and kicked in a roundabout way, and Zhou Zekai, who landed, kicked in an instant. The attacks on both sides were parrying each other, but it was only the beginning.

This time, Zhou Zekai did not continue to distance himself, but confronted Tang Yin and chose to attack. There is no reason for him, because now his skill CD can almost start to explode again!

But this time, he didn't get the advantage like the last time, because Tang Yin's hand speed has already broken 650. In the face of a single skill, Tang Yin's output is not as good as Zhou Zekai's, but if he attacks Zhou Zekai's skills all at once What about more? If you hit me with one skill, then I will have multiple skills to fight back! So not only Zhou Zekai is attacking, but Tang Yin is also attacking!


Faced with such a result, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Erha didn't know what to say...

All I can do is to mourn for the deaths of all the people on China Eastern Airlines flight mu5735. …

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